The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1077: Gu Xiaowan was in a coma

Madam Jiang's expression of grievance, it seems that Gu Xiaowan came here to find someone, she was completely wrong and wronged the Jiang family!

Immediately after the grievance, he said with excitement, "Anping County Lord, we don’t need to always discuss this Gao Yuemei. Come on, this is our Jiangfu’s latest Biluochun. It’s very sweet. You can taste it. Taste it!" After speaking, he enthusiastically picked up a cup of tea and handed it to Gu Xiaowan!

How can Gu Xiaowan drink!

Jiang's tea, who knows what mess will be in the cup of tea that Mrs. Jiang served?

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan was not drinking, the people in Jiangsu enthusiastically passed the tea cup to Gu Xiaowan and stretched it out. Gu Xiaowan became angry and directly slapped the tea cup to the ground, making a crisp cracking sound.

Seeing the tea splashed, Madam Jiang seemed to feel distressed: "The county owner, this is the best Biluochun! Tsk tsk, what a pity!"

Gu Xiaowan anxiously waited to know the whereabouts of Gao Yuemei.

The longer Gao Yuemei spends with an old widower, the more dangerous her situation is!

"Jiang, where is Yuemei? Where is your distant relative hiding!" Gu Xiaowan asked angrily.

"Where would I know!" Mrs. Jiang said displeased: "My distant relative, there is a strange problem. No matter who you marry as a daughter-in-law, he likes to hide his daughter-in-law first. The husband and wife have a good time. Time. No, you also know that my distant relative is more than 40 years old and has no one and a half daughters. It is estimated that when there is a happy one, he will be back soon!"

Upon hearing this, Gu Xiaowan was dumbfounded!

Could it be that Yuemei

Gu Xiaowan dared not even think about it, she rushed forward and pointed to Madam Jiang’s nose and cursed: "Mrs. Jiang, where is Gao Yuemei? You should hand her over as soon as possible, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you!"

Regarding Gu Xiaowan’s angry rebuke, Mrs. Jiang didn’t entertain her, she didn’t pay much attention to it: "What Anping County Lord said is really a laugh. I sold my daughter. Where can I find it? I’m not him. Mother, how would I know where he went? If you want to, you can ask Gao Yuemei. Your own life is not good, so who can be blamed for having a mother like that!"

Madam Jiang also counterattacked unceremoniously!

Suddenly press the left as if you smelled something, and suddenly shouted: "Girl, hurry up and cover your nose and mouth!"

Zuo and Ahmad seemed to smell something weird, and they quickly covered their breath.

But it was too late for Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan just felt a little dizzy on her head, and she became groggy all at once.

Gu Xiaowan was dizzy and dizzy, and she was already a little untenable.

But still insisting on the last point of mind and asked: "Where is Gao Yuemei?"

Zuo quickly stepped forward and supported Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan smelled a lot of scents, and immediately became unconscious, and she passed out into a coma!

Ah Mo didn't care about both men and women, so he stepped forward and held Gu Xiaowan on his back, carrying Gu Xiaowan on his back.

"Let's go!"

"Want to leave? It's not that easy! The door of my Jiang family, how can you come in when you want to come in, and go out when you want to go out! When I am a vegetable market! Come, take them down for me!" Jiang The wife yelled, when Ah Mo was carrying Gu Xiaowan on his back, and Ah Zuo turned to leave.

I don't know where there are so many black-clothed people in strong costumes and face masks, one by one holding bright big swords in their hands, pointing at Gu Xiaowan and the others.

There were more and more people, and Mrs. Jiang's yard was surrounded in an instant.

Gu Xiaowan and the others were surrounded, watching more and more people in black surrounding them, Zuo yelled: "Amad, you run with Miss!"

After speaking, with a push with both hands, Ahmad flew out of the courtyard directly with Gu Xiaowan's external force.

Ahmad’s light gong is very good. The people in black rush to chase after someone runs away, but it’s better than Ahmad’s light gong. Even with Gu Xiaowan on his back, those people are not Ahmad’s opponents. After a while, Ah Mo had no shadow with Gu Xiaowan on his back.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan running away, Madam Jiang stomped her feet angrily: "I have spent money to invite you trash, I can't even catch a girl!"

Although Gu Xiaowan ran away, the Zuo who was following Gu Xiaowan was bound by the group of people in black.

No matter how high Ah Zuo’s martial arts is, his double fists are hard to beat with four hands, and more and more people in black have blocked all the roads of Zuo to death, and accompany Zuo to exhaust his physical strength. Live, captured by Madam Jiang!

"You are in my hands, I don't believe that Gu Xiaowan won't come back to save you!" Madam Jiang ordered Ah Zuo to be jailed, waiting for Gu Xiaowan to come again.

When Madam Jiang had done all this, news suddenly came from before that it was Master Jiang who told her to go there!

Madam Jiang had been tossing for so long, and she was a little tired: "Master, what's the matter? So worried!"

"I don't know, the lord said that he wants you to go!" The young man who passed the message thought for a while, and continued: "Madam, there is someone from the Liu family!"

As soon as she heard that someone from the Liu family was coming, Mrs. Jiang's brows frowned: "Why is that shameless little girl here again!"

When thinking of Liu Tianci, Mrs. Jiang felt like a fire!

If this Liu Tianci had married her Yuan'er wholeheartedly, why would she spend such a big week today!

Fortunately, she used to be kind to Liu Tianci, and she couldn't bear to buy the blood brocade, so she bought it for her!

After spending tens of thousands of taels of silver, I got a good word from this dead girl!

At the thought of this, Mrs. Jiang's fire grew stronger and stronger: "Tell the master, I am a little tired, go take a rest!"

This is the third time girl, what is so precious!

Madam Jiang really didn't want to see Liu Tianci again!

Upon hearing that Madam did not go, the young servant who was passing the message became a little anxious: "Madam, but Liu Tianci is not the only one here in the Liu family, but also Liu Tianming, the eldest son of the Liu family!"

When she heard that Liu Tianming had also come, Madam Jiang couldn't worry about getting tired, and followed the young man directly to the front hall.

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