The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1089: Ning An was admitted as a scholar

Without the Jiang family's troubles, Gu Xiaowan only felt that her whole body was refreshed a lot. Although I was somewhat worried about Chen Junsheng and Gao Yuemei's affairs, Chen Junsheng chose the road, and Gao Yuemei really wanted it.

Whether you can find it or not, it depends on the good fortune of the two of them.

As long as Gao Yuemei is still alive and there is a lover, she will finally get married!

After this incident, another major event happened in Liujiazhen.

Cao's Qiuhou was beheaded and he was in Caishikou.

This is really the first time that the woman beheaded. The people of Liujia Town squeezed to Caishikou to watch the beheading.

Hearing that the executioner took the knife and fell, the Cao clan didn't even hum, and his head was in a different place!

Gu Chuanshou said whether he does not need to worry about Cao Xinlian for a man, or he really does not need to worry about it. I heard that he later married a widow, and that the widow had already died of her husband and was alone.

When I married Gu Chuanshou, I heard that this belly was several months old. Want to come, it should be Gu Chuanshou!

I heard that before Cao Xinlian beheaded, the widow gave birth and was still a son, just like Gu Chuanshou.

Gu Chuanshou deliberately took his newly born young son to Cao Xinlian's cell. I heard that Cao Xinlian was not angry on the spot!

Cao Xinlian beheaded, Gu Chuanshou had a son again, and Gu Tingting and Gu Shunxi, who were fostered in the widow’s house, became superfluous.

Because Gu Shunxi was a son, Gu Chuanshou kept him, and sent Gu Tingting back to Cao Xinlian's family on the pretext that the family could not support so many people.

No one knows how it is going!

It seemed that overnight, there was no news of Gu Xintao in the entire Liujia Town, but people talked about Gu Xintao after a meal, and they couldn't help but sigh, this girl is really shameless.

Time flies, and another half a year has passed.

During this period, the New Year has passed.

Gu Xiaowan is one year older, fourteen years old, and she has entered the ranks of young girls. If she had been in a previous life, she could really fall in love.

New Year's Eve, this time I joined my colleagues again. After the list was put down, he topped the list and was admitted as a scholar. The Gu family's reputation in Liujiazhen overnight became an unshakable tree, and no one could offend him.

The Zhao family, looking for his wife, was respectful and respectful to Gu Xiaowan, and didn't dare to mention anything, letting Gu Xiaowan be his daughter-in-law.

The Gu family has become the most prestigious family in Liujia Town.

As long as everyone talks about Gu Yuan, they are all respectful! Speaking of Gu Xiaowan, Miss Gu's family, all of them showed their thumbs and praised them.

Gu's family not only in Liujia Town, but also in Ruixian County, has gradually become the home of Zhongming Ding Food!

Gu Ning'an was admitted as a talent, which is a great event for Liu Jiazhen.

On the day when the list was released, Gu Xiaowan and one of Qin Yi also went to Ruixian to see.

When the big red list was released, the first name on the list was Gu Ning'an! Gu Xiaowan was so excited that she couldn't speak!

I only heard the people around, cheers and sighs. All of this was quiet at this moment.

Gu Xiaowan looked at it with the words Gu Ning'an written on it, and was very excited.

"In, hit!"

This time she was finally hit, and Gu Xiaowan cried with joy.

He put his arms around Qin Mozhi's waist, looked up at Qin Mozhi excitedly, and ignorant of everyone's surprised eyes, jumped up happily: "Brother Yizhi, Ning An passed the exam, Ning An can pass the exam. Up!"

Qin Yizhi lowered his head and looked at Gu Xiaowan's excitement!

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan's actions were shocking and unconventional in the eyes of the people around him, but in his heart, it was a joy!

This is Wan'er who belongs to him alone!

At any time, as long as she smiles at him, as long as she smiles at him, his heart is as sweet as eating honey.

Regardless of the strange eyes of the people around, Qin Yizhi scraped Gu Xiaowan's upright nose indulgently, and said with a smile: "Now you can rest assured!"

That intimate interaction between handsome men and beautiful women, before the big red list, is like a painting!

The handsome men and the women are all dressed in costumes, and the two of them behave intimately. The students around looked at them, and they didn't have a little bit of hatred in their hearts. On the contrary, they seemed to have a kind of faintness in their hearts. Love, and envy.

Everyone looked at this pair of wonderful people with envy, and suddenly there was a kind of, if they had such a childhood sweetheart, it would be great.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi took this hand and left. They were far away. It seemed that the woman’s charming silver bell-like laughter and the man’s low and doting voice were getting farther and farther away. The students still stared at the back of them leaving.

Envy, envy, now there is only envy.

The news of Gu Ningan's entrance examination was immediately known to all the Gu family members. It can also be said to be a family celebration.

Gu Xiaowan didn't return to Liujiazhen because she was still in Ruixian, but asked Ahmad to pass the news to Gu Yuan as soon as possible.

Because you want to celebrate, if you want to celebrate, just go to Ruixian to celebrate!

So Ahmad drove the carriage and brought all the people to Ruixian, planning to celebrate.

Because Qin Mozhi said, after a while, he will take Gu Xiaowan to Minshan.

It is estimated that this trip will take several months.

Before that, let her also take everyone to Ruixian to open her eyes and see the scenery of this county! There are still many people who haven't even been out of Liujiazhen.

Gu Ning'an heard the news that he was admitted, so he immediately went to Yushulou and thanked him!

Xu Xianlin and Xu Chengze already knew that Gu Ningan would definitely be admitted as a talent this time!

Last year, Gu Ning'an had already passed the exam. If it weren't for Gu Ziwen's incident, Gu Ning'an should have been studying in Ruixian by this time! 1

Xu Chengze was very happy and suggested that everyone celebrate!

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