The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1071: Liu Tianming

The less people know about this matter, the better!

All those people went down. In Mrs. Liu's room, there were originally only Liu Congran and the others, but now there is only one more person.

Xiao He was tied with his hands and knelt there, staring at the few people in the room in horror!

Liu Tianci had been beaten into a panic.

The whole person is groggy and crumbling!

"Master" Xiao He shrank in fear and moved a few steps back, but before he moved far, Liu Congran stepped forward and kicked him away.

The whole person hit the wall, fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood!

This Liu Congran is a scholar, but this kick has exhausted all his strength. It can be seen how angry he is!

"I heard that the letter was written by Miss Picker?" Liu Congran wished to kill the cheap maid in front of him.

"I" Xiaohe looked at Liu Tianci in horror, and then at Liu Congran who wished to eat her. The whole person was trembling like chaff!

"Father, she asked me to write, and said that as long as I write, I can get revenge!" Liu Tianci pointed at Xiaohe and cursed: "You **** maid, if it weren't for you, how could I write a letter like that? The letter! It's all caused by you, all by you!"

Then, he got up tremblingly, pounced on Xiao He's side, and fought like crazy.

"You bastard, you want you to harm me, you want you to harm me" Liu Tianci didn't know when he picked up the hairpin on his head and pierced Xiaohe's body one after another.

I only heard Xiao He's heart-piercing scream, terrible!

"Ah" The entire Liu Mansion was shrouded in a strange silence.

Only in Mrs. Liu's house, there was a scream!

Liu Congran didn't care about Liu Tianci's fierce appearance, so he trembled and opened the letter inside.

After reading it, he tore the letter to pieces, looking at Liu Tianci's back, a monstrous anger surged into his heart.

Liu Congran walked towards Liu Tianci step by step, looking at Liu Tianci's fierce appearance with Xiao He fiercely piercing him, step by step, like **** Shura.

Xu Ye felt the danger behind him. The moment Liu Tianci looked back, one of his feet directly kicked her away.

Then Liu Congran didn't know when he had added a sharp dagger, approaching her like a demon.

Liu Tianci didn't expect Liu Congran to take a dagger. He didn't know what he was going to do, but when he saw his fierce appearance, he was shocked. He opened his **** mouth and vigorously defended: "Father, I was wrong, I was wrong. , I will never dare anymore! Father"

Liu Tianci cried bitterly, cried with tears in his nose and tears, but all this has long been lost for Liu Congran's forgiveness.

Seeing Liu Congran approaching Liu Tianci with a dagger, Madam Liu was a little flustered, not knowing what he was going to do, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop Liu Congran, "Master, what are you doing? She is your daughter. what!" Now in Liu Congran's eyes, let alone a daughter, even his father would not be merciless if he threatened the Liu family!

Step by step, Liu Congran came to Liu Tianci’s face. The dagger in his hand was shining with a cold light. As long as one knife is down, he knows all the truth. The daughter of the Liu family who wants to push the Liu family into the fire pit will never hurt him again. Can't stop the Liu family!

Liu Congran's dagger was held in the air, and when it was about to fall, it was intercepted.

It is surprisingly the future head of the Liu family——Liu Tianming: "Father, think twice."

Later, Xiaohe and Xiaotao were beaten to death with sticks and thrown into the mass grave to feed the wolves.

And Liu Tianci was also saved because of Liu Tianming's timely arrival.

Liu Tianci never knew that, in the face of family interests, sacrificed a daughter who was concubine in exchange for prosperity of the Liu family. This transaction is not just the Liu family, but the Zhang family, Wang family, and Li family will do it!

The Jiang family has always been in the salt business. One-third of the salt business in the Qing Dynasty is in the hands of Jianghuainan. This means that the Jiang family, who has been in business for decades or even hundreds of years, can be said to be rich. Got oily.

Later, when the royal family took back the salt business, the Jiang family had already tasted the sweetness of the salt business, how could they give up the salt business so easily, so secretly selling private salt became another business of the Jiang family.

And this business has become a bigger source of income for the Jiang family.

In the business of selling private salt, there is no need to pay taxes, no taxes, then all the silver can be put in the pocket, and as much as there is!

The Jiang family is just a wolf that can't be fed, and the Liu family is just a hunky wolf!

The Liu family knew that the Jiang family was doing private salt activities. In order to continue to make money, the Jiang family would naturally give Liu Congran a lot of benefits!

Moreover, they are distant relatives, who both prosper and lose everything!

In order to protect Jianghuainan from selling illegal salt and not to be caught by the court as evidence, Liu Congran did a lot of work!

The two were embarrassed, and they turned one eye and closed one eye out of the emperor's control.

And Liu Tianci directly played the role of a bridge and link in the communication between Jianghuainan and Congran.

But now, even if this bond is broken, they still have to bring these two people to come soon.

This is just waiting to die!

Liu Tianci didn't understand, but Liu Congran understood very much!

"Why did you stop me just now? I'm going to kill that wicked woman! If this letter is given to the Ministry of Households, the Jiang family is over, and our Liu family is over!" When Liu Congran said this, his hands were still shaking.

They had arrived at Liu Congran's study, but thinking of seeing the letter just now, Liu Congran still felt a chill in his back.

"Father, fortunately, this letter is back in its original form!" Liu Tianming looks a lot like Liu Congran, and this is what Liu Congran has always been proud of.

The son is like Lao Tzu, like seeing himself when he was young!

"Oh, I always think that Tianci is a great thing. I didn't expect that it almost killed the Liu family! You shouldn't stop me just now, I should kill that wicked girl!" Liu Congran thought of Liu Tianming persuading himself to let Liu Tianci go. , This is still a bit unwilling.

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