The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1082: Mother Chen is dead

And the mother Chen next door, after hearing the noise here, said that after Gu Xiaowan had found Gao Yuemei, she was anxious to come over to see Gao Yuemei.

When I walked outside, I suddenly saw the silent, pale, bruised Gao Yuemei on the bed, lying on the bed like a dead person, and the naked flesh when Gu Fangxi helped her take the medicine. I don't know what it was like!

A nice girl

Mother Chen yelled: "My poor Yuemei"

When Gu Xiaowan and the others looked back, they saw Mother Chen had fallen to the ground and made a "boom."

By the time everyone was rushing to support Chen's mother to bed, Chen's mother was already out of breath.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly carried the people into the carriage and hurried to the medical clinic in the town!

Xu was because of the bumps. Chen Muqiang took a last breath and held Gu Xiaowan's hand without letting go: "Girl, please save Jun'er, save Yuemei, I"

Before the last words were finished, Mother Chen couldn't catch it at all, and left.

Before he could get to the hospital, he left before he could finish speaking.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the breathless mother Chen in Aunt Zhang's arms, and suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of depression.

Gao Yuemei's failure, Chen's mother's death, and Chen Junsheng's whereabouts are unknown. All the sorrows seemed to converge into a sea, breathless in depression.

She looked at Mother Chen, who was silent, her body getting colder and colder. There were already no tears in her eye sockets. She stared blankly, without saying a word.

Qin Yizhi has always been by Gu Xiaowan's side, and now seeing her like this, he quickly took her into his arms: "Wan'er"

Gu Xiaowan was nestled in Qin Mozhi's arms, feeling the familiar warmth that Qin Mozhi brought, and then she cried out: "Woo"

Aunt Zhang was also very sad. Seeing Gu Xiaowan's heartbroken look, she felt distressed: "Xiaowan, don't be sad, you can't come back from death."

Gu Xiaowan felt the fragility of life for the first time.

"Brother Yizhi, why is this and why is this?" Gu Xiaowan hugged Qin Yizhi with her backhand and asked sadly. How could all this happen overnight, everything, everything changed.

"Wan'er, I will help Aunt Chen avenge. Don't worry, tomorrow is the Jiang family's rejoicing day. I will give the Jiang family a big gift to comfort the auntie's spirit in the sky!" Qin Yizhi's voice was cold and the corners of his mouth With a touch of coldness, looking at Gu Xiaowan's sad look, her heart was like being stabbed fiercely by something, making him unable to breathe.

Perhaps because of Chen's mother's spirit in the sky, Chen Junsheng was actually found.

At very late in the evening, Liu Dazhuang hurriedly pushed a car to Gu Yuan.

Gu Yuan is now enveloped with a sad atmosphere!

Gu Xiaowan and the others heard Liu Dazhuang's shout, and when they came out to take a look, they saw Chen Junsheng, who was usually shy and gentle, lying in the towed car!

The gray cloth clothes he usually wears has been dyed dark red with blood.

The whole person is like a lifeless corpse, lying on the trailer, with no signs of life."Girl, we found him in the back mountain. He was stabbed in his body. I don’t know how many knives there are, but there is still a breath. Tao Da has gone to the hospital to find Dr. Pan Now." Liu Dazhuang said distressedly.

Gu Xiaowan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that she was still angry.

Qin Yizhi hurriedly stepped forward and took a look. Still angry, he hurriedly called: "Ama, get the medicine soon!"

Then I saw Ahmad took a medicine and stuffed it directly into Chen Junsheng's mouth.

"This medicine can stabilize his heart, and we will talk about everything when Doctor Pan arrives!"

Tao Da's footsteps were very fast, and when everyone carried Chen Junsheng back into the house, Tao Da came with Dr. Pan soon.

Doctor Pan also has a solemn face. He has been coming to Gu's family for a few days, lamenting Gu Xiaowan's kindness, and also feeling deeply about what happened to the Chen family.

After seeing Chen Junsheng’s injury, Dr. Pan said with emotion: “Fortunately, it is fortunate that those people have stabbed so many knives. There is no doubt that Chen Junsheng will die, but although this knife is fatal, it is not enough. It’s terrible. Those people didn’t check it carefully. If you want to come, God bless you!

"Doctor Pan, does it matter?" Gu Xiaowan asked anxiously.

"As long as he has survived tonight, if his breath is stable, he will be fine. Next, he will be restored to health!" Dr. Pan said with a sigh of relief.

Optimistic about Chen Junsheng, Dr. Pan went to take another look at Gao Yuemei.

Gao Yuemei is still unconscious, but her complexion is better than in the morning.

The more I think about it, I still feel a little indignant: "This Jiang family is really bullying. A good girl's house has been ruined like that, doing evil!"

After seeing Doctor Pan away, Qin Mozhi took Gu Xiaowan back to the room directly

All night, Gu's family was waiting.

On the second day, the Jiang family got married!

The whole Liujiazhen was a sensation.

I heard that Jiang Yuan is going to marry Liu Tianci, Liu Jiazhen has everything!

"The Jiang family is finally going to marry the Liu family? Tsk, is it true that the family does not enter the house? The Liu family has the same virtue, and it is a perfect match for the Jiang family!"

"The Jiang family and the Liu family are relatives. This is a relative!"

There are also some hidden guides: "Don't you know? The eldest son of the Liu family came here in person, as the wife's family, to send her sister to marriage!"

"Then Lord Liu family will not come?" That is strange, the parents of the Liu family were not able to come and sent their son over!

"He is a fifth-grade Beijing official in the capital, he must be busy!"

It has everything.

Gu Xintao knew that Liu Tianci had come back, and when he knew that Liu Tianci was actually going to marry Jiang Yuan, her jaw was about to fall.

"That dead Liu Tianci, didn't you say that you won't come back to the capital! And that dead old woman, didn't you say that you are going to carry me in!" Gu Xintao shouted in the room, seeing something smashed, like it was. Like an angry lion.

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