The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1063: Scared away

Seeing that it was Zuo who was arguing with him last time, Zhao Zicong also smiled. He looked at Zuo and said with a smile: "It turns out to be a girl. I would like to thank you girl. If it weren't for you, I would really not know Where's Miss Xiaowan!"

Zhao Zicong's smile on his face made the people who knew Zhao Zicong a little skeptical.

When did Zhao Zicong become so serious?

Moreover, if Zhao Zicong's remarks were normal, it would be nothing but Gu Xiaowan.

Zhao Zicong is nothing to express love in front of everyone. But for Gu Xiaowan

That's slandering her reputation!

Zuo let out a sneer, and cursed coldly: "Presumptuously, how can the name of my county lord allow you to call it!"

A loud blast resounded across the lobby of Jinfu Building.

Everyone looked at Zuo in a daze, Zhao Zicong was also stunned, looking at Zuo in a daze.

But seeing Zuo braving his whole body with a cold aura, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

"You" Zhao Zicong reacted and wanted to say something.

But seeing Zuo interrupted his voice: "Openly slandering the reputation of my county lord among the people is a capital crime! The Qing law stipulates that women of rank 5 and above shall not openly call noble names, and those who violate the order shall slap their mouths. Those who destroy the reputation of nobles in the public, and those who violate orders will be cut!"

When Zuo said this, some people were stunned.

They really don’t know that there are regulations in the law that say that women with official ranks cannot be called by their names in public, and they can’t destroy the reputation of others. This is to beheaded!

But seeing Azuo's conclusive expression, seemed to believe it.

The county head who was appointed by the emperor himself is the one with the name in the royal jade butterfly!

Gu Xiaowan is the head of the fifth-rank county, if someone really ruined her reputation, it would shame the royal family.

Shame the royal family, isn't that the sin of beheading!

The guests around were a little frightened, and spontaneously stepped back two steps.

I'm afraid that this felony that humiliated the royal family will fall on me.

Zhao Zicong was also a little scared, but when he came, he still remembered what Madam Zhao said to him. If he didn't see Gu Xiaowan today, he would never go back!

"This girl, the county lord is also a human? There are also seven emotions and six desires, right? She did not marry and I did not marry the county lord. I sincerely like the county lord. I want to take care of the county lord for the rest of my life. I have a true heart. Could it be that I have violated the law? "Zhao Zicong still looks like I am sincere!

Looking at it sincerely, but who knows how much bad water is in this belly?

Moreover, Gu Xiaowan is the master of her family, so how could Ah Zuo and Ahmad make others covet Gu Xiaowan. When the two looked at each other, they could see the mockery in each other's eyes.

The sword in Ahmad's hand suddenly moved away, and he said with a smile: "Young Master Zhao is so infatuated, so respectable and sigh! Since Young Master Zhao treats my girl sincerely, he must bear the corresponding punishment. In accordance with the laws and regulations of the Qing Dynasty, openly slander the county lord’s reputation and cut his tongue! Young Master Zhao, please stick out your tongue, I can do things too!"

"You" Zhao Zicong still had the calmness just now. He looked at Ahmad like a purgatory Shura in horror. The panicked whole person was shaking: "Dare you!"

"I don't dare to do anything. My girl is the county head, and she has a jade seal canonized by the emperor herself. You openly slander my girl's reputation. I will kill you at any time, and no one dares to say anything!" Ah Mo smiled, coldly.

It was like a smiling Shura who crawled out of hell.

Zhao Zicong felt scared at this time.

In front of him, the dazzling sword shone with a cold cold light, exuding Shenren's coldness.

Zhao Zicong is timid and fearful. There was such a state of fearlessness just now, but he also had a purpose and wanted to achieve his wish.

Zhao Zicong really understood this time that he was afraid that his wish could not be fulfilled. If he did not stop, he was afraid that his tongue and head would not be able to keep it.

"The hero is forgiving, the hero is forgiving, I will never dare again next time. I will never dare again next time!" Zhao Zicong collapsed to the ground in shock.

Seeing his unpromising appearance, Zuo glanced around, she heard the whispering voices of those people just now, and said unceremoniously at this moment: "Today I am here to remind everyone, if I hear someone next time Feel free to slander my girl's reputation, whether you want your tongue or your head, you should weigh it yourself!"

Zuo's terrifying aura immediately made Zhao Zicong's **** **** off, without saying a word, he crawled and ran away.

When she returned to her life, Gu Xiaowan knew what Zuo and Ahmad were doing.

Zhao Zicong was scared off seeing them in a few words, and he was very satisfied.


"In this Qing law, is there really a saying that you can't slander the reputation of high-ranking female officials?" Gu Xiaowan is a little curious. If there is such a saying, then there will be some relatives who will deal with the best relatives in the future. Hilt a sharp sword.

Ahmad and Zuo, you look at me, I look at you, and say in unison: "No! It's me who is the messenger!"

Gu Xiaowan was a little disappointed when he heard that the two of them were fooling around.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's slightly disappointed look, Ah Zuo suddenly had an idea in his heart. He looked at Ahmad and saw something in each other's eyes!

Zhao Zicong was scared and returned home. Madam Zhao had already been waiting for him at home.

Since Zhao Zicong came back last time and said that he had spoken a few words with Gu Xiaowan, and was reprimanded by this girl a few times, Madam Zhao had a plan in mind.

Zhao Zicong knew Gu Xiaowan, and then Gu Xiaowan knew Zhao Zicong.

The two young men and women have met each other, and maybe there will be a chance to tie the knot in the future!

Mrs. Zhao shared her thoughts with Zhao Zicong. When Zhao Zicong heard that he could marry Gu Xiaowan, she thought of Gu Xiaowan’s white eggs like peeled eggs, and her beautiful face, and she agreed without thinking about it. .

Gu Xiaowan is so long that she can't tell, this status is also very noble!

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