The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1252: Messed up

Xiao Liangzi was brought up, and when she saw the court, Gu Xiaowan was still sitting there, and her heart suddenly relaxed.

There was a smile on his face, but it was because of the wound on his body. This smile was a bit far-fetched: "Treasurer, don't be sad, I'm fine!"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan crying for herself and feeling sorry for herself, Xiao Liangzi suddenly felt that all these injuries on her body were worth it.

The shopkeeper is so kind to himself, how can he betray the shopkeeper!

Thinking of this, Xiao Liangzi's brows frowned, and he said reproachfully: "The shopkeeper, why are you here, are you okay?"

He was afraid that the slander of the other people would have any bad effect on Gu Xiaowan. He looked around and saw that the young men who were arrested together that day were also here, each of them drooping their heads, not dare. Looking at this, I dare not speak.

Seeing them like that, Xiao Liangzi couldn't bear it. They all wanted to survive, in the face of life and death, choosing themselves, betraying others, but this is also the instinct of people to survive.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head and quickly comforted him: "It's okay, I'm okay. Don't worry, I won't let you have anything!"

Gu Xiaowan then turned around, with a sad expression on her face, and said to Master Zhao: "My lord, my little servant is injured like this now, I want to send him out to see the doctor first!"

Since no one at Jinfulou prescribes medicine, naturally Jinfulou is not suspicious. Lord Zhao thought for a while and nodded in agreement: "Okay, this man is not injured, so I have to take a good look! Come, come, Take him down and see the doctor for a good life!"

The servants around Mr. Zhao took the initiative to lift Xiao Liangzi away, and Gu Xiaowan also comforted him: "You go down to heal your injuries first, and when the things here are over, I will take you home!"

Come back home?

When Xiao Liangzi heard the word "home", his eyes lit up, and the upper body of the whole person was lifted up. With big clear eyes, he looked at Gu Xiaowan in disbelief: "The shopkeeper, you"

The next thing is not that he dare not say it, but that he is afraid that he has heard it wrong, and is happy.

Gu Xiaowan smiled at him and comforted: "Don't you have no home? From now on you will be a member of the Gu family!"

The shopkeeper said this to himself?

As soon as Xiaoliangzi heard the words, her nose was sour, and tears flowed down so much that she couldn't help but: "The shopkeeper"

"Stop talking, bandage it up, and let's go home later!" Gu Xiaowan's eyes were bright and her voice soft, as if she had brought Xiaoliangzi to the romantic place of Shanhua, making him very happy.

Let's go home! Xiao Liangzi's heart was about to fly to the sky with joy. The shopkeeper meant that in the future, will Gu's family be his home?

Xiao Liangzi couldn't believe it. After so many years of death, his father and mother had been used to living alone, but now, someone would even say that he would take him home, and he would be a family in the future.

Xiao Liangzi burst into tears with excitement, but he was afraid of delaying Gu Xiaowan, so he wiped the tears clean with his sleeves, and was carried out by the yakuza with a smile on his back.

Gu Xiaowan also smiled at him.

And the little guys next to him heard what Gu Xiaowan said to Xiaoliangzi, and Gu Xiaowan couldn’t understand what she said. She meant that Xiaoliangzi would belong to the Gu family in the future, wouldn’t it mean to take Xiaoliangzi home?

Some of these little servants used to be familiar with Xiao Liangzi. They were working odd jobs or begging. Later, Xiao Liangzi was taken back to Jinfu Tower. Yi Ran did not forget them, and took them to Jinfu one by one. Lou, there is another place to settle down, and there is a warm place to eat and wear.

They were very grateful to Xiao Liangzi, and even more grateful to Gu Xiaowan who took them in.

The shopkeeper did not despise what they were doing before, and only told them a few words, clean hands and feet, work diligently, and be loyal.


Thinking of this, a few small servants, you look at me, I look at you, thinking that even if Xiao Liangzi is injured, he will not betray Gu Xiaowan. Maybe this is the shopkeeper's request for their loyalty!

They didn't do it, and they had no face to face the shopkeeper and Xiao Liangzi.

The heads of several people were about to be knocked on the ground, and they were all very sad without speaking.

The two young servants used big punishments, one was beaten as a move, and the other would rather die than surrender. Just now, Master Zhao also saw the wound on the young servant's body, and they were all wounded like that. They still tried their best to defend Gu Xiaowan. The person who knows the good news.

