The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1065: Something is going to happen to the Jiang family

I have long heard that Gu Xiaowan helped a girl in the town and put her in Jinfu Tower. Everyone wanted to see it.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan brought her back this time, everyone was enthusiastic.

Seeing everyone so enthusiastic, Zuo is still a little uncomfortable.

I used to be by my master's side, and I was unsmiling all day long.

But this time, everyone put joy and enthusiasm on their faces and greeted themselves enthusiastically.

"Ms. Zuo? You are finally here. I have heard that Xiaowan talked about you. Now it's okay. We have a new member in our family!" Gu Fangxi said with a smile, "I'll go Clean up the house. I don’t know you are coming. The house has not been cleaned yet!"

Gu Xiaowan was smiling faintly beside her, with a small smile on her lips.

"Sister, sister, your name looks like Brother Ah Mo, are you brothers and sisters?" Xiao Yi also ran out, listening to Ah Zuo's name, and then asked curiously.

The names of Ahmad and Zuo are really similar.

Zuo quickly thought about it in his mind. In order not to make them suspicious, he quickly explained: "My real name is Zuo Xiaohong. Because I think the name Xiaohong is not good, so I just say my name is Ah. left!"

This is not wrong.

When Ah Zuo was picked up by the master before, she was an orphan who didn’t even know her name. Because she picked it up on the street on the left, the master called her Zuo, and Ah You picked it up on the street on the right, so It's called Ah You.

Simple and easy to remember.

Ahmad seemed to think of his own experience of being named, and he was a little embarrassed.

Gu Xiaoyi suddenly realized: "Oh, no wonder!"

Zuo Xiaohong, this name is really too popular.

Gu Xiaowan smiled, touched Gu Xiaoyi's curious head and said, "You will call her Sister Zuo from now on. She will stay in our house for a long time in the future!"

Gu Xiaoyi nodded and smiled and pulled Zuo's hand: "Sister Zuo, are you hungry? I'm bored with a few sweet potatoes in the kitchen stove. I should be bored. I will take you to eat. Sweet potatoes are delicious!"

After speaking, Gu Xiaoyi took Zuo and left.

Gu Xiaowan smiled and waved her hand and said: "Go, treat this as your home, don't be restrained, if I have something, I will call you!"

Ah Zuo followed Xiao Yi down, and Ahmad looked at Ah Zuo with mixed feelings.

When Qin Yizhi asked Zuo to come over, Zuo's repulsive expression was in his eyes.

But seeing her eyes full of joy just now, Ahmad knew that Zuo didn't reject Gu Xiaowan's coming.

After all, such a good master can never meet.

Ahmad laughed. During dinner in the evening, Qin Yizhi came back.

After listening to Gu Xiaowan's account of what happened in the afternoon, Qin Yizhi felt amused too.

"That Zhao Zicong was frightened by Ahmad and Zuo and ran back home, fearing that he would not dare to come again during this time!" Gu Xiaowan smiled and pulled Qin Yizhi into the room. The two of them had dinner and then went outside. After digesting the food, the two entered the room.

Qin Yizhi has been really busy these days.

Gu Xiaowan specially prepared a set of utensils for boiling water and making tea in the outside compartment.

Wash your hands, boil the water, and start making tea.

Gu Xiaowan had followed her grandfather in her previous life and had drunk a lot of tea. She also had her own experience of what kind of tea was used, what water, and how to make it.

In particular, I have been to a teahouse several times and saw other people making tea. I have also devoted myself to studying it. The craftsmanship of making tea is much better than before.

Qin Yizhi drank the tea that Gu Xiaowan brought, took a sip, and was full of praise: "Yes, Wan'er's tea making skills are getting better and better than before!"

Seeing him complimenting herself, Gu Xiaowan said without humility: "That's natural. I concentrated on studying and naturally improved!"

After Qin Yizhi drank the tea in his hand, he smiled and said, "Wan'er, I heard that there is a tea-making expert in Minshan who can change the shape. If you like it, let's go to Minshan and study together. How about it?"

Qin Yizhi said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan had never been to Minshan. When he heard that he was going to Minshan, his eyes lit up immediately: "Shall we go to Minshan?"

"Do you want to go?" Qin Yizhi saw that her whole person was shining, and he was even more delighted. He took a long hand and fished Gu Xiaowan into his arms and hugged her on her lap. , Looked at her excited face dozingly: "I promised you before to see the mountains and rivers, how about starting from now?"

Gu Xiaowan never thought that he could go out to watch so soon, a little surprised, and then ecstasy.

"Brother Yizhi, when shall we leave?" Gu Xiaowan stretched out her hand to wrap her around Qin Yizhi's neck and asked with a smile.

I didn't even think of how ambiguous I was in the way I am now.

Qin Yizhi looked at the beautiful plain face close at hand, the red lips, the beautiful eyebrows, and the whole person's heart, as if a flower had blossomed from the bottom of his heart.

"When the matter here is resolved, let's go!" Qin Yizhi played with Gu Xiaowan's smooth hair, trying to divert his attention.

"What's the matter?" Gu Xiaowan was a little curious. Just let Xiao Shengzi take care of things in Ruixian County. After so many years of training, Xiao Shengzi has become more sophisticated than before. Qin Yizhi is absent. At that time, he can be alone.

"Wan'er, there is something, I don't know if you still remember it?" Qin Yizhi was planning to tell Gu Xiaowan about it, and he never planned to hide it.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Qin Mozhi's solemn expression, he also became serious.

"The Jiang family is afraid something is about to happen!" Qin Mozhi lowered his head and sniffed, Gu Xiaowan's hair had a nice fragrance, refreshing.

"Something is going to happen to the Jiang family?" Gu Xiaowan was curious: "What happened?"

"Remember when Chen Junsheng discovered Jiang's private salt warehouse?"

"Remember!" At that time, Chen Junsheng was imprisoned by the Jiang family for many days because of this incident. Later, because he didn't ask anything about it, Gu Xiaowan asked someone to save him.

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