The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1080: Mr. Kodaka

"This is all nonsense! The Jiang family is fair and law-abiding. After the court wanted to accept the salt business, my Jiang family never set foot in the salt business again. Fairness and comfort, my Jiang family is not afraid!" Jiang Huainan anxiously defended.

The words on this letter are a bit scribbled, as if someone did it at will, not wanting people to see the original font.

However, judging from the strength of this handwriting, it is surprisingly written by a woman.

It shouldn't be written by Qin Yizhi in front of you!

"Master Jiang won't ask me, where did I get this letter?" Qin Yizhi looked at the panicked but tried to pretend to be calm, and smiled coldly in his heart.

"This is a rumor. I don't care who wrote it. Anyway, this is out of nothing!" Jiang Huainan directly tore the thing in his hand to pieces.

Turning to stare at Qin Yizhi, he said dissatisfiedly: "Master Qin, you too underestimated my Jiang. When my Jiang was mediating in the business field, you didn't know where to hide. Hide and seek!"

Sure enough, he is a veteran in the business field.

Such a calmness.

Qin Yizhi didn't say much to him, stood up, patted his sleeves and said, "Then I won't bother Mr. Jiang. May Mr. Jiang get married tomorrow! Great luck!"

Then, take the stone and go away!

That's how Qin Yizhi came, and after sending a letter, he left again, which made the monk of Jianghuai Nanzhang'er confused.

Seeing a shattered letter on the ground that I had torn apart, I felt like drumming up and down!

However, looking at this Qin Yizhi's appearance, he should have used this thing to deceive himself, and he must not be fooled by him!

Tomorrow is about to welcome Liu Tianci into the door, the most urgent thing is to marry the daughter-in-law in the door first!

As long as Liu Tianci is married in, the Jiang family and the Liu family will be on the same boat. The Liu family is an official in the capital. If you think there will be a solution!

Even if the letter sent by Qin Yizhi was a small episode, Jianghuainan had already emptied the warehouses, except for some rice and grain, not even a package of private salt.

I immediately left it behind, thinking about it, that Chen Junsheng wrote it in all likelihood!

Now, that person has been dealt with unconsciously, and who can find it again!

When the time comes, even if there are government officials who are going to investigate it, they will just say that this is something someone can't understand Jiang's family and write nonsense.

Gu Xiaowan took Ah Mo directly to the Gao family.

Ahmad was about to knock on the door of the Gao family. No one from the Gao family came to open the door. Instead, a woman next door came out. Seeing Gu Xiaowan, she hurriedly came forward to ask Gu Xiaowan for peace: "Anping County Lord it is good!"

Gu Xiaowan saw that she was an amiable woman, so she also chatted with her a few more words.

The woman had a very good relationship with Gao Yuemei on weekdays. Knowing that Xiao Gao had sold a good girl to an old widower for tens of taels of silver, she was also very distressed.

"Yuemei is a good girl. If her mother died early, her father had a younger brother after marrying her stepmother, and her father had spent all his thoughts on that son. How could she care for this daughter!" "The woman said sadly: "Yuemei and Chen's descendants are also childhood sweethearts and love each other. It's just that the little Gao dislikes the poor of the Chen family, stupefied to beat the mandarin ducks! The two lovers are separated alive!"

After Gu Xiaowan heard this, before she spoke, she saw a lazy voice coming from inside, yelling displeasedly: "Who is it that disturbs people's dreams early in the morning!"

This has been three poles in the day, and this little Gao is still dreaming in the bed!

When the woman next door heard Xiao Gao's voice, she dodged and said eagerly: "The county lord, I will go back first."

Then, he quickly returned to his home.

In such a flustered and eager manner, he wanted to come to this little Gao Clan who was not a good friend.

Sure enough, the door of the Gao's house finally opened, and inside stood a little Gao with disheveled clothes, who seemed to be still yawning: "I'm going to die, I'll be early in the morning"

The rest of the words were still in his mouth, and he was swallowed back into his stomach in shock.

Looking at the sharp sword on the neck in horror, I only felt the chill was pressing.

"Who are you and you?" Xiao Gao asked, where is the arrogance just now, tremblingly.

"How did you contact the Fu family? In addition to being at Fu's house, Gao Yuemei might also be taken there!"

As soon as Xiao Gao heard that Gu Xiaowan had come to look for Gao Yuemei, his expression immediately became unsightly: "Whatever you come to look for, that is my daughter. I want her to marry whoever I want!"

The attitude is very arrogant.

Ahmad leaned the sword against her neck. After touching the cold sword on her neck, Xiao Gao panicked again: "You you"

"Keep your dog eyes wide and see clearly, this is the head of Anping County. If you dare to show any disrespect, be careful that I cut your tongue!" Ahmad shouted fiercely.

As soon as Xiao Gao heard that he was standing in front of the county lord of Anping, his legs trembled: "The county lord, you, you"

I have never heard that Gao Yuemei has anything to do with the county lord of Anping, why would the lord of Anping come to look for Gao Yuemei!

"Where will Gao Yuemei go!" Gu Xiaowan asked again.

The little Gao was trembling and speechless: "I don’t know. The surname is paid. He likes to go to the wine shop to drink on weekdays. I have three meals a day. I heard him in the wine shop saying that he wanted to find a sequel. , I just put Yuemei"

Before Xiao Gao's words were finished, Gu Xiaowan turned around and left.

Seeing that the sword on his neck was gone, Xiao Gao slumped on the ground like a frustrated ball, as if he was scared to death.

Gu Xiaowan searched the entire Liujiazhen liquor store, and also inquired about the person with the surname Fu, but everyone said he hadn't come here for a long time.

Since Gao Yuemei was snatched away, she has never been here again!

After Gu Xiaowan left, Xiao Gao's house was knocked open.

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