The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1088: I'm going to find her

Although Gao Yuemei's body is getting better, how can this gynecological disease be cured in two strokes, she always persuades Gao Yuemei to take a good rest, for fear of her relapse.

"Sister Yuemei, your health is not good yet. Go back and rest first. There are aunts and aunts here, and they will take good care of Brother Chen!" Gu Xiaowan felt sorry for Gao Yuemei. Seeing her so silent, she couldn't say anything. With a firm light shining, this heart felt like knocking over a five flavor bottle.

Jiang's family was stolen, and all relatives in Liujia Town were arrested, including the beast named Fu who abused Gao Yuemei!

When Gu Fangxi told Gao Yuemei about this, she didn't have any expression on her face, like a dead person, and only when she faced Gu Xiaowan and Chen Junsheng, Gao Yuemei had a slight smile on her face.

"It doesn't matter, I'm almost all right, I have a sense of measure!" Gao Yuemei answered Gu Xiaowan's words.

Gu Xiaowan was afraid that she would be tired and could not rest well on weekdays, so she hurriedly bought a low couch and placed it in front of Chen Junsheng's bed, so that when she wanted to rest on weekdays, she could always be next to Chen Junsheng.

Gao Yuemei knew Gu Xiaowan's kindness, but now, she couldn't say anything except for a wry smile.

After Gao Yuemei took care of her, Chen Junsheng finally regained consciousness after half a month.

At the moment when the two lovers faced each other, they held their heads and cried loudly, making everyone present cry.

And then, after listening to Chen Junsheng's words, he knew why Chen Junsheng was so badly injured.

Chen Junsheng returned to Jiang's house to find Jianghuainan, Jianghuainan directly tied him up and took him to the back mountain for more than a dozen knives.

Chen Junsheng seemed to have only a sigh of relief. If those people took another cut, they would be unable to survive.

Gu Xiaowan also guessed that only the Jiang family would do such a thing, and told Chen Junsheng that the Jiang family had been ransacked, and Jianghuainan had also been beheaded, and Chen Junsheng was relieved.

Later, when Chen Junsheng knew that his mother was eagerly attacking her heart, and she knew that she passed away. It was when Gu Xiaowan personally buried him, and besides his sadness, his heart was deeply grateful to Gu Xiaowan.

She ran to Chen's mother's grave and cried loudly. Gu Xiaowan told Chen Junsheng what Chen's mother had said during her lifetime. After Chen Junsheng listened to it, he roared, "I will take good care of Yuemei in this life and this life!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at Chen Junsheng's steadfast appearance, thought about it in her heart, and swallowed the thing about Yuemei. This is the matter of the two of them, she is an outsider, it is really hard to interrupt.

When she returned to Gu Yuan, she suddenly discovered that Gao Yuemei had disappeared.

Chen Junsheng was able to go to the ground and said he was going to visit his mother's grave. Gu Xiaowan took him there. Originally, Chen Junsheng was going to take Gao Yuemei. But Gao Yuemei said that she was unwell and wanted to rest at home. Chen Junsheng gave up.

Gao Yuemei could only stay at home to recuperate.

But when he came back, Chen Junsheng returned to Gao Yuemei's house, but she couldn't find her anymore!

People who came back in a hurry outside saw Gu Xiaowan and they asked anxiously: "Did Yuemei go to you?"


Yuemei is gone!

Chen Junsheng is well, Gao Yuemei is gone!

Chen Junsheng looked everywhere like crazy. After searching Liujiazhen, she seemed to be missing and disappeared.

Except for a letter left.

The letter was found in a piece of clothing that Gao Yuemei sewed for Chen Junsheng.

The letter is not long, but every word is crying.

Gao Yuemei wrote a letter from Yongjue.

Saying that she has been ruined is already unchaste and unclean, and not worthy of Chen Junsheng, and also asked Chen Junsheng not to look for her in this life, she will find a place where no one knows her, and spend the rest of her life well.

Chen Junsheng looked at the letter and roared loudly.

"Junsheng, don't hate Yuemei's child. When that child was thrown back by someone else, his whole person was like "Gu Fangxi also cried bitterly. Looking at Chen Junsheng's sad appearance, it was also uncomfortable.

Gu Fangxi didn't know why, but he always remembered the past in his heart.

If so, nothing like that happened at that time, I am afraid that I will live with my sweetheart!

Seeing Gao Yuemei is like seeing her original self.

When she learned that she had been ruined by Liu Qingshan, she really thought of death!

Just want to die, this world has no love!

Chen Junsheng could hardly imagine the tragic situation of Gao Yuemei at that time. However, as long as he thinks that the person he was thinking of was being arbitrarily ruined and insulted, his heart is like being dug out and stabbed with a knife. Click and click!


Yuemei, I don't despise you, how could I despise you!

Chen Junsheng looked everywhere like he went crazy!

But Gao Yuemei can't be seen!

Just when Gu Xiaowan thought Chen Junsheng would give up, Chen Junsheng actually came to say goodbye to Gu Xiaowan!

"I owe Yuemei the most in my entire life. I am useless. I didn't protect her so that she suffered such a serious crime. Girl, I'm going to find her in this life and this life until I find her!" Chen Junsheng knew that in this life and depended on himself for life, Gao Yuemei was the only one who worried most.

No mother, no home, only to find Gao Yuemei is his only thought in this life.

Gu Xiaowan didn't keep him, it was his business. Since he already had an idea in his heart, let him go toward his own idea!

Gu Xiaowan gave him enough entanglement to get him on the road, and told him that if he found Gao Yuemei, he would come back and tell them.

Chen Junsheng agreed, and then left without looking back!

For many years, Gu Xiaowan never heard of Chen Junsheng and Gao Yuemei again. They seemed to disappear completely from her life.

Gu Xiaowan guessed that Chen Junsheng must not find Gao Yuemei again, otherwise, with Chen Junsheng's temperament, he would definitely come back and tell her!

And many years later, Gu Xiaowan met Chen Junsheng again by chance. Chen Junsheng saved her life. Of course, these are afterwords. ####Recommend the farming essay of fantasy poetry: a farmer woman and a shrew grab a mate to farm

Ning Xin dared to flirt with the man who thought that the talents would not show up. As a result, in the middle of the night, a hungry wolf rushed forward. Her waist was trembling and her phoenix eyes sighed with various strawberries. She kicked out with one foot. In the end, someone climbed up and attacked her again. Biting and biting her completely bullied her! Finally, Ning Xin couldn't support it, lying on the bed and groaning, not lifting it was fake, his brave energy was faster than a machine gun...

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