The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1098: Live in Jinfu Building

When Gu Xiaowan heard that her grandfather was General Huqi, she was a little stunned.

The little girl in front of you

The background is really big!

Tan Yushu grew up with his grandfather. Grandpa is a hussar general. He has always been fighting on the battlefield, defending his family and defending the country. He is not afraid of killing, and has a strong and upright temperament. Even the bred Tan Yushu is just like him and straightforward. , So proud.

Gu Xiaowan was originally a legend in her mind, but this time seeing a real person, isn't that exciting!

The elder sister in front of this looks really the same as her legendary deeds. The whole person is very beautiful and beautiful. At first glance, she feels comfortable and comfortable. Although she is only fourteen years old, she has not yet stretched her stature. The aura and good conversation that this whole body exudes is not inferior to the famous ladies from Beijing.

Presumably when he grows up, he will definitely be a charming, gentle and sleek beauty.

There is also this gesture, a frown, a smile, and it is a generous and dignified, not at all like those other ladies, twisted!

It was not at all like the village girl who didn't know the slightest rules from the countryside.

Tan Yushu feels terrified when he thinks of what he said about Gu Xiaowan in Beijing.

Those young ladies whose eyes grew up and went up to the sky, secretly always said that Anping county lord had taken the **** luck, and a dirty, sloppy and unruly village girl actually got the emperor’s blue eyes. This time, if you let them know, Anping County The main character is colorful and noble, and he is not angry with them!

Just thinking of this, Tan Yushu was excited, and wanted to tell those self-righteous guys and slap them in the face!

Gu Xiaowan didn't know what Tan Yushu was thinking. If she knew it, she would definitely stop Tan Yushu.

Tan Yushu reported his family, and the relationship between the two people has come closer.

Since Gu Xiaowan learned that she was from Beijing, she didn't ask much.

Tan Yushu's status is noble, and he naturally knows his own affairs. If he asks more, he will appear to be petty.

The carriage soon arrived at the inn where Tan Yushu was staying, but Tan Yushu was very fond of Gu Xiaowan, and wanted to hear Gu Xiaowan’s stories about her village, so she baffled, "Sister Xiaowan, can I not go back to my inn? , I will also live with you in Jinfulou, okay?"

It happened that there was an extra room in Jinfu Building. Seeing that she wanted to go with her, Gu Xiaowan agreed, "Okay. If it's convenient for you, come and live with us, so you can take care of it. !"

"Convenient, it's so convenient!" When Tan Yushu heard Gu Xiaowan nodded in agreement, he quickly said to Ayu excitedly: "Ayu, you go pack your luggage first, and then go to Jinfu Building to find me!"

The carriage was about to reach Jinfulou. Tan Yushu was very excited, but as soon as she got off the carriage, she suddenly took Gu Xiaowan's arm and said, "Sister Xiaowan, can you not tell everyone who I am! I just ran out secretly. Yes, my grandpa doesn’t even know that I’m here yet"

Tan Yushu rubbed his index fingers with both hands, like a child who did something wrong.

Gu Xiaowan heard what she said, and knew that if Tan Yushu's identity was known to others, she agreed to it, fearing that it would cause a lot of trouble. Anyway, the less people who knew about it, the better!

Tan Yushu stayed in Jinfufu Building, and Gu Xiaowan took her to meet her family.

Every time Gu Xiaowan introduces a person, Tan Yushu sweetly addresses the other person as Gu Xiaowan calls him.

Gu Yuan’s people are now people who have seen the world. Seeing this Tan Yushu’s noble clothes and extraordinary behavior, he also knows that this person’s identity is definitely not an ordinary person, but seeing that she is so respectful and polite to herself, she also has a lot of respect for Tan Yushu. A good impression.

When he saw Qin Yizhi, Tan Yushu was stunned and exclaimed excitedly, "Sister Xiaowan, this brother is really good-looking!"

Beautiful man, everyone likes it. Seeing Tan Yushu's directness, there is nothing but surprise in these words, there is no unreasonable thought, and Qin Yizhi's face is not ugly.

Except for Gu Xiaowan who said he was good-looking, if anyone said that he was good-looking, Qin Yizhi would turn his face and deny him.

Therefore, Qin Yizhi seldom shows up in the capital. He has to go out and never rides a horse. Even if he is riding a horse, he wears a silver mask.

Therefore, in addition to the few people he followed closely, and some people who knew him well, everyone didn't know what he looked like.

This Tan Yushu had never seen Qin Yizhi, and naturally did not know his true identity.

But seeing his long sword eyebrows and star eyes, Fengshen is handsome, he can't help but praise him for his good-looking!

If it's someone else, Qin Mo will definitely turn his face!

However, Tan Yushu’s grandfather, Tan Yexing, once killed an enemy on the battlefield together with Qin Yizhi. It was only because he was very old and lost his son and daughter-in-law, leaving his half-old child behind. , The white-haired man sent the black-haired man, the emperor sympathized with him, and directly recalled him to the capital, giving him the title of general hussars for life.

This title is not something that anyone can hold. If you ask the Qing who can hold the title of this hussar general, apart from Tan Yexing, besides Qin Yizhi, I am afraid that there will be no one!

Tan Yexing couldn't kill on the battlefield, so he went back and took Tan Yushu to the school to train soldiers. The soldiers trained by this were completely different from those trained by others, and they were not on the same level as the soldiers trained by Tan Yexing.

So, even though Tan Yexing no longer led soldiers, his reputation has always been there. As long as you mention Tan Yexing, anyone who doesn't give a thumbs up praises him for his might!

Tan Yexing has experienced three generations of kings in this life, and they are all loyal. Therefore, Qin Yizhi is also respectful and respectful to this old general. Even with Tan Yushu, he naturally gave a bit more good temper!

However, this heart is extremely puzzled.

Tan Yushu is the lifeblood of Tan Yexing. How could there be no one around him, and he ran to Ruixian, a vast county with a maid?

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