The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1099: very excited

Tan Yushu has an outgoing personality and became familiar with everyone within a single night.

Because I didn't tell everyone Tan Yushu's true identity, when interacting with Tan Yushu, everyone was not separated and had a great time.

Gu Ningping was no different from the one who was most excited. He didn't expect Tan Yushu to follow them directly back to Jinfu Tower. He also said that he would live in Jinfu Tower in the future. His complexion immediately blushed, even to the root of his ears. Looking at the pretty face of Tan Yushu, I don't know why, I feel like eating honey in my heart, sweet!

Gu Ningping, who has always been impulsive, hit the cotton with a punch when he saw Tan Yushu, his skin was soft!

"Miss Tan just made some lotus seed soup in the kitchen. It will clear the fire. Would you like to have some?"

Gu Ningping held the lotus seed soup specially made by himself, and even lied that it was made in the kitchen, so he knocked on Tan Yushu's door.

Ayu was packing her luggage inside, and was about to open the door when she saw Tan Yushu put down the things in her hand, and ran to open the door with excitement.

Seeing Ayu was frightened, it was so long-winded: "Miss, you walk slowly, if the master sees you, I will say you again!"

Tan Yushu didn't listen to Ayu's words at all, waved his hand, or jogged all the way to open the door.

I saw Gu Ningping standing outside with a blushing face, holding a bowl of soup in his hand, and presenting it to her like a treasure: "Miss Tan, this lotus seed soup is clear. Would you like to drink a little?"

Tan Yushu was a little weird: "Doll, how did you know that I was upset?"

"I" Gu Ningping looked at Tan Yushu with some embarrassment, and said, "When eating dinner, you said you like spicy food, but I always see that you don't have spicy food. Occasionally eating a little bit of it is painful. , Just thinking that you must be upset!"

Tan Yushu was a little surprised when he heard that Gu Ningping observed so carefully: "How can you observe so carefully!"

Gu Ningping has always been a careless temperament, yes, he also found it strange, how could he observe so carefully!

However, he didn't know it himself, and he really couldn't answer Tan Yushu.

Tan Yushu took the steaming lotus seed soup in Gu Ningping's hand, scooped a spoonful and took it to his mouth. When Gu Ningping saw it, he quickly said anxiously, "Hot, be careful!"

Tan Yushu is also an eager temper. He just stuffed things into his mouth and grinned, but he still didn't spit it out.

Anxious Gu Ningping was about to jump up: "You, you hurry up!"

Gu Ningping felt distressed when he saw Tan Yushu's hot grinning teeth.

Looking distressedly at Tan Yushu's hot grin, I wish I slap myself severely, why not let the soup cool before sending it over!

Tan Yushu kept breathing, and finally cooled the soup in his mouth, swallowed it in one breath, and said with a smile: "It's really sweet! I like sweet ones!"

Gu Ningping saw that she was so hot and didn't forget to say something to comfort him. He felt that her heart was warm, and she felt more distressed.

"Why don't you vomit?"

Tan Yushu laughed, took another sip, and then said, "Why should I vomit it? You did it hard!"

Gu Ningping became a little flustered, and his mouth began to knot again: "How do you know that I did it?"

"After the cook was busy, I would go home a long time ago. Sister Xiaowan told me the first day I came! She asked me to eat more at night, or else I would make it myself. Isn’t your lotus soup? Who did it yourself?" Tan Yushu was smug, as if telling Gu Ningping that you couldn't lie to me, but his eyes were full of gratitude: "Thank you, Brother Ningping."

My heart is full of touch.

She has never seen her father and mother ever since she can remember, and she lives with the big five grandfathers all day long. Grandpa is a soldier in battle, this loud voice can scare a cow to death.

Get anxious with her, it is three feet high that can jump with one jump, and it can be heard in the street next door with a loud voice.

As long as others hear the sound from Tan Mansion, they will know that this old guy is training his granddaughter again.

Tan Yushu has always had such a temperament since he was a child, and he was very carefree, and he was accustomed to fighting Tan Yexing's wits and courage from the time he remembered.

Now seeing Gu Ningping treat each other so tenderly, I feel a little moved.

Hearing Tan Yushu calling his Ning Ping brother, Gu Ning Ping's face turned red all of a sudden, directly to his ears, and then he could fry an egg if he felt hot on his face. He didn't know where to put his hands or feet. Shook his mouth, stammered: "No thanks"

Before he finished speaking, he ran away, the floor crunching.

Tan Yushu looked at him from behind and let out a silver bell-like laughter, giggling, as if directly penetrating someone's heart in this quiet Jinfu Building.

Gu Ningping finally ran into the room, feeling that his face was burning like drinking.

After entering the room, she was sure that Tan Yushu couldn't see herself, so she was breathing heavily against the door panel.

Gu Ning'an was a little strange when he saw his eager runaway: "What's the matter with you? Why is his face flushed like a monkey butt?"

Gu Ning'an looked at his fellow brother and asked a little strangely.

Just now Gu Ningping ran really fast, and the crunching sound from the entrance of the corridor would really think that there was a cannibalistic monster on his back chasing him.

Seeing Gu Ningping not speaking, Gu Ning'an then asked: "Why are you running so fast? Is there a monster behind you who wants to follow you?"

"Brother, it's okay, I'm okay." Gu Ningping slammed the door shut.

After Gu Ningping closed the door, he climbed onto his bed without looking at his brother's surprised gaze.

Lying on the bed, I want to calm my mind, but my heart is still pounding, like a little deer is beating in my heart.

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