The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1086: Bit off the ear

The people onlookers walking far away heard the tearing cry of Gu Xintao, and they all trembled.

This Gu Xintao is really "infatuation", the Jiang family is already like this, and he wants to marry into the Jiang family!

Is it all good to be Mrs. Jiang?

Is Madam Jiang’s name more important than her own life?

I saw an official next to him shouting: "Who are you from the Jiang family?"

"I'm the young lady from the Jiang family!" Gu Xintao was already tearful, and the tears had already clouded his eyes, only that the person talking to her in front of her was wearing the costume of an officer and soldier.

There was another burst of misery and jealousy in this heart, and it was almost crazy!

The Jiang family has a great cause, and even the officials came to congratulate the Jiang family, Liu Tianci, this time you are proud!

"Are you here for a wedding wine? I tell you, I am the decent young lady the Jiang family wants to marry, I am, I am!" Gu Xintao roared.

The officer who hurriedly questioned Gu Xintao was taken aback.

Seeing Gu Xintao's disheveled hair, she was dragged to the back alley by Mother Leng and the others, and was beaten up. Her embarrassed look at this moment was like an unconscious lunatic!

The little official **** started cursing, and then another swearing voice came from inside: "Don't touch me, I am Liu Tianci, I am the young lady of the fifth-grade salt and iron envoy!"

"Yes, that's right, it's her, it's she who robbed my Madam Jiang's position, it's her! It's her! This shameless bitch!" Gu Xintao heard Liu Tianci's voice and cursed, and then she was about to bypass that The official sent to tear Liu Tianci.

When Liu Tianci was pulled out by the officials, his clothes were disheveled and his hair was all messed up. He didn't know if it was angry or because of something else, his complexion was pink, as if he had just experienced something.

Then look at Jiang Yuan, who was pulled out soon afterwards. He was also disheveled and looked dissatisfied, with a fierce light in his eyes: "You dare to ruin my good things, I will let my father kill you!"

The newlyweds looked like they had just been pulled out of the bridal chamber.

Everyone looked at the sun, this is still three poles, so they can’t wait to start the bridal chamber, tusk.

As soon as Liu Tianci came out, he saw Liu Tianming and shouted: "Brother, save me, save me!"

When she discovered that Liu Tianming was also tied up, she stared in surprise: "Big Brother, this is."

The officer said with a smile at this time: "Jianghuainan, your good daughter-in-law has come out. You can ask her carefully what she has done to the Jiang family!"

Jiang Huainan is not stupid. Looking at Liu Tianci’s guilty conscience, I suddenly thought of a secret letter that Qin Yizhi showed him at the time. The font, when I looked at it, I saw that it was a woman. But because he didn’t think so much about it, he mistakenly thought that he had read it wrong and that it was Chen Junsheng’s character!

Thinking of this, Jianghuainan understood everything at once. At this moment, Liu Tianci, who stepped forward and slapped a big slap with a big slap in the face, bleeds his eyes and bleeds: "You beast!"

Liu Tianci was beaten up and hadn't recovered yet, and almost fainted by the second slap.

Madam Jiang saw Jiang Huainan beating Liu Tianci, and listened to Jiang Huainan scolding her, and the officer’s already very clear hint, all the anger in her heart came to her heart: "Liu Tianci, you beast, I will kill you. !"

The Jiang family was all harmed by Liu Tianci!

Madam Jiang couldn't hide her anger, punching and kicking, and the beating Liu Tianci was lying on the ground and unable to get up. His head had been broken and he was bleeding with blood.

Sister Leng on the side also kicked and beat Liu Tianci: "The old lady is not mean to you, you should have done such a mean thing, you **** it, you **** it!"

"Mother, what are you doing, why are you beating her! She is my daughter-in-law!" Jiang Yuan didn't know the truth. Seeing that Jiang Huainan and Mrs. Jiang were both beating Liu Tianci, his expression was not good, so he helped her talk a bit. Sentence.

Jiang Yuan was finally sent into the bridal chamber just now, and just now he pulled off Liu Tianci's red hijab, and immediately threw Liu Tianci down.

This sweet pastry has been coveted for countless days and nights, but it really belongs to me.

That Jiang Yuan has always been a flowery, the girl in the Yanhua restaurant, who doesn't know him!

He was young, but already a veteran in love, and that tricky maneuver made Liu Tianci collapse into a puddle of mud.

Liu Tianci originally hated Jiang Yuan and hated him, he had to marry him as a last resort, and once married, he could only marry a chicken and a dog, a dog and a dog.

He could only cross his heart, close his eyes, and willingly let Jiang Yuan work on himself.

In this blue sky, Na Jiang Yuan coveted Liu Tianci's beauty, no matter where he was in charge of the front yard, he immediately opened Liu Tianci's clothes and put down the curtains, and the two were in the red tent, and the clouds and rain were upset.

It was affectionate at one time, but you and me!

"Yuan'er, are you still defending her? Our Jiang family is now all harmed by this saucy fox!" Madam Jiang cried and cursed.

When I heard my mother said that Liu Tianci once wrote a secret letter to the Ministry of Households, which contained the things he had told Liu Tianci before, Jiang Yuan yelled and quickly broke free from the official who was holding him. Directly stepping forward, he threw down Liu Tianci, like a dog, biting Liu Tianci's ear fiercely.

Liu Tianci screamed in pain, followed by a stern roar.

At this moment, everyone saw that Liu Tianci's ear was actually bitten by Jiang Yuan.

Everyone was terrified, and the scene suddenly got out of control.

When Gu Xintao saw Liu Tianci's screams that were almost wailing, his mind became sober.

Her eyes widened and she stared blankly, watching Liu Tianci fainted with pain, and now only half of the cochlea was left on the ear, staring blankly.

Until the little official asked impatiently: "Are you the wife of the Jiang family, if not, you go quickly! We don't catch innocent people!"

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