The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1248: Pink confidant

Lu Tao's panic and nervousness naturally fell in the eyes of Master Zhao. He looked at Lu Tao who looked like a beaming clown with a little amusement, and snorted majesticly. Then Lu Tao shut his mouth immediately and arched his back. I dare not speak anymore.

"Master Lu, why be so angry! The girl came to the government office for the first time, but she was afraid to come. Let's listen first. Does she have any concerns! Girl, what do you want to say, but say No problem, the officer promises you that no matter what you say, the officer will not blame you!"

Lord Zhao is kind and amiable. Only then did Lotus raise her eyes, glanced at Lu Tao sadly, and said quietly: "This news was originally intended to inform Lord Lu alone."

"Presumptuous!" Lu Tao suddenly jumped into a rage, and the yaman standing outside heard such a loud noise inside. All you look at me, I look at you, I don’t know who it is in it that caused Lu Tao to make such a big deal. The fire!

Lu Tao jumped up angrily. Seeing Master Zhao looking at him displeased, he realized that he was just a subordinate, and he didn't say anything, and he went over again, but what the maid said was really annoying. 'S speechless.

"My lord, according to the humble opinion of the next official, what this girl said is really unbelievable, so let's beat her out!" Lu Tao said eagerly, how the maid next to Wanshi would say such things so well.

No matter what I thought, the more anxious Lu Tao, the happier Master Zhao saw.

The relationship between Lu Tao and that girl became more and more curious.

"Master Lu, what anxious? This girl hasn't started to say it yet!" Master Zhao was obviously watching his joke, and the smile on his eyebrows couldn't help but Lu Tao was even more upset when he saw it.

"This girl, it's okay for you to say it, it's the same for telling him and telling me!"

"Is it really the same? If the case is solved, is it your credit or Master Lu's credit?" Lotus asked eagerly. This is related to Master Lu's future. If the murder case is solved, Master Lu But there is a good future.

Master Zhao glanced at Lu Tao, whose face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and smiled: "Master Lu, also said that this girl has nothing to do with you? This girl cares so much about you to solve this case, and cares about you. Credit, Master Lu, this girl cares about you very much!"

Lu Tao lowered his head and did not dare to speak, but in his heart he cursed the lotus half to death. He even put on the hat of stupid pig with that Wan Shi: "You can't elaborate, if something goes wrong. I will not spare you!"

"The girl said it's okay. If your news really solves the case, all the credit for this is naturally Master Lu!"

The lotus blushed with shame: "My lord, that day, the uncle of Anping County Lord of Jinfulou once visited Jinfulou!"

"Gu Chuanlu?" Both of them shouted a name in unison.

"Yeah! That's him! He went to the county lord of Anping for help, but the county lord of Anping didn't help, and beat him out. He also said that from now on he can't step into Jinfu Tower for half a step, and he is not allowed to come close. Her family was half a step away. At the end, I saw him enter a medical clinic!" Lotus said, following what Liu Qingshan had taught her.

The amount of information is huge, and it is even more conclusive. Gu Chuanlu begged Gu Xiaowan to fail, and with a grudge, he bought medicine to kill innocent people and framed Gu Xiaowan!

It seems that all of this has an argument!

Master Lu frowned when he saw Master Zhao's brows. He seemed to believe what the lotus said. He was a little worried and hurriedly said, "My lord, you don't know. The uncle of Anping County Lord can also be regarded as a knowledgeable and reasonable person. Gu Xiaowan harbors a grudge, but she will not do such a life-threatening thing!"

Seeing that Lu Tao didn't believe her words, Lotus explained, "My lord, what the people said is true!"

"Okay, the officer asked you, how did you know that this person had visited the county lord of Anping, how did you know that this person had a holiday with the county lord of Anping, and how did you know that this person went to the hospital? How did he know that the medicine he bought was Qixingsan, but it was an extrapolation! Come here, drive this crazy woman out!" Lu Tao promptly blasted the lotus out, and the lotus came to inform Lu Tao. In order to allow him to solve the case as soon as possible, but when he said the suspect, Lu Tao didn't believe it, and even kicked him out, how could Lotus not be sad.

At this moment, tears filled his eyes, focusing on one spot and falling down: "My lord, what the people said is true! If it wasn't for the adults, the people, the people."