Master Zhao sighed for a while, then turned to look at Lu Tao coldly and trembling. He has stood up from his position at this moment, and why he dared not sit down anymore: "Master Lu, the use of large punishments is a sin of disrespect, and what is even worse is that , There is still a trick to fight, think about how to explain to the court when you see it!"

Lu Tao's body was just talented, and now he was frightened in a cold sweat.

Gu Xiaowan snorted coldly: "My lord, Master Lu used torture to injure my fellow like this, and even framed the county lord and instigated them to administer drugs to harm people. Is lord Lu going to give the county lord an explanation?"

"I want it, I want it!" Lu Datou's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and he quickly wiped his forehead with his sleeves, his face flushed with fear, and he replied with a horrified expression: "It's all because the officials are not correct. Let the people below do this and other things, and the next officials must strictly discipline them, and there will never be such a thing again!"

Lu Tao avoids the important and takes the slightest, but Gu Xiaowan does not buy his account: "Master Lu, you haven't answered me, how can you give the county owner an explanation!"

Lu Tao looked anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, with a wounded expression on his face: "This, this is an official."

As soon as Gu Xiaowan's words fell, a sharp female voice suddenly sounded in the lobby: "Master Lu has already apologized to you, why are you still aggressive?"

The voice of this female voice was sharp and sharp, which was very abrupt in the lobby.

Gu Xiaowan didn't expect such a female voice to be heard behind her. She was a little curious. Turning her head to look at the voice, she saw an angry lotus. At this moment, she raised her head high and low, staring at herself with indignation, like It's normal to eat yourself.

It was the lotus, the maid serving close to Wan Shi, who seemed to have inexplicable thoughts about Lu Tao.

Gu Xiaowan sneered, her dark eyeballs stared at the lotus so firmly, she felt a little frustrated when she saw the lotus.

But thinking that this girl was so much younger than herself, how could she as an adult be frightened by this person, so she bulged her cheeks, a pair of apricot eyes, and her white pupils were big, she stared back again.

"Presumptuous! I dared to be disrespectful to the county lord of Anping, come here, give me fifty shots!" Seeing someone rushing forward to block Gu Xiaowan's question, Lu Tao was overjoyed and saw how good this girl is. With a wink, he dared to confront Gu Xiaowan.

There was a burst of joy in my heart. Someone shielded herself from the knife. What's more happy was that this maid knew her too many secrets. If she said it here, her life would be ruined. The only thing she could do was to do this as soon as possible. The maid covered her mouth to prevent her from speaking.

And the dead, just can't speak.

Fifty boards, this charming little girl, if she doesn't die, she will die soon.

Lotus's face turned green in fright. The body that was straight up just now has collapsed to the ground, looking at Lu Tao in disbelief.

"Big man!" Lotus was full of horror. She didn't want to understand. She spoke for the adult and helped him. Why did he beat herself? And, if the board was beaten, her life would be lost. Up.

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving." Lotus looked at Lu Tao, who was like a **** demon, with a look of horror. She trembled with fright. If these fifty slabs really hit her, would she still be alive? ?

Master Lu wanted to die by himself. The instinct for survival could make the lotus climb forward, and wanted to climb in front of Lu Tao to ask Lu Tao to intercede, but just a few steps after climbing, he was stopped by the servants, and the weak woman was caught by the fire stick in her hand.

When the torture was about to begin, and when the fire stick was about to fall on the weak woman, Master Zhao said: "Stop it! Master Lu, it is not your turn to speak here."

Master Zhao's cold words made Lu Tao even more restless.

First it was the incident of Lei Dasheng that made Master Zhao ridicule him, and now there is another thing about lotus. This lotus is just two mouthfuls. Master Zhao has already begun to humiliate himself. If this lotus puts himself and that Wanshi Speak out

Eight years

I have been happy with that Wan clan for eight years. If the matter between myself and the Wan clan is known to everyone, Master Zhao, and people from the Guo family know.

It is hard for Lu Tao to imagine that his great future in this life will also be ruined!

Thinking of this, Lu Tao was shocked in a cold sweat. Without even thinking about it, he said: "My lord, this unsophisticated man has openly insulted the Anping county lord in the courtroom, and his dismissal is also for the sake of Anping’s reputation. This is a loss of measure. I hope that the lieutenant is also for the sake of the reputation of the county lord of Anping. Don't blame the lieutenant! The lieutenant has lost his measure in front of the lord and the county lord of Anping. "

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