The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1247: Lu Tao flustered

Lord Zhao came before he was ready.

This is just reporting the two murders, and some people say they know the clues to the murder of Jin Fulou. Doesn't that mean that he is not doing well?

Lu Tao looked sadly at the familiar lotus in the hall. It’s not a good idea to come, but he still knew him, and this person knew a lot of his secrets.

Lu Tao's eyes suddenly became fierce, and he stared straight at the lotus. Mr. Zhao on the side felt a murderous intent suddenly rise in the sky around him. He glanced at Lu Tao at random and then at the girl below. , I felt that there must be many stories between these two people.

"This girl, what clues do you have? One by one, if you have merit in arresting prisoners by the government, then the official will definitely reward you." Mrs. Zhao said in a gentle tone.

Lotus felt relaxed for a while, but turned around, and a stern and familiar voice sounded: "If you slander others or shelter criminals, the adults must not spare you!"

"No people, no people!" At first, the lotus was agitated in her heart, and she was rewarded many times. She didn't know what the reward was, but the more she heard this, the more serious she became. In the end, she was a little afraid and trembling. Body, hesitated and couldn't say a word.

"Any clue, come quickly!" Lu Tao drank coldly.

Where did the lotus ever hear Lu Tao’s stern voice? When I see Lu Tao on weekdays, he always looks pleasant. When talking to Wan, he always talks softly and talks constantly. Where can I see him? Such a stern expression made my heart panic: "Minnu Minnu"

In such a panic, where could I say a complete sentence? Seeing that the girl was scared like this by Lu Tao, Master Zhao gave Lu Tao a look, stood up from the position, walked to the lotus, and personally took the lotus. She helped him up and said to Lu Tao seemingly displeased: "Master Lu, this girl is old acquaintance with you, not to mention that she is your old acquaintance. She is here to report clues. We must take it seriously. , Master Lu, are you threatening like this because you are afraid that she will say something?"

Lord Zhao meant something, Lu Tao blushed immediately after hearing this, and hurriedly pleaded guilty: "I am atonement, the official is only concerned about this murder case, and naturally he has to take it seriously, but if someone tells false news, it affects the government. The verdict is naturally to be severely punished!"

Master Zhao waved her hand: "Master Lu, what anxious, this girl hasn't said yet, we won't be too late when she tells it in detail!"

Lu Tao choked with a word of Master Zhao couldn't say a word, he could only arch his hands and step back, but his eyes looked fiercely at the lotus that was lifted by Master Zhao, with a fierce face.

The lotus grows so big, and I have never had close contact with the official. Although I used to follow the Wan clan, I would often contact with Lu Tao, but these are just tricks like fetching water and delivering food. Where can I be with the official? Had such close contact.

People who are excited by lotus are about to fly.

At this moment, she was actually held up by the official's arm, and this person's official position was even higher than that of Master Lu. The lotus is about to faint with happiness. If it weren't for her and this Master Zhao, if it were Lu Tao, she would fall directly into this person's arms with excitement.

Excited cheeks flew over two blushes, smiling and learning Wan's movements, taking a step back without leaving any traces, shy but generous: "The people's daughter thanked the adults."

The girl is pretty long, and the gesture of saluting is quite satisfactory. It seems that she has learned before, not like an ordinary girl, but like a maid in the house.

"Girl, do you have any clues, tell me carefully, the more detailed the better!" Mrs. Zhao said with a smile.

Lotus suddenly raised her head quickly, and just glanced at Master Zhao who was standing in front of her. His eyes flashed across Lu Tao who was on the opposite side. Lu Tao was looking at herself with a stern face, as if she was very unwelcome.

There is a clue about where the lotus is, but it's only when I met someone on the way, promising to give her a wish she wanted, and let her follow.

She felt a little confused. If Master Lu was alone, she would definitely say it, but there was an adult next to her. If she said it, this master had taken away the masterpiece in solving the case!

Lotus was very entangled in her heart, she obviously wanted to tell Master Lu, not to this adult!

She did not speak for a long time, and squeezed the veil in her hand, as if she had some concerns.

Master Zhao returned to his position, seeing that this person hadn't spoken for a long time, but seeing her expression a little worried, he asked: "This girl has any concerns, it's okay to tell the officer!"

Hearing the lotus, he hurriedly raised his head, looked at Mr. Zhao, and then at Lu Tao next to him, his face was full of worries.

Seeing her wanting to talk and stopping, Lu Tao was afraid that this person would involve herself in it, and hurriedly shouted: "Bold and grassy, ​​dare to look directly at the adult. If the adult asks you, you will not speak. Why on earth? Is it a lie to tell the clues and deliberately teased the adults? Come on, pull this wicked woman down and hit the 30th board!"

Lu Tao was furious, so he yelled for someone to pull the lotus out and beat him again. Master Zhao drank the tea without saying a word, as if acquiescing to Lu Tao's behavior.

The lotus in the hall, seeing Lu Tao, had all the scared three souls and seven souls ascended to heaven. With a bang, he slapped his legs and feet and fell on his knees again: "My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving, isn't it? Not just"

"Asshole, the adults are here, so you can squeak in front of them!" Lu Tao wished to send the maid out now. It's a bad time to come, but come today.

I don't know if Wanshi asked her to come.

Lu Tao hated to die in his heart. It seems that on weekdays, he was kind to the Wanshi Taizong. Taizong had treated her, and his feelings were also innocent. He always told her not to come to the government office. , I also chose to come when the magistrate was in the government office. If his relationship with the Wan clan was revealed, and the Guo family knew about it, all of his future would be ruined.

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