The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1100: Xiao Wan's worry

Thinking of Tan Yushu saying that she knew it was the lotus seed soup that she made, and drinking it into her mouth to burn it like that, she was not willing to spit it out, and then she called herself Ning Ping, and the silver bell-like laughter, everything They all touched his heartstrings, as if there was a seed quietly taking root in his heart.

I don't know why, as long as he sees Tan Yushu, Gu Ningping is very happy.

Tossing and turning, this heartbeat is still so fast.

In the end, he just got up, came to Gu Ning’an, blushed and asked: "Brother, you say, why do I blush every time I see Miss Tan, my heart beats fast, and even talk Everyone stammers, why do you think this is?"

Gu Ning'an heard Gu Ningping's question, put down the book, and looked up at the red-faced younger brother who was flushed to the root of his ears.

Did not answer his question immediately.

But suddenly a person flashed in his mind.

He used to, and wondered, why Xu Chengze, who was eloquent in class, couldn't speak when he faced Gu Xiaowan?

Thinking of seeing Xu Chengze's last time, Gu Ningan felt like he was hit hard by something in his heart with his painful expression.

Now, Gu Ningping came to ask him such words!

Gu Ning'an looked at him curiously, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind!

Could it be that Gu Ningping had a spring heart?

Gu Ning'an suppressed the feeling of regret, and smiled and joked: "Oh, is my brother tempted? Whose girl is he after? I can't even speak, let me guess "Then pretending to be a real guess, he said with a smile: "I guess, is it that girl Tan?"

Gu Ningping's face that had just turned white was completely red this time after being touched by his brother.

He was a little panicked, and quickly retorted: "No, no, brother, don't guess."

The more you explain, the more panic the voice becomes, and the more you explain, the more red your face becomes.

"Explanation is to cover up, and to cover up is to tell the story!" Gu Ning'an learned this sentence from Gu Xiaowan and threw it to Gu Ningping jokingly.

"Brother" Gu Ningping, who was said to be in his heart, wailed for a while.

He knew that his brother was making fun of himself, but his face was really embarrassing!

Seeing that Gu Ningping really seemed to be angry, Gu Ningan didn't laugh at him: "Okay, brother, stop talking nonsense, stop talking nonsense!"

The two brothers were talking quietly in the room.

It's a pity that Gu Ning'an is also a hairy young man. He hasn't met a girl who makes his face flushed, her heartbeat quickens, and her words are stuttering. However, thinking of Xu Chengze, he feels it is necessary to ask: "That girl Tang, What did her expression look like when she saw you?"

"Girl Tan's expression?" Gu Ningping thought about it, and said, "She was very happy when she saw me."

very happy?

That proves that Tan Yushu does not hate Gu Ningping!

The two muttered for most of the night, but they still didn't mutter why.

I couldn't stand it any longer, so I lay on the bed and fell asleep.

The sequelae of the second morning was Gu Ning'an and Gu Ningping, with two panda eyes before the last one appeared on the dinner table.

They are almost ready to eat.

Tan Yushu had seen Gu Ningping come over and waved to him with a smile: "Brother Ningping, come sit with me!"

Tan Yushu proactively invited Gu Ningping to sit next to her, with a beaming smile on her face.

"Look, I drank your bowl of lotus seed soup yesterday, and my anger disappeared. Later, I will let the chef cook a few spicy foods to replenish the things I haven't eaten in the past few days. come back!"

When Gu Ningping heard that she was about to eat spicy food, he was a little anxious, and said quickly: "Miss Tan, you can't eat spicy food right now. Your anger has just subsided, and you have to drink more lotus seed soup. When all your anger is gone, it's not too late for you to eat spicy food."

Seeing Gu Ningping's cautious look, even Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised: "How did you know that Yushu was on fire?"

Before Gu Ningping was thinking about how to answer, he heard Tan Yushu have said with a grin: "I didn’t eat some spicy food yesterday. He saw that I liked it but didn’t eat it. It was very sad when I ate it. from!"

After listening to Tan Yushu's words, Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised!

Looking at Gu Ningping, who had such a delicate mind, he had never seen him so delicate as water.

Looking at the red-faced, shy Gu Ningping whose head was lowered to the table, he suddenly thought of something, and then joked: "How come my careless little brother has become so careful?"

Even Aunt Zhang also noticed Gu Ningping’s change, and said at the dinner table: “Yes, this Ningping never eats whatever he eats, he eats whatever he has. This time he even knew that he would drink lotus seed soup if he got angry. , It's just amazing!"

Everyone said a word to me, Gu Ningping wanted to get a hole in the ground.

He is now, hands are not hands, feet are not feet, and he can't say a word for a long time.

Tan Yushu saw Gu Ningping's embarrassed look and helped him out: "Sister Xiaowan, Brother Ningping is kind to me, you guys don't make fun of him."

It was the first time that Gu Xiaowan saw it. Gu Ningping was surprised that Gu Ningping went so hard to please a girl!

But seeing Tan Yushu's lively and cheerful temperament, as well as her charming and beautiful face, it is normal for a girl with such a pleasing sign to please her brother!

It's just Tan Yushu, but the only granddaughter of General Fatqi.

This hussar general is an official of the second rank.

This grade was made with horrendous military exploits, throwing the head, and sprinkling blood, but it was not a vain name.

Gu Ningping is still a half-year-old boy, and he hasn't done anything yet. How could that General Tan betroth his jewel in his palm to a flat-headed young man in the countryside?

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