The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1070: Beat Liu Tianci

Liu Congran was not stupid either. Seeing that his only daughter grew and became more beautiful, he also had other meanings in his heart.

Just tried to talk to Madam Liu. When Madam Liu heard it, of course she stopped doing it. There is a biological mother, why should we raise the concubine's daughter in her own name.

If this is really raised, this birth mother is here, what else can you do with your own foster mother!

Of course Mrs. Liu quit.

Although Liu Congran liked that actor, he knew that his achievements were only supported by his wife. He did not dare to offend the Mao family or Madam Liu, so this matter was let go. .

Unexpectedly, after a year, the actor's body would go from bad to worse and worse and worse.

His face was getting older and his body was no longer good, Liu Congran's attention returned to Madam Liu, and there was only a little affection for the actor.

Tasty, delicious, and good medicine were hanging, but in the end he didn't come alive. After a year and a half, he died.

When the actor died, Liu Tianci actually asked Ying, saying that he had no biological mother and wanted to be fostered under Mrs. Liu's name.

Now, Mrs. Liu really couldn't say anything, she could only agree.

Since then, this Liu Tianci has become a madam of the Liu Family's 800-year-old daughter, and she has also followed Madam Liu to celebrities.

With such a miserable appearance, I am afraid that Liu Congran would not have expected such a cruel hand!

"Father, mother, I am your only daughter" Liu Tianci exclaimed, crying and shouting, hoping to win Liu Congran's forgiveness.

Liu Congran felt sorry for the embarrassed look of this flowery daughter, but thought that this person was so stupid to write the evidence of Jiang's crime and went to the household department. When he thought of this, Liu Congran pityed again. Was burned to ashes by anger.

Liu Congran bent down and lowered his head, instantly leaned over and stretched out his hand to pinch Liu Tianci's neck, and roared grimly: "Say, what did you write?"

The sudden feeling of suffocation made Liu Tianci's uncomfortable eyes full of mist and pain, but the pain on the neck was not comparable to the fear and panic that followed: "I, I cough"

She couldn't say a complete sentence, her face turned into a pig liver color because of her breathlessness, and the whole person was embarrassed like a rag doll!

Xiao Tao was lying on the ground silently, she had already woke up, but the young lady who suffered from her just now was no longer the one she wanted to treat wholeheartedly.

Ten years of service will not reach her heart, so that's it!

Liu Tianci was pinched tightly and couldn't say a word!

Liu Congran suddenly released his hand and pushed back and saw Liu Tianci fall to the ground.

"Say! What did you write? If you don't say anything today, I'll kill you, as if I don't have your daughter!" Liu Congran was not joking.

Compared with the future life of a daughter who was born out of the Liu family, he would rather sacrifice this daughter than leave any mistakes.

Liu Congran turned out to be just a poor scholar, and he has struggled all his life to have this situation now.

Who is not proud of him in his hometown!

Which time is it not to return home!

The Liu family has become the most prestigious family among the original clan!

This is what he managed to get stronger with one hand, he couldn't take this risk.

Liu Congran glared fiercely at the daughter of the closed moon and shameless flower in front of him. She used to think she was smart and sensible, but now it seems that she has long hair and short knowledge, and she cannot make it into a climate!

Liu Tianci, Liu Tianci, why are you so stupid? I originally had high hopes for you, hoping to rely on you and be able to contain the Jiang family. I have the Jiang family's handle, and the Jiang family has my handle, and I will be attached to it if there is no hair on it. How can you not understand this thing that kills a thousand enemies and hurts one's own eyes!

Liu Tianci disrupted all Liu Congran's plans!

The whole person is about to explode!

This daughter, he once disliked that she was not a man, but later saw that she was so good and liked it.

Now that she is so old, she is still his daughter anyway.

But now that Liu Tianci has done such a rebellious thing, Liu Congran has the heart to kill her!

Liu Tianci was dizzy after being beaten by Liu Congran, and he was going to pass out of a coma when he was so dizzy.

But where did Liu Congran make her live so well, he just kicked it and woke up Liu Tianci from kicking.

With a stern roar, in this trembling Liu family, it was like a roar walking in front of the Palace of the King of Hades, causing Liu Congran to tremble.

"Have you found that cheap maid?" Liu Congran asked with gritted teeth.

"Not yet, the entire family of the Liu Mansion and the maid went out to look for it!" Madam Liu was also worried, if Xiao He couldn't find it.


I'm really sad about the level in front of me!

"What did you write in the letter?" Liu Congran asked Liu Tianci again when he saw that he could not find the maid.

Staring at Liu Tianci fiercely, as if trying to stare Liu Tianci out of a blood hole.

Liu Tianci was scared of being beaten just now, knowing that if he didn't say anything this time, Liu Congran was afraid that he would greet her again. Quickly trembled and said, "I just wrote some things about the Jiang family!"

"What is it?" Liu Congran's eyes opened wide, wishing to eat her!

"It's just something that doesn't matter!" Liu Tianci didn't dare to tell the truth, so he planned to get through.

But as soon as the voice came off, I heard someone shouting outside: "Master, madam, Xiaohe found it."

Then, I saw someone rushing in from outside, still holding something in his hand, and handed it directly to Liu Congran's hand: "Master, I found this in Xiao He's arms!"

"Did she go to the Ministry of Housing!" Liu Congran's hand holding the thing trembled in fear!

"No, we found her not far from the household department!"

When I heard that the letter was not sent to the Ministry of Housing, Liu Congran was like a discouraged ball. He relaxed, waved his hand and said, "You all go down!"

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