The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1078: Almost lost

On the first seat of the front hall sat Jiang Huainan and a young and handsome young offspring who looked a little gloomy.

There is always a glimmer of light in those eyes!

Presumably, that is Liu Tianming, the eldest son of the Liu family!

Liu Tianci sat down shyly, listening to the two of them talking, smiling at the corners of his mouth, smiling shyly, just like a lady of everyone.

Behind her were a little maid and a maid. They were all very surprised, and she didn't know where the two little peaches and little he went before!

Seeing Madam Jiang coming in, Liu Tianci immediately got up, and went straight to salute: "Madam Jiang!"

Mrs. Jiang didn't expect that Liu Tianci would actually greet herself. She was a little surprised. After she reacted, she realized that she had received Liu Tianci's salute.

Seeing that Liu Tianming had come down, Mrs. Jiang also gave a big gift to Mrs. Jiang: "Mrs. Jiang! The little girl has been harassing Mrs. Jiang for a long time, and there is something wrong. Please forgive Mrs. Jiang!"

Liu Tianming is a man who has read a book and understands etiquette, and the image of Mrs. Qianqian made Mrs. Jiang admirable.

When I saw Liu Tianci in the past, Madam Jiang always thought that the other princes of the Jiang family were like Liu Tianci, arrogant and domineering, but seeing Liu Tianming was really extraordinary!

Knowing the book and being reasonable, I think this person is good at first sight!

Moreover, this is still the eldest son of the Liu family, this status is better than that of Liu Tianci's concubine, I don't know how many!

Mrs. Jiang is not a big-hearted person. Seeing Liu Tianming's respect, she also hurriedly said respectfully: "Liu Gongzi is all in the family, it's not a problem!"

Liu Tianming moved up the pole and pulled Liu Tianci over with a smile and said, "Mrs. Jiang, Master Jiang, this time, we really have to be a family!"

Gu Xiaowan was carried back home by Ahmad. On the way, Ahmad ran to avoid those people in black!

Those people in black didn't dare to be too ostentatious outside because they were wearing night clothes. Seeing that they couldn't find Ahmad's trail, they had to go back to Jiang's Mansion and arrest Ah Zuo.

Ah Mo galloped all the way back to Gu Yuan with Gu Xiaowan on his back.

Chen Junsheng was waiting at home anxiously. When Ah Mo came back hurriedly carrying Gu Xiaowan on his back, he was also taken aback: "What's wrong with the girl!"

After helping Ahmad into the back room, Gu Xiaowan was still unconscious and showed no signs of improvement.

Gu Fangxi heard that Gu Xiaowan had come back unconsciously, and ran over quickly. Seeing Gu Xiaowan was in a coma, his heart started to pull, "What's wrong with Xiaowan!"

Ahmad frowned and said, "There is ecstasy in the tea, we are all careless!"

"Where is Sister Zuo?" Gu Xiaoyi asked.

"In order to let us come out first, she went to pester those who wanted to arrest us!"

Ahmad said reproachfully, but now is not the time to blame himself, it is the important thing to wake Gu Xiaowan first!

Chen Junsheng panicked and sat down on the ground and blamed himself: "It's all my bad, all my bad, all my bad!"

Because everyone was watching Gu Xiaowan, no one realized that Chen Junsheng had left Gu Yuan at this moment.

The whole person went to town like crazy!

Madam Jiang’s tea contained the fragrance of Ecstasy. Because it was mixed with the scent of tea, Ahmad and Zuodao didn’t smell it. When it came out, Gu Xiaowan stood close and inhaled a lot of Ecstasy. This is why I am still unconscious!

"I also have a detoxification pill here, aunt, hurry up and pour a glass of water, and feed her!" Ahmad took a pill from his arms and gave it to Gu Fangxi.

Gu Fangxi didn't even think about why Ahmad had detoxification pills on his body, so he fed Gu Xiaowan directly.

After waiting for a short quarter of an hour, Gu Xiaowan woke up quietly.

"Amad, where's Azuo?" Gu Xiaowan was in a daze when she heard Ah Zuo yell to them to leave first.

At this time, I didn't see Zuo, I think he must be trapped in Jiang's house!

"What about Brother Chen?"

Everyone looked everywhere and found that Chen Junsheng was missing.

"What's the matter? He was here just now!"

Zuo did not come back, Chen Junsheng was also gone, Gu Xiaowan had a bad feeling in her heart; "Let’s go to the Jiang family, Brother Chen must have gone to the Jiang family to settle the accounts!"

Ah Mo refused to let Gu Xiaowan go anymore, and went directly to the town with the stone.

But it failed.

There is no trace of Chen Junsheng at all.

Zuo is still trapped inside, what should I do!

Gu Xiaowan suddenly fell into a dilemma!

And the Jiang family is suddenly going to have a happy event!

When Liu Tianci returned to Liujiazhen to marry Jiang Yuan, it seemed like he had long feet, and it spread all over the southeast, northwest and northwest of Liujiazhen.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know why the Jiang family suddenly had a happy event at this time.

Today, Gao Yuemei's whereabouts are unknown, life and death are unknown, Zuo is also unknown, and Chen Junsheng is still alive or dead.

With the disappearance of the three of them, everyone is inextricably linked to the Jiang family!

Gu Xiaowan spends every day in Gu Yuan thinking of a way. Because the Jiang family has to do a happy event, during this time, the guards are extremely strict, and no one is allowed in at all!

Although Gu Xiaowan is the head of Anping County, she can't enter people's house casually.

Moreover, this time, the Jiang family actually hired a lot of officials from the government to guard the door.

Even so, Ahmad had gone in two or three times, but every time he returned without success, he did not find the person he was looking for!

When Qin Yizhi returned home, Gu Xiaowan was going crazy anxiously!

"Brother Yizhi, what do you want to do now!" Gu Xiaowan burst into tears anxiously.

Chen Junsheng is okay, he is a man. But Zuo and Gao Yuemei are girls!

Moreover, Gao Yuemei was hidden by the old widower, who knows what happened to her now!

"Wan'er, do you know what is the purpose of the Liu family's coming back to Liujiazhen?" Qin Yizhi asked, seeing Gu Xiaowan saying that he didn't know, then he said quietly: "The people from the court are already on the way. I heard that the emperor sent someone to investigate the sale of illegal salt! The prosperity of the Jiang family is almost gone!"

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