The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1251: Guilty of gross disrespect

"Lei Dasheng, you are a foreigner with poor medical skills. Why can you open a medical clinic in Liujiazhen? It's not because you have a good cousin. You can count the patients from other countries. , And can’t save people. How many patients are in your hands, delaying the illness and delaying the treatment! A doctor like you should have closed the door long ago!” Gu Chuanlu also took out the matter of Lei Dasheng. Ali.

In a blink of an eye, these two are in the courtroom, you bite me and I bite you, biting happily.

The whole court, where was the silence just now, everyone stretched their ears to listen to the two dogs biting the dog!

The two screamed fiercely, and some of them missed the beat, where it would allow the other to take advantage, and ran forward to tear it up.

Master Zhao didn't stop him, just watched. Those Yamen didn't stop when they saw Master Zhao. They watched with such interest, and they all watched. Only Lu Tao was anxious as if on a hot pot. Ants are restless.

Look at the two people tore in the middle of the field, and look at Master Zhao who is interested in fighting each other. He scolded this stupid cousin thousands of times in his heart, and really didn't understand what this Master Zhao meant!

Can only be anxious!

Gu Chuanlu and Lei Dasheng, you punched me and kicked, and after a while, the faces of both of them were embarrassed.

Master Zhao saw the bruises on the faces of the two, and coughed, and called them to stop.

This Lei Dasheng was not good at medical skills, but he opened a medical clinic and killed so many people. Gu Xiaowan took the brunt of the victims. He didn’t need to interrogate anymore, and directly decided Lei Dasheng. A sin.

After that, everything came to the end.

Liu Qingshan said that the medicine was given by Gu Chuanlu, and Gu Chuanlu said that the medicine was given by Lei Dasheng. The medicine passed through so many hands. No one admitted that he was holding Qixingsan, but only that the medicine he took was a laxative. .

However, in the body of the deceased, only one medicine of Qixingsan was found, and no laxative ingredient was found at all. It can only show that the medicine under Liu Qingshan at that time was only Qixingsan, and there was no second person to prescribe it.

The murderer was concentrated on Liu Qingshan and the other three.

Seeing this scene, the little servants glanced at each other, and then all kowtowed and shouted: "My lord, my shopkeeper is wronged, and my shopkeeper is wronged!"

Seeing these little servants talking, Master Zhao asked at this moment: "All of you are intact and have not been tortured, but you all say that the Anping County Master ordered you to administer the medicine. You must know that you are slandering the county owner, but you have to cut it. The sin of the head!"

When the young men heard this, they were all paralyzed in terror. It was death to slander the county owner, and it was also death to be beaten to death by Lu Tao.

It is better to die for the head of Anping County, and it can be considered as fulfilling his master and servant relationship.

On the spot, there were two little servants who came to Gu Xiaowan’s face, crying and crying: "Treasurer, I’m sorry, it’s not the little one who slandered the shopkeeper. If we don’t say that you instructed We will kill us if we do it! We are really scared!"

"Treasurer, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't mean it! Oh, there is an old lady in my house, if I die, my mother will ooh"

Each of those little servants crawled in front of Gu Xiaowan and pleaded guilty to Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan can't talk about hate or not hate this group of people!

One time of infidelity, a hundred times of useless!

Gu Xiaowan has always believed in this view. These people slander themselves. Although it is excusable, Gu Xiaowan does not blame them. Everyone cherishes their lives, and no one will make fun of their lives.

It's just that they can't survive, and Gu Xiaowan also has his own principles of life.

Gu Xiaowan said lightly: "I don't blame you."

Hearing that Gu Xiaowan didn't blame them, all those people kowtow excitedly: "Thank you, the shopkeeper, thank you, the shopkeeper!"

Give each of them one more month's salary and let them find another job!

Gu Xiaowan lowered her head and ignored them.

Master Zhao felt strange: "Master Lu didn't torture you, you have slandered the county lord of Anping. If I were your treasurer, I would have to beat you half to death!"

"The treasurer, he tortured the other two people in the cell! He used a soldering iron and a leather whip soaked in salt water. One of them was really unbearable and obeyed. He was still in the cell without following. Let's come over, the other one has never been there, and it's still hanging in the interrogation room. I don't know whether it is life or death!"

"Master Lu, didn't you say that these people were not tortured and recruited by themselves? Feelings are a group of people who are recruited, and a group of people who are tormented! You are guilty of yang and yin, you did it quite smoothly! "Master Zhao squinted at Lu Tao, his face full of displeasure.

Hearing that Master Zhao had said all the violations of Yang Feng and Yin, Lu Tao was even more frightened in a cold sweat: "My lord, there is no such thing as an official, or an official. After listening to the following report, the official said that he had never been tortured, Xiao For this reason, these people were allowed to confess, but I didn’t know that they were also tortured! It was because the officials were not strictly disciplined, and they must be properly disciplined afterwards!"

Lu Tao blamed himself.

"Bring up those two little servants, I want to see what the wounds are like, how dare they punish themselves! The saint has made a decree. Anyone who is not sure whether they are guilty must not be beaten and beaten. Master Lu, You have committed great disrespect!"

When the two young men were brought up, Gu Xiaowan was even more moved when she saw Xiaoliangzi's scars.

This person was hurt in this way, but still did not betray himself, this kindness, Gu Xiaowan remembered in her heart.

The wound on Xiaoliangzi’s chest that was burned with a soldering iron was not treated. In the dark part of the interrogation room, it was not treated and bandaged in time. The wound had suppurated, a huge blister, and the surrounding blister was small. The pustule, and the whiplash, all the clothes on her body were torn, and the wounds on the whipped body and the salt water were also pus. There was no good place on the whole body. Gu Xiaowan glanced, tears in her eyes It fell directly.

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