The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1250: The good show of dog biting dog

The other person who followed closely also made Lu Tao's face pale with fright. The person who came was the lotus that had been here. He followed Ahmad and went to the hall!

"You, you, this" Gu Chuanlu kept walking back in fear, as if seeing a ghost, frightened.

Liu Qingshan drooped his head. This time, he originally planned to let the lotus go to the mansion to sue Gu Chuanlu, so that Gu Chuanlu couldn't eat it.

After talking with lotus, Liu Qingshan wanted to leave Liujiazhen and would never return.

But where did I know that I had been targeted by Gu Xiaowan a long time ago.

Gu Xiaowan had asked Zuo to watch the movement in the small alley house. The lotus came out of the house and walked around the street. Zuo followed him. Later, Liu Qingshan tied the lotus. Zuo also heard everything he said to Lotus.

After the lotus was gone, Zuo stunned Liu Qingshan straight away and brought him back to Jinfulou.

After some torture, Liu Qingshan naturally recruited everything.

Then I heard Liu Qingshan said that Gu Chuanlu had given him one hundred taels of silver and asked him to take the laxatives to Jinfulou to get off casually, which also caused an accident in Jinfulou.

Jin Fu Lou is so smooth. Everyone is jealous at such a good business. Even if someone has a diarrhea, it is because the dishes in Jin Fu Lou are not hygienic. Or, in other words, which restaurant is jealous of Jin Fu Lou's business Okay, give Jin Fulou a bit of trouble.

No one would think about Liu Qingshan and Gu Chuanlu.

But, who knows, that medicine turned out to be not a laxative, it turned out to be a poison, and it poisoned people!

Liu Qingshan didn't know how the medicine in his hand could be poison, but Liu Qingshan promised that he only agreed to release laxatives at the time, and he did nothing else!

Moreover, the hundred taels of silver that Gu Chuanlu promised to him was not given, and Gu Chuanlu disappeared without a trace.

When Liu Qingshan explained the ins and outs of everything in the hall, Gu Chuanlu's words would be self-defeating.

Gu Chuanlu didn’t know how to meet Liu Qingshan here. According to the idea of ​​taking care of Chuanlu, Liu Qingshan would bury this matter in his heart and rot in his heart. After all, this medicine was given by Liu Qingshan himself. If Qing Shan insisted on confessing Gu Chuanlu, Gu Chuanlu had to refute it.

However, now, Gu Chuanlu was stunned by Liu Qingshan's arrival and saying that there was nothing to say, so he looked at Liu Qingshan in a daze and pushed everything to himself.

Liu Qingshan finished speaking, but Gu Chuanlu didn't react until Master Zhao slapped the gavel viciously and said solemnly: "Gu Chuanlu, what Liu Qingshan said, but what is true?"

Gu Chuanlu was so scared that he was stunned. He was limp on the ground. He came back to his senses when he heard the sound of a gavel. He cried out loudly when he was lying on the ground, "My lord, he is talking nonsense, he is talking nonsense! "

"I'm talking nonsense! Gu Chuanlu, are you still a human? You are killing me!" Liu Qingshan was caught by Gu Xiaowan, and he had already told Gu Xiaowan the truth. If the Seven Stars believe it was him, then It's killing people, but it's going to be beheaded!

Although Liu Qingshan is a gangster, he can't take his own life to gang up. Without even thinking about it, he naturally pushed all these things onto Gu Chuanlu.

Gu Chuanlu saw that Liu Qingshan said that he did it himself, but he obviously didn't do it himself. He just wanted a laxative. He didn't know anything else!

Gu Chuanlu looked up in horror, and suddenly threw all these things on Lei Dasheng's body: "It's him, it's Lei Dasheng. I'll go to him for a laxative, but who knows that the medicine will kill people! The medicine was given to me by Lei Dasheng, and that medicine was given to me by him! It was him!"

Gu Chuanlu cried in horror. For the first time, he felt panic! Lei Dasheng denies: "Nonsense, I only gave you a laxative. How do I know when you changed the poison yourself!"

"I didn't change, I didn't change, Liu Qingshan can testify, he can testify! At that time, he drank too much, I took him back to the restaurant, and gave him the medicine directly. I haven't changed the medicine at all!"

"Huh, then who knows! I bought you a laxative, who knows who you are and when you changed to Qixingsan, you two have enemies with the county lord of Anping, and both want to harm the lord of Anping, you Everyone is suspicious. I have no quarrel with the county lord of Anping, and I have no motive to harm her at all!" Lei Dasheng denied it, and absolutely did not admit that he took the Qixingsan at that time!

