The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1081: Yuemei is back

Xiao Gao thought it was Gu Xiaowan who was back again, and kept hiding inside and dared not open the door. The knock on the door only knocked, and there was no movement.

After Xiao Gao thought they had gone, he came out and opened the door.

Seeing that there was no one at the door, the little Gao family felt relieved, and he was about to go back.

When I glanced over the ground, I saw a broken mat seemed to be wrapped in something, and I seemed to be able to see the black hair protruding from the mat.

Xiao Gao was shocked, shivering suddenly, and opened the mat tremblingly.

When it was opened, he only glanced at it, and the little Gao directly rolled his eyes and fainted.

The woman next door also took a look, and suddenly felt that the hairs of her whole body were standing up. Without thinking about it, she ran directly to Jinfu Tower and told Gu Xiaowan.

"Girl, Miss Gao's neighbor said that she is looking for you for something. Seeing her anxious look, there seems to be something urgent!"

Now, as long as Gu Xiaowan hears something that concerns Gao Yuemei, she will let people come in without even thinking about it.

That person is the woman who came to talk to her in the morning.

The woman looked terrified. When she saw Gu Xiaowan, her first sentence was: "County Lord, Yuemei is home!"

Then he described Yuemei's tragic situation to Gu Xiaowan, who was stunned on the spot.

When he rushed to the Gao family to see Gao Yuemei's tragic situation, although Gu Xiaowan heard the woman talk about Gao Yuemei's tragic situation, now seeing her like this, the whole person felt a huge sadness and anger that swept through the whole body!

Gao Yuemei was naked, with no veil covering her body. She was rolled up with a mat, and she was thrown at the door of Gao's house like trash.

When Xiao Gao saw Gao Yuemei's tragic situation, he fainted at the door of Gao's family!

But Gu Xiaowan was anxious that this little Gao would just die!

Gao Yuemei was confused, her bare skin, there was no good flesh under her body, and it was bruised everywhere, and some of the flesh was cut open by a sharp blade, and the flesh turned out. Because it was not treated, it could even be seen. The meat inside is a bit fishy.

When Gao's father saw Gao Yuemei's tragic situation, he almost went crazy.

Hug Gao Yuemei crying and crying!

"Yuemei, I shouldn't believe that poisonous woman's words, saying that it was for you to enjoy the blessing, I agreed to let you go!"

Father Gao was in tears. After all, it was the meat that fell from his body. It was his own daughter. Now his daughter has become this look. It's normal to think of pain!

Gao Yuemei is now like a rag doll, her eyes lost and unconscious.

Gu Xiaowan invited Dr. Pan, and even Dr. Pan, a doctor who had seen the patient's tragic situation, took a breath: "This girl, why do you make such a big evil!"

After Dr. Pan prescribed the medicine and told how to use it, he went back with a sigh.

Qin Yizhi got the news and immediately rushed to the Gao family.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's loss of soul, Qin Yizhi felt distressed, and gently put Gu Xiaowan in his arms, and comforted: "Wan'er, wait for me for one day, as long as one day, tomorrow, I will let the Jiang family eye for eye!"

Gu Xiaowan’s tears fell down her cheeks like a broken string: "Brother Yuemei, she is so miserable!"

There was no good piece of meat all over, because the little Gao had passed out, so Gu Xiaowan and the woman next door carried Gao Yuemei into the room. This body, chest and back, has been ruined by people.

There was also the lower body, which was still bleeding from time to time. The roots of the thighs were already muddy and indistinguishable from the original color. All were dark blood stains. The new blood immediately soaked the bedding.

After drinking the medicine, the situation improved slightly.

But a few days ago, a person who was fine, has no anger at the moment, leaving only the last breath in his mouth.

If Chen Junsheng knew, he wouldn't even know how to go crazy!

After Gao Yuemei took the medicine, she still did not wake up, but she saw that her complexion was much better than when she came just now, and Dr. Pan said that as long as she takes good care of her, there should be no problem in life.

Now that Gao Yuemei has found it, and Chen Junsheng, they will continue to look for it.

Gu Xiaowan was not at all assured of Xiao Gao's family, and for fear that Xiao Gao's might make some moths, she took Gao Yuemei to Gu Yuan for the convenience of taking care of Gao Yuemei.

Because after Chen Junsheng disappeared, Chen's mother was also picked up by Gu Xiaowan from Gu Yuan to recover from her injuries. In the past few days, her health was good, not bad!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan and the others bringing people back, Gu Fangxi was overjoyed at first, thinking that the person had been rescued, but when he saw the bruised man with only one head left in Ahmad’s arms and his cheek beaten, he only felt heartbroken. Zi tightened: "Oh my God, what happened to Yuemei!"

When he saw the bruises and scars of various shades on Yuemei's body, Gu Fangxi cursed, "This animal!"

Tears fell.

In the past, when she was with Liu Qingshan, she also lived this kind of life, but fortunately, Liu Qingshan would not be cruel.

That surname paid, this is killing Gao Yuemei!

"This surname pays, the heart is too cruel, isn't it? Yuemei is such a good girl, why is she ruined like this? Where is there a piece of good meat on her? Poor child." Gu Fangxi seemed to think of it. My own past, thinking of my unbearable past, I felt the tears from my eyes, and kept falling like a broken string.

Gu Xiaowan's tears kept streaming, looking at Gao Yuemei's deadly appearance, her heart cut like a knife. A few days ago, she was a lively, gentle and kind-hearted girl. Now she has become so half-dead.

Don't mention how uncomfortable it is. Chen Junsheng is still missing, because he knew that Gao Yuemei became what he is now. I don't know what to go crazy?

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