The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1068: Liu Congran knows

"Miss, it's not that I don't want to live anymore, it's you who didn't let the Liu family live!" Xiao Taoyu cried earnestly: "The master is a salt and iron envoy. Since the emperor wants to assign private salt to the court, the master has been helping the emperor manage it. The salt matter. This time, if you suddenly burst out, the Jiang family blatantly sells illegal salt. If this is known to the people above, the Jiang family is a capital crime, and the master is also in danger of escape due to malfeasance!"

Xiaotao understands the truth.

Why did Liu Congran send Liu Tianci to the Jiang family for the purpose of containing the Jiang family, and why the Jiang family was so obedient to the Liu family was also to please the Liu family.

Both of them understood what the other was thinking, but they didn't say it, they were doing things that made the other at ease.

And Liu Tianci would actually write the Jiang family’s incriminating evidence. Could it be because of the look of Mrs. Jiang’s dislike of her last time?

"Don't talk nonsense, the Jiang family's accident is the Jiang family's affair, and it has nothing to do with the Liu family!" Liu Tianci was also a little scared, but still pretending to be calm, pushing all the responsibilities on others: "You are slandering this lady here, don't think you used to be my close maid, I dare not do anything to you! Come on, drag her down, beat, beat me hard!"

Liu Tianci stretched out his hand and waved, and someone came over immediately, pulling Xiao Tao directly and dragging it outside.

Xiaotao knew Liu Tianci's cruel heart and turned her face in denial, she just wailed: "Miss, you must not do stupid things, something happened to the Jiang family, and the Liu family can't escape the blame!"

Xiaotao's words fell in Liu Tianci's ears, harshly: "Come here, seal her mouth for me!"

Xiao Tao was covered by someone, and was dragged down sobbing, but the panic on her face infected the people present.

Everyone in the room heard what Xiao Tao said just now.

This matter has something to do with the Liu family and the Jiang family.

In Liu Tianci's yard, there was Madam Liu's eyeliner. Now as soon as he got the news, he immediately ran to Madam Liu to inform him.

Because what I heard was not a lot, the person who reported it was not very clear. Just say that Xiaotao said something is going to happen to the Jiang family, and the Liu family will be finished with it.

Madam Liu naturally thinks more than Liu Tianci!

After hearing these words this time, it suddenly seemed to understand something. The whole person was on the verge of a big enemy, so he sent someone to **** Xiao Tao back, and also sent someone to tell Liu Congran to go.

Liu Congran was socializing outside with people. After listening to the people in the house, his expression changed drastically, and he couldn't care about the socializing, so he took him home directly.

When I rushed to Madam Liu’s yard, I heard Madam Liu’s yelling curse: "You broom star, are you going to kill our Liu family!"

Then I heard someone crying: "Ma'am, the servant girl really doesn't know! I just heard what Xiaohe said by accident, and showed me the letter in his hand, saying that it contained all the evidence of the Jiang family. She also said that Miss trusted her and asked her to hand in such an important letter!"

When I heard that this matter had nothing to do with Liu Tianci, Liu Congran's blood poured over his head: "Bring me that unfilial girl!"

Liu Tianci was in her room, pacing anxiously. What Xiaotao said just now really scared her.

She had only hatred for the Jiang family in her heart, and she was thinking about how to give the Jiang family to the whole, but she didn't expect that this matter would involve the Liu family.

Liu Tianci listened to Xiao Tao's words, but now she has absolutely no choice!

In this courtyard, there is only one person who can be trusted.

A Xiaohe went out to deliver the letter.

A little peach has been tied down by her.

The other people, more or less, were the people sent by Mrs. Liu and Liu Congran to monitor him. Liu Tianci didn’t dare to let them do things. If this fell in Liu Congran’s ears, if it was really as Xiaotao said. , If the Liu family will be implicated, I am afraid that her own life will be gone.

Liu Tianci was pacing around the room in a panic, constantly chanting what to do and what to do.

At the speed of Xiaohe, at this time, I'm afraid it's almost reaching the Ministry of Households.

When I was thinking about it, a few mothers rushed in from outside, and they drove her out without knowing it.

Liu Tianci didn't expect that he would be bullied like this at home, so he went wild on the spot: "What are you doing? What are you doing! I am the eldest!"

"Miss, of course we know that you are the eldest lady. Now the master wants to see you and asks us to take you there as soon as possible, only to be slightly wronged!"

After finishing speaking, he drove people out without waiting for Liu Tianci to speak.

Liu Tianci cursed along the way, and was driven by the group of mothers to drive Mrs. Liu's yard.

"Why are you looking for me?" Liu Tianci still had a hint of fantasy.

After waiting to enter the house, looking at the maid Xiaotao who was lying in a pool of blood, and the two wishing to eat her own face, Liu Tianci knew that Liu Congran already knew everything!

"Lie" Suddenly, the table was photographed and the sky shook the sky. One can imagine how angry Liu Congran was: "Niezhang, don't you knelt down!"

Liu Tianci knelt down, and saw Liu Congran stepping down from above angrily, with a fierce look on his face.

When Liu Tianci was still thinking about what he was going to do, there was a sharp pain in his head. Liu Congran grabbed his hair into his hand and pulled it fiercely: "What did you write?"

"My father, what are you talking about, I don't understand!" Liu Tianci felt Liu Congran's anger. This time, she really understood that the letter was really a reminder!

Not to urge the Liu family, but to urge her!

Seeing Liu Congran's fierce look, Liu Tianci was a little frightened, and his whole body trembled in fear: "Father, don't listen to this maid's nonsense, I did nothing, I did nothing!"

Xiao Tao was already beaten and covered in blood, lying there lifelessly, like a broken baby.

Seeing that maidservant was once Liu Tianci's personal maidservant, and now, just because she made a mistake, she was beaten up like this, Madam Liu felt a little frightened!

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