The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1087: Jiangliu family collapsed

Gu Xintao's mouth opened wide, how dare you say yes!

The appearance of "infatuation" just now changed his face immediately: "I am not, I am not, I just passed by and came to have a drink!"

After speaking, he ran away quickly.

Disappeared in the crowd, running faster than a rabbit!

People who were far away saw Gu Xintao coming quickly and running away quickly.

Liu Tianci roared and passed out in pain, lying in a pool of blood.

The officer saw Liu Tianci lying in a pool of blood, and quickly sent someone to pull Jiang Yuan away, for fear of causing death later.

Just beat Liu Tianci to death in just a few strokes, wouldn't it be too cheap for her!

The prince said, we must take good care of the Liu and Jiang families!

When the Jiang family was sealed, the Jiang family and the Liu Tianci brothers and sisters were put in a prison wagon and left Liujia Town. The whole Liujia Town has not recovered from the shock.

The officials came quickly, and so did they leave!

As if he had never appeared before, just left.

It was like a dream. If they hadn't seen the blood stains at the door of Jiang's house and the big seal on the door, they would really think they had just had a dream!

The Jiang family's foundation accumulated over the past few decades was immediately reduced to ashes.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi stood in a restaurant not far from Jiang's house, watching what happened at the door of Jiang's house.

The prosperous and wealthy Jiang family, like a passing moment, disappeared when they blew!

The prisoner was still crying and crying, Mrs. Dijiang, and Liu Tianci, who had lost her half life, and the others, as they walked farther and farther, they immediately disappeared from sight.

The bright red carpet at the door of the Jiang family had already been stepped on and was messy, and the original color could not be seen long ago.

The Jiang family disappeared in Liujia Town.

Qin Yizhi had always stood with Gu Xiaowan, staring at what had happened to the Jiang family.

Gu Xiaowan returned home and told the family members what she had just seen. Everyone applauded, "The Jiang family has done a lot of evil and should have ransacked the house long ago. I really didn't expect that someone would actually sue. The son is moved!"

"I heard that the secret letter was written by Liu Tianci in order to avenge Mrs. Jiang's humiliation to her at that time. Tsk tsk, I am surprised, since she wrote the letter, why did she come back to marry Jiang Yuan!" Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised! , I always feel that there is something I can't figure out!

That's right, Liu Tianci's letter was indeed written, and later, it was indeed snatched back by Liu Congran and the others, but they didn't know that this letter was no longer the original one.

This letter was stolen from Xiao He in the middle, and after a new copy, it was returned to Xiao He.

Then he was sent to the Dali Temple of Hubu, and also given to the regent King Qin.

King Qin personally approved the letter on the report, saying that the matter must be thoroughly investigated, and also limited the time limit, how many days it will be completed! The regent has spoken, who else will not do it!

Moreover, this practice of selling illegal salt was regulated by law in the Qing Dynasty, but it was explicitly prohibited.

The Jiang family blatantly committed crimes, sang and made peace with the Liu family, and deceived Sheng Ting. This is a serious crime to lose his head!

When Liu Tianming and Liu Tianci arrived in Liujia Town and agreed on the date of marriage with the Jiang family, the Liu family was in the capital and had already quietly ransacked their home!

The evidence for the embarrassment of the Liu family and the Jiang family is conclusive. The emperor first took the salary of the imperial court, but did not help the court, and even helped outsiders to blind the emperor's Liu family.

Everyone in the Liu family was arrested.

There is no rumors of leakage.

While in prison, Liu Congran also explained all the activities he and Jianghuainan had done over the years. As long as Jianghuainan re-confessed, the two sides reconciled the accounts, and the case would be settled.

This Liu Congran also confessed the inside story of other salt merchants colluding with him. Now, the large families that started by selling salt in the Qing Dynasty have been affected more or less.

This collusion between government and businessmen to sell illegal salt was like wings in the Qing Dynasty, spreading to every corner.

Liu Congran and Jiang Huainan were sentenced to beheads for public display. The corpses were hung at Caishikou for half a month. It was really because the weather was too hot and the corpses stinked, so they were burned.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will take a few more months to hang it, and let all the people see the fate of selling illegal salt.

The males of the Liu family and the Jiang family were engraved on their faces and were exiled to the border, unable to step into the Qing Dynasty for life.

The women of the Liu family and the Jiang family were all sold to the fireworks restaurant and worked as prostitutes for life.

This is a message from the imperial court.

The court has made an order to reclaim all the private salt business, but some people ignore the Qing's laws and openly resist the court. All people will not end well. This is a warning!

When the Jiang family's judgment was passed to Liujiazhen, everyone was agitated.

This Jiang family will disappear in Liujia Town from now on, and there will never be another day of failure.

After Jiang's house was ransacked, Ahmad went to Jiang's house to find him again. This time he finally found Ah Zuo who was trapped in Mrs. Jiang's room.

Zuo was already hungry and dying. Fortunately, because he didn't eat water, he had no other injuries except skin injuries. After a few days of recuperation, the body is almost better.

I heard that the Jiang family’s end was also applauded by clapping hands!

Mother Chen's body was later invited to look at it for a few days, and found a good piece of land, and it was buried in a beautiful and beautiful place.

Gao Yuemei gradually got better under everyone's care.

However, there was no more smile on this face.

I stayed in front of Chen Junsheng’s bed every day, taking care of Chen Junsheng as if he was a wife, helping Chen Junsheng wipe his body, change clothes, go to the toilet, and feed. Get started.

Even at night, she didn't want to go back to the room to rest, so she lay down in front of Chen Junsheng's bed to rest.

Seeing her doing her best, Gu Xiaowan worried about her body.

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