The sorrows and sorrows were very touching. Master Zhao smiled and said: "Master Lu thinks that it is a tale of nonsense, but the official believes that there is a certain degree of credibility. The so-called no wind and no waves, since there is this hearsay, it is naturally This kind of rhetoric can only be made when there is such a thing. Girl, the news of you is very good. If it is helpful to this case, the officer will definitely reward you!"

Seeing that Master Zhao believed her words, Lotus was ecstatic and nodded her head in thanks, "Thank you, Sir, the girl does not ask for any reward, as long as Master Lu can quickly solve this murder case!"

Although he didn't say anything about Lotus's words, the two adults were both here. Seeing the lotus looking at Lu Tao shyly and admiringly, she understood everything.

Master Zhao asked people to send the lotus away, and did not forget to say to Lu Tao: "Master Lu is really loving the people in this Liujia Town. There are so many people paying attention to the case, this lady in pink I am so concerned about Master Lu, and I don’t know how Master Lu will repay this girl! No matter how beautiful the lady is, Master Lu hasn’t been back for so many years and doesn’t want to miss the taste of this sweet wife?"

Master Zhao's words were full of jokes. Lu Tao only thought that he hadn't heard it, and said solemnly: "My lord is joking, and the lower officials have always worked diligently, loving the people like children, nothing else!"

Master Zhao laughed, patted Lu Tao on the shoulder, and said in a meaningful way: "That's good, the Guo family is a famous family, but you can't come here for nothing!"

Lu Tao nodded hurriedly and said yes, but he was afraid to die in his heart.

When Gu Xiaowan and Ahmad brought Lei Dasheng to the government office, the government officer who went to Ruixian to catch Gu Chuanlu also arrived.

The two met at the door of the mansion, naturally frightened, looking at each other in surprise.

Ju is without saying a word.

Gu Chuanlu was taken in at first. Gu Xiaowan and Ahmad waited at the door, and said to the guards at the door: "I beg you to pass the message, and say that Anping County Lord Gu Xiaowan asks to see Lord Zhao!"

The official post was brought by Master Zhao. Seeing that it was Gu Xiaowan who had come, she hurriedly led Gu Xiaowan into the house: "The county owner is waiting for a while this time, the younger one will go and invite the adults!"

After a while, Mrs. Zhao came over. Seeing Gu Xiaowan, he would bow his head and salute when he was busy. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward to grab him: "My lord, don't be polite!"

As soon as the two of them sat down in their positions, Lu Tao rushed over without stopping. Someone also told Lu Tao directly. Lu Tao didn’t know what was happening to Gu Xiaowan late at night, so he invited Mrs. Zhao alone. He didn’t know what to do and followed along. come.

"What is the urgency of the county owner coming here so late?" Lord Zhao just glanced at Lu Tao lightly before talking to Gu Xiaowan.

There are only two top positions, and they are now seated by Gu Xiaowan and Mrs. Zhao.

Lu Tao hurriedly stepped forward to salute Gu Xiaowan. She only acted as if she hadn't seen her: "Why Master Zhao came to Liujiazhen? But for the two murders in Liujiazhen?"

In the afternoon, Gu Xiaowan learned that Lord Zhao had come, and wanted to come because of the two murders. This also involves herself. Of course Gu Xiaowan has to see Lord Zhao, but it is definitely not good to visit like this. Naturally, he is going to find Lei Dasheng anyway, so she simply tied him to see Lord Zhao. .

When Lu Tao heard Gu Xiaowan’s words, he quickly stepped forward and said solemnly: "Anping County Lord, this homicide case, Anping County Lord is also a suspect in it. You suspect asked Lord Zhao about the homicide case, maybe something is wrong, right? After being known by others, I also have to say that Mrs. Zhao is selfish and leaks the case to you! If there is a cover-up crime, both my lord and I can bear the blame!"

What Lu Tao said was naturally addressed to Master Zhao. It is clearly saying that Master Zhao and Gu Xiaowan are the suspects in this murder case. If you tell her the case, then others will say that you report the criminal to the criminal.

Master Zhao laughed. It seemed that he didn't take Lu Tao's words to heart at all, and he seemed to be satirizing Lu Tao's unfavorable handling: "There is nothing you can't say, Master Lu, now that you find out is not only in the cell. The few servants of the county, are the Anping county lord who confessed to be suspects? Anyway, there are only confessions, there is no conclusive evidence, that is to say to the Anping county lord, it’s not a big deal!"

"Master Zhao, I did not come this time for the Jinfulou murder case! It was for another murder case!"

After Gu Xiaowan finished speaking, she pointed to the door and said: "Ama, bring people up!"

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