The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1064: Don't offend Gu Xiaowan

Ever since Mrs. Zhao learned that Gu Xiaowan was named the county head, she really didn't think about tea and rice every day and couldn't sleep at night.

Eat, eat well, sleep well, sleep well.


Because Gu Xiaowan became the head of Anping County, if she succeeded in begging for a kiss at that time, then it wouldn't matter if the Zhao family was in Liujiazhen and walking sideways.

But helplessly, she did not succeed!

She failed!

Seeing Zhao Zicong's scared half-dead look when he came back, without asking, he must have failed.

"Mother, those people said, among me, to slander the reputation of the county lord of Anping and cut my head!" Zhao Zicong was about to be scared to death, clutching his head for fear that his head was gone.

Madam Zhao was angry with the look of that disappointment.

That Gu Xiaowan was simply too irritating.

What are you doing to scare people well?

"When your father comes back, I'll ask your father!" Madam Zhao was anxious, and expected her son to make a good impression in front of Gu Xiaowan.

This time, I'm afraid that the impression has been made, which girl likes this ghost crying and howling!

Madam Zhao sighed, and in the evening, Zhao Xun came back.

During this period of time, Zhao Xun would come to Zhao's house almost every day. He used to sit and leave. Later, he left after eating. When he reached the back, he just stayed and stopped.

Since Mrs. Zhao asked herself to go to Gu Xiaowan to propose a marriage last time, she also knew that Zhao Xun’s heart, no matter what, was in Zhao’s family. What’s so good about it? The first thing that comes to mind is her side, so, The hatred for Zhao Xun is gone.

He also followed the words of Madam He and became a good wife and mother, so he didn't pick Zhao Xun who didn't like to say anything.

There is nothing she can't do to please others in this way. Madam Zhao did it smoothly, and she also discovered the benefits.

Zhao Xun treated her with a gentleness he had never had before.

The two people are like the love they have never had before, and the old man and wife are still in love.

Tired of being together all day.

Mrs. Zhao seemed to have regained a new life, and her whole face was radiant.

Where is the bitterness before, and after tasting the benefits of such good words, he became more gentle and obedient.

The whole person looked more pleasing to the eye than before.

Zhao Xun had been with the Hong clan every day before, and was already bored.

Moreover, during the recent period for Gu Xiaowan's affairs, Hong and him had a big quarrel for five days and a small quarrel for three days. His brain hurts because of the noise. This woman, just don't get used to it, otherwise, I really think I can fly into the sky with wings.

So, he didn't want to stay in the outer room anymore, and came to Madam Zhao's side every day.

After hearing Madam Zhao complaining about her son's intimidation in the afternoon, Zhao Xun was stunned: "There is no such thing in the Qing law!"

"Really not?" Madam Zhao stayed too.

"Absolutely not!" The Zhao family also has a hundred years of family business. All the laws issued by the Qing Dynasty will be collected by the Zhao family. When looking for it, I will take it out from time to time and look at it. Of course, I don't see this one in it. .

Madam Zhao listened to Zhao Xun's such affirmation, and she thought it was true.

I felt a little angry at Gu Xiaowan: "This Anping county owner is not making fun of Cong'er!"

Madam Zhao sighed uncomfortably at the thought of Zhao Zicong's coming back so frightened.

Seeing Madam Zhao angry, Zhao Xun thought for a while and comforted: "Madam, don't feel sad. That Gu Xiaowan is now the head of Anping County, and her temper is definitely bigger than before. Let's not follow her. , We have to coax her. If you lose, she is just a half-year-old child!"

When Mrs. Zhao saw Zhao Xun say this, she lamented: "Master, I don’t know, but this Gu Xiaowan has always been a guy who doesn’t make money, and I can still use the prestige of the Zhao family to suppress it. She, she is not afraid. Now that we have beautiful and oppressed her identity, she would not put our Zhao family in the eyes of her!"

Zhao Xun smiled, patted the back of Madam Zhao’s hand, and said with a smile: "Madam, the boat will be straight at the bridge head, and the willows are bright and there will be another village. Gu Xiaowan doesn’t give us face, Jiang’s family, she doesn’t put it on In my eyes!"

Then, he secretly told Mrs. Zhao the news that had been secretly spread outside during this period of time.

When Madam Zhao heard this, her mouth was open for a long time and her mouth closed from ear to ear: "Master, what are you saying is true?"

An unbelievable look.

Then Mrs. Jiang took off her clothes in front of everyone, gaffe?

Looking at Zhao Xun's affirmative look, Madam Zhao knew that this matter was all right, but what did Madam Zhao's gaffe have to do with Gu Xiaowan?

"Why is it okay? I heard that originally, this trick was used on Gu Xiaowan's body, so I wanted to make Gu Xiaowan lose her ugliness in front of everyone, and then marry Gu Xiaowan into the Jiang family!" Zhao Xun sighed. Tao.

This Jiang family really does everything.

The little girl didn't want to go to Jiang's house, so she used such abusive methods to persecute others.

Fortunately, the host spirits of Anping County saw through their tactics, so they didn't get the trick!

Madam Zhao sighed when she heard it: "The Jiang family has been too smooth these past few years, and it's too defiant. It's no wonder that if you do such a thing, you will be rewarded!"

"Don't underestimate the county lord of Anping, the few people who followed her, all of them are extraordinary!" Zhao Xun thought for a while, but it is better to warn Mrs. Zhao to go down: "Don't think about anything crooked. I'm afraid that when the time comes, our Zhao family will not be able to play!"

Seeing Zhao Xun's seriousness, Madam Jiang was a little scared. She had some small calculations in her heart. After thinking about it, she suppressed it and didn't dare to think again.

Gu Xiaowan is important, and Zhao family is more important.

Can't take it to the next level, as long as it can protect the current Zhao family, that is enough.

After being threatened to leave Gu Zicong, Gu Xiaowan took Zuo back home.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan bring back a girl, everyone was a little curious.

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