The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1069: Liu Tianci's biological mother

This Liu Tianci is not a good person!

Such a cruel hand can be done to the people around her, let alone the Jiang family who has offended her!

This girl, her heart is really cruel!

"Father, I didn't write anything, I didn't write anything!" Liu Tianci had never seen Liu Congran's anger so much, and the whole person felt the fear that he had never felt before.

She looked at Liu Congran's almost bloodthirsty eyes and the monstrous anger on his face, as if she was about to swallow herself in the next moment.


"Slap" Liu Congran slapped him, and slapped Liu Tianci away from his head, staring at the stars.


"Ah." Liu Congju kicked Liu Tianci's body, the pain on his face was still there, and Liu Congju kicked his body vigorously, and he directly kicked Liu Tianci back, his head thumped. It knocked on the floor tiles and made a dull sound.

Liu Tianci only felt like someone else had crushed her whole body. From head to waist, all her bones were broken.

She kicked her apricot directly with a hard kick on her chest, and then a stream of blood poured down her throat and flowed down the corner of her mouth.

Liu Congran's kick was really cruel!

Seeing Liu Congran's strength, "Master" Madam Liu couldn't mention how proud she was when she looked at Liu Tianci's **** embarrassed look.

He hurriedly came forward to pull Liu Congran, and kept stroking his undulating back, and kept persuading him: "Master, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's not worth it for this girl!"

He glanced lightly at Liu Tianci, who was caring about vomiting blood. On that bright face, there was a red palm print, and his hair was messed up. The whole person was disheveled, and he looked more embarrassed by the red blood on the corners of his mouth. , How embarrassed.

Madam Liu didn't like Liu Tianci, and she didn't like it extremely.

I always feel that this shameless look is very much like the biological mother of the actress who died.

Hu Meizi's face looked like, and the eye-catching eyes were like trying to wipe out the soul of others.

Madam Liu's maiden name is Mao, who is Liu Congran's real wife, and she is a rare and ruthless character.

Mrs. Liu herself is also dignified and generous, and quite attractive, and because her family's status in the capital is pretty good, when she married Liu Congran, Liu Congran was just a scholar.

Because Mrs. Liu was still a concubine when she was a girl, and if she wanted to marry a big family, she could only be a side house or a concubine. It was completely impossible to be a concubine, so, Madam Liu chose Liu Congran, who was still a scholar at the time.

Although this official lady married, although she was a concubine, her family status should not be underestimated. This Liu Congran is also a loyal person. With the reputation of the Mao family, her career is getting better and better, Mrs. Liu Liu Congran was also an acquaintance of the kindness he had received back then, and he treated Madam Liu very well.

I have been married for many years and have not had a concubine. Even if there is some rumor outside, but when I return home, I still treat Madam Liu wholeheartedly. This Madam Liu also saw her in her eyes, and was happy in her heart.

Later, after giving birth to the eldest son Liu Tianming, Mrs. Liu’s stomach remained silent. Mrs. Liu didn’t want the Liu family to pass on such a single pass, so she gave her dowry maid beside her to Liu Congran and asked him to open her face. It can be regarded as one more knowledgeable person around to serve Liu Congran.

Liu Congran got a fresh girl, and naturally knew what Madam Liu meant, and I was extremely grateful to Madam Liu in his heart.

Nothing happened in the main room just because there was a newcomer in the room!

But Liu Tianci's mother was really an unexpected accident.

But it was Liu Congran who drank to listen to the play, but he was put into bed by the actor.

It is also a secret knot, with Liu Tianci this evil kind!

Mrs. Liu was so angry that she really wanted to kill the actor, but she was pregnant, and she was afraid of a life lawsuit. In order to take care of Liu Congran's career, she had to knock down her teeth and swallow blood, and endured it. , Carried the actor into the Liu Mansion.

Since then, the Liu Mansion has had three mistresses.

The actor became pregnant in October and gave birth to Liu Tianci, who was carried away by his aunt.

And Liu Congran's heart slowly broke away from Madam Liu's control, and became out of control.

The actor seemed to be a fox Meizi, and immediately caught Liu Congran's heart.

But fortunately, this Liu Congran was still well-informed, and did not do anything against the law!

That little concubine has always been a little concubine, and since the birth of a daughter, there has been no turmoil.

Liu Tianci follows her mother, who looks like that actor.

Later, the maid who carried him gave birth to a son, and then, there was no more movement in the Liu family.

Because that actor gave birth to the only young lady in the Liu Mansion, he has other thoughts. The daughter is the only lady in the house. Although she is a concubine, she is the only one at any rate!

In this big family, there are not too many sons, but also daughters!

After he grew up, he married other families to consolidate his family's power. Although the actor was an actor, his brain was very active.

Seeing Liu Tianci grow up day by day, this long eye is like a silky eye, not to mention the country and the city, but it is also a shameless flower. Seeing her daughter grow up like this, the actor became more and more disturbed.

The more beautiful your daughter is, the more opportunities you will have in the future. If you can choose to be on the side of the emperor once, you will enter the palace later, but you will be a mother!

If your own daughter becomes a mother-in-law, can you get some benefits anyway as your biological mother? Maybe, you can still be on the same level as Mrs. Liu and be a wife!

This actor is not bad, and his mind is also very good.

I followed Liu Congran all day long, saying that he would raise Liu Tianci under the name of Mrs. Liu, so that Liu Tianci would not be a concubine, but a decent prostitute of the Liu family, and when she was married, she could still get married. Being the main house can also bring greater benefits to the Liu family.

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