The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1097: Granddaughter of General Hussein

Gu Ningping was very worried, these two little girls, in this place, there is no one who knows kung fu, if they meet other bad people, it will be really troublesome!

Tan Yushu didn't expect this person's mind to be so delicate. After thinking about it, he also agreed with a smile: "Okay, it's just me and the maid. It's so boring. With you, I can talk!"

At the beginning, Gu Ningping was afraid that Tan Yushu would not agree. This finally did not stutter. After speaking such a long sentence, his hands and feet sweated and his spine was stiff.

When I heard Tan Yushu actually agreed to go back with them, his face immediately burst into laughter: "Okay, okay, if my sister sees you, she will be happy!"

After meeting with Gu Xiaowan and the others, Gu Ningping told Gu Xiaowan what had just happened.

Gu Xiaowan was not worried at all about the surname Jin, and there was no worry on her face. Instead, she walked towards Tan Yushu and asked with concern: "Miss Tan, are you okay? Did you hurt anything?"

Tan Yushu smiled and waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay. Before that group of people got close to us, they were beaten to the ground by him!"

He looked admiring.

Everyone saw it almost, and then got into the carriage and planned to go back.

Because there were two more girls, Tan Yushu and Ayu, Qin Yizhi and the men did not have Gu Xiaowan's carriage, only Ah Mo was driving the carriage outside, listening to the movement from time to time.

As soon as he got on the carriage, Tan Yushu looked left and right, unable to calm down at all.

She would not sit in her boudoir embroidering and reading books like other aristocratic ladies. She has followed her grandfather since she was a child and likes to dance with spears and sticks.

Gu Xiaowan in front of her was dignified and generous, and she did not dislike her being straightforward. Tan Yushu was delighted at the first glance. Her elder sister kept screaming, and Gu Xiaowan saw the girl in front of her speak straightforwardly. It was extraordinary, I wanted to be a child of a wealthy family, but she didn't see a trace of Miss Jiao's temper in her body. She couldn't help but feel happy and had a good impression, so I also chatted with her enthusiastically.

"Miss Tan, my last name is Gu, and my boudoir name is Xiaowan."

Gu Xiaowan smiled and introduced herself to her, but who had thought that as soon as she revealed her name, her eyes widened when she saw Tan Yushu.

"What? You are Gu Xiaowan?" In the carriage, when Tan Yushu heard Gu Xiaowan's name, he could lay an egg with his mouth open, and looked at Gu Xiaowan incredulously.

"Have you heard of me?" Gu Xiaowan was stunned when she saw her look stupefied. Does this person still know herself?

"I've never heard of you!" Tan Yushu looked at Gu Xiaowan curiously, and praised without hesitation: "You are between us, but a legend!"

"Legend?" Gu Xiaowan asked involuntarily!

I heard Gu Xiaoyi pulling Ayu's sleeve and asking: "Sister, what is a legend?"

When Ayu heard that the girl in front of him was Gu Xiaowan, she was stunned. She stared at Gu Xiaowan in a daze like Tan Yushu and couldn't speak. Her heart was like being thrown into a wave of lake water. A stone rippled away immediately, looking at Gu Xiaowan with amazing eyes!

I never heard Gu Xiaoyi's question at all!

Gu Xiaowan, this is a legend in the capital, was approved by the emperor, and suddenly turned from a village girl in a ravine into a golden phoenix!

The county owner who directly ordered the canonization of the fifth rank, although the position of the county owner is not very high, but it will only be hurt if there is a contrast!

Thinking about her former status, she was just a village girl. Now she has become a fifth-rank county owner. Didn't she suddenly fly onto a branch and become a phoenix?

Originally, Tan Yushu was full of curiosity about Gu Xiaowan. I heard my grandfather said that this girl is also a strange woman. At a young age, she would call the people of the county to plant sweet potatoes. He did not expect to resist the disaster for a year!

Even the refugees who had fled with other places were properly settled by her, so that the people who fled to survive the disaster year safely.

Moreover, there has not been a case of people fighting for food in Ruixian County, nor has there been a case of people starving to death due to lack of food. This is really a legend in the disaster years of previous years.

In the year of the disaster alone, several counties adjacent to Ruixian County suffered great losses. From time to time they were fighting and fighting to grab food, or they starved to the death of refugees. I heard that the imperial palace was responsible for this, but it was a headache. !

At this moment, Ruixian, a good example, appeared in front of the emperor. Needless to say, even the magistrate of Ruixian, this official also rose to several levels following howling.

Tan Yushu was originally a person who likes to have real abilities. When I saw a real person this time, his face burst into laughter. He took Gu Xiaowan's hand and shouted affectionately: "Sister Xiaowan, I didn't expect me to be real saw you!"

Gu Xiaowan was a little uncomfortable seeing her sudden intimacy. Her thoughts were exploded by the legend just now. This time, in her intimate appearance, she felt a little bit dumbfounded: "Miss Tan, you are"

"My name is Yushu. Sister Xiaowan can call me Yushu from now on." Tan Yushu smiled sweetly.

Gu Xiaowan had big doubts in her heart. She had never heard anyone talk about herself. Is this Tan Yushu very familiar with herself?

He couldn't help but asked, "Yu Shu, do you know me?"

"Sister Xiaowan, I don't know you! But I have heard of you, but I have heard of your great achievements from my grandfather's mouth! Even the emperor's brother gave you a thumbs up Yeah!" Tan Yushu said in praise without concealing his identity.

When Tan Yushu actually called the emperor's brother, Gu Xiaowan was even more stunned: "You are"

"Actually, my grandfather is General Huqi!" Anyway, Tan Yushu didn't hide it, so he directly told Gu Xiaowan of his identity.

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