Gu Chuanlu also feels wronged!

After taking the medicine from Lei Dasheng at that time, he gave Liu Qing yam medicine when he went back. He didn't even look at the medicine. What Lei Dasheng gave to himself was like he gave Liu Qingshan.

Lei Dasheng said at the moment that he and Gu Xiaowan had no entanglement, but is there really no entanglement?

Gu Chuanlu climbed a few steps forward at that time, and said in horror: "Master Zhao, Master Zhao, he is nonsense. He has entanglements with Xiaowan, and there are entanglements!"

"Gu Chuanlu, don't spit people!" Seeing Gu Chuanlu reveal his shortcomings, Lei Dasheng quickly stepped forward and retorted loudly: "My lord, don't listen to Gu Chuanlu's nonsense. I have no dispute with the county lord of Anping!"

Two of you say something to me, one said that there was a dispute, the other retorted that there was no dispute, and the noisy lobby was like boiling a pot of porridge.

But look at another client, Gu Xiaowan, as if she was a okay person. She sat in a chair and drank tea in a relaxed manner, as if she hadn't heard the dispute at all.

"You two hold on to each other, one said yes, the other said no, but you two are talking about who is right!" Seeing Gu Xiaowan's leisurely look, Lord Zhao also guessed what Gu Xiaowan meant. Looking at these two people, said jokingly.

In order to save his life, on such occasions, who remembers those previous friendships and can’t wait to sell the other party: "My lord, seven or eight years ago, Gu Xiaoyi, the sister of the county lord of Anping, another niece of Caomin, was killed by Lei Da Shengxian diagnosed that my niece was just fainted by his medicine, but he just happened to say that it hurt the internal organs, and the life was not long, so the county owner of Anping had to buy ginseng at a high price to save Gu Xiaoyi's life. , The ginseng is still fake, but it is replaced by fake ginseng like ginseng that will not hurt human life. It cost the county lord of Anping hundreds of taels! My niece was not injured at all, but he was drugged , Has been dizzy and unconscious!" Gu Chuanlu knelt on the ground and told what happened that year.

Master Zhao glanced at Gu Xiaowan, and saw that Gu Xiaowan was still silent, without any expression on her face. She should know if she wants to come!

Next, the two people started a war of tears!

"Gu Chuanlu, don't pretend to be a good person! You didn't like the wealth of the county lord of Anping back then. You found me and said that you would join me to grab the county lord's silver! The idea back then was you. If it wasn't for you, I Will you frame them for no reason? Gu Chuanlu, you have used the silver too, you made the strategy, I just cooperated with you! You are a bitch, and now things have been revealed, I want to set up an archway again, where is there such a thing in this world? Good thing!"

Lei Dasheng told me all the things that happened back then. This time he said directly to Gu Xiaowan: "The county lord of Anping, what happened back then was a small mistake. If it wasn't for Gu Chuanlu who coveted your property and found me, If I join hands with him to accuse you of your money, how could I frame you? To blame, I can only blame him, greedy, even my niece’s money!"

Back then, Gu Xiaoyi was lying on the side of the stream, covered in blood and blood. Gu Xiaowan thought she fell from the mountain, so she didn't dare to move. It turned out that Xiaoyi was in a coma because she was drugged. , Fainted!

Knowing what happened in the past, it's also clear!

Gu Xiaowan had always wondered whether the village girl in her small village was jealous of other people because she sold ginseng at the time. That is why she used such a strategy and gave her money away.

It turns out that feelings are my uncle!

He really is a family, he has made money, he knows it!

"Then I think it's strange, how could he know that I have silver?" This is something Gu Xiaowan doesn't understand. If she buys a field later, Gu Chuanlu will come to occupy it only when she knows it, it's all obvious. But she only sold root ginseng at the time, or sold it secretly. How could Gu Chuanlu know that she had silver in her body!

Lei Dasheng sneered: "Of course he knew. Back when you were poor and couldn't even eat rice, why suddenly you have money to buy rice, noodles and meat. You think no one knows what you are cooking, but you are a good uncle , But the eye thief is very, your family has changed so much, how could he not know!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, looked at Gu Chuanlu, who was already flushed with shame, and deliberately asked: "Uncle, I don't know if what Doctor Lei said is true?"

Gu Chuanlu said all the embarrassing words, hesitated for a long time, pointed at Lei Dasheng, and began to reveal the short, and this time, he directly brought Lu Tao with him.

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