The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1079: Jiang family proud of spring breeze

The Jiang family and the Liu family couldn't hide this time.

Qin Yizhi took the stone directly to the Jiang family dignitaries.

Jianghuainan has been enjoying horseshoes in the spring breeze these few days, and this is double happiness!

No, Sanxi is here!

Yuan'er married a good daughter-in-law, and the Liu family saved him 10%!

Moreover, the Liu family asked the Jiang family to directly prepare for the marriage, and the marriage between Jiang Yuan and Liu Tianci was done as soon as possible! Liu Tianming represents the Liu family and can marry a daughter directly!

Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Huainan are no different, so a big pie fell from the sky, and it hit the husband and wife on the heads, dizzy with excitement!

Because he was about to get married, Liu Tianming took Liu Tianci to live in the other courtyard. After the Jiang family had prepared all the matters concerning the marriage, he went directly to the other courtyard to marry Liu Tianci!

Where did Mrs. Jiang still have the dissatisfaction and muttering with the Liu family before, this time it completely changed.

The Liu family's move is to show good and reassurance to the Jiang family!

The Liu family and the Jiang family are no different from grasshoppers on a rope. Now that the two families are tied together, they have agreed to never leave and die together!

Who would think of death!

As a result, Jianghuainan still has the burnout some time ago, and it has been a spring breeze all day long.

Because he was about to get his wife, Jianghuainan also strictly controlled Jiangyuan's whereabouts outside!

During this period, Jiang Yuan stayed at home and never went anywhere!

The doorkeeper saw Qin Yizhi's jade tree facing the wind with a handsome face, but between his eyebrows and eyes, he saw a fierce hostility. He wanted to close the door directly, but was pushed open by the stone and roared. : "Go away!"

The scared little boy immediately stepped aside, trembling: "What are you doing?"

Qin E has been going directly to the lobby. When a maid and a servant saw a stranger in the house, they immediately went to report.

Some people had met Qin Mozhi, and directly reported Jianghuainan and Madam Jiang.

I heard that Qin Yizhi is here, he must be someone who wants to come!

This time, why the Jiang family refused to hand in someone out!

"Master, the Jiang family also has a good face in Liujiazhen. The county lord of Anping doesn't give us face, and we don't need to give them face. That Gao Yuemei is probably already ruined. If she wants it, she can give it back to them. ."

Mrs. Jiang didn't care.

It seems that the reputation of a girl is like talking and playing casually!

Jiang Huainan nodded: "That's okay! You send someone to notify your relative quickly and let him let him go!"

Madam Jiang nodded with a smile, and saw Jiang Huainan go directly to the front hall.

When I arrived in the front hall, after seeing Qin Yizhi, the calmness I had just now disappeared.

I only felt that the huge front hall, I don't know why, was full of deep depression.

Qin Yizhiguang was sitting there, and people felt a deep fear and oppression!

Jiang Huainan didn't step forward immediately, but stood still, calmed his thoughts, and then moved forward.

After entering, he sat down in front of the hall without saying hello to Qin Yizhi.

He stretched out his hand and picked up the tea cup in front of him. After taking a sip, he said quietly, "Master Qin comes to Jiang Mansion, what's the point?"

Qin Yizhi sat on the left hand side of Jianghuainan and watched Jianghuainan drinking tea with a faint smile.

Suddenly, he smiled slyly: "Jiang Mansion really does whatever he wants!"

Jiang Huainan didn’t understand Qin Yizhi’s meaning. He put his hand back to the tea cup and paused. He said without a smile, "Master Qin is joking. Although Jiang’s family is a small family, it has been so many years. Achievement, now it’s not just a random person who can slander our Jiang family!"

Jiang Huainan has been immersed in shopping malls for most of his life, and he has never seen any kind of people.

Young and old.

Have the background and the means!

Shopping malls are like battlefields, ups and downs, but Jiang's family is getting bigger and bigger. It is conceivable that this Jianghuainan is not a person who is not good at anything!

He has seen countless people, opponents, friends, and friends.

However, he couldn't figure out what the person in front of him was thinking!

Moreover, this person, he has never been so oppressed like today!

It's like, someone pressed his neck, making him breathless, and even the whole person felt a strong sense of oppression.

This person is terrible!

This is the first message that Jianghuainan got.

But then I was surprised. I looked at Qin Yizhi's handsome demeanor. There was always a faint smile on his face, like an illusion!

"Then I'm here to congratulate Master Jiang first!" After speaking, Qin Yizhi took out something from his arms, handed it to Jiang Huainan, and said with a smile: "A small gift, no respect!"

When Jiang Huainan saw what was in Qin Yizhi's hand, his expression instantly changed.

Jiang family, the same Jiang family from before!

Wanting to fight Jiang's family is something with shallow foundations, even if it has the emperor's canonization, it's just that the worm shakes the tree, which is ridiculous.

Jiang Huainan took it with a smile: "Then someone in Jiang would be more respectful than fate. Tomorrow will be a big wedding for children. Here, please also invite Qin Gongzi and the Lord of Anping County to have a drink tomorrow!"

Qin Yizhi smiled: "Master Jiang, open it!"

Jiang Huainan smiled and opened the thing in his hand. When he saw the front, he jumped up in astonishment and furiously said: "What is this? Where does this come from? Slander, it's all smear!"

Qin Yizhi seemed to have expected Jianghuainan to have such a reaction, and still smiled: "Master Jiang, don't worry, let's finish reading it first!"

What Qin Yizhi gave to Jianghuainan was the anonymous letter written by Liu Tianci to the Ministry of Households.

The lawsuit against Liu's Zhenjiang's family for selling illegal salt also listed all the warehouses of Jiang's private storage of illegal salt, one to five to ten. There are traces to follow.

Jianghuainan had seen the end before, and now he couldn't even stand still.

He stared at Qin Mozhi fiercely, as if to see some clue from Qin Mozhi's body.

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