The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1253: Wan Shi is here too

Master Zhao chuckled, "Of course I won’t blame you for what Master Lu said! It’s just that this maid seems to have a lot of friendship with you, and is always defending you and saying good things for you. But how can you bear to hit this girl with these fifty slabs? If the fifty slabs are really hit, is this girl still alive? Let’s not say whether you really are the reputation of the county lord of Anping For the sake of this, just because of the reputation of the county lord, you killed a life. Where do you want to place the county lord of Anping? Or does Master Lu just want this girl’s life?"

Lord Zhao's words instantly touched Lu Tao's death!

Yes, he just wants this lotus to die!

Only the dead can't speak!

If Wan's matter were really stabbed out, it would be a scourge!

At that time, there is nothing left.

Not to mention the great prospects, just the nine-rank Fuya Sesame Officer is gone.

Lu Tao shuddered when he thought of the Guo Family's swearing vows when he first recruited them!

"Master Zhao, you really want to be an official because of the reputation of the county lord of Anping!" Lu Tao hurriedly showed his loyalty.

"Oh, isn't it? There is no other selfishness?" Mrs. Zhao absolutely didn't believe it, and asked suspiciously, then he was dazed by Lu Tao and did not speak for a long time.

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan's words made Lu Tao even more like an enemy.

"Master Zhao, don't embarrass Master Lu anymore. If you suspect that Master Lu has something with this girl, you are really mistaken. This girl is just a maid, who specializes in serving the master. She and Master Lu are not very close. Familiar, but her master is very familiar with Master Lu!" Gu Xiaowan said jokingly. Lu Tao saw Gu Xiaowan's smile, and she really didn't know whether Gu Xiaowan was telling the truth or not!

It's impossible for anyone to know if I hid the Wan clan so tightly!

However, Gu Xiaowan's words made Lu Tao confused and his expression panicked!

Liu Qingshan on the side had a chance to speak at this moment, and hurriedly said: "Adults, young ones can testify. Master Lu has a very good relationship with this girl's maid!"

"A bunch of nonsense, how do I know the master of this girl, it's just a bunch of nonsense!" Lu Tao retorted quickly, seemingly confident.

And the next moment, a beautiful call made him completely paralyzed.

"Lu Lang"'s tender, soft voice, what Su Rili heard, made people lose their minds and softened their bones, but today, it was more like a reminder, which came to kill him!

That familiar voice, from far to near, instantly petrified Lu Tao.

Without looking back, the familiar voice of Jiao Di Di can be guessed who belongs to it!

Who else can anyone besides Wanshi!

Wan Shi carried a baggage on his back, and his outfit was very streamlined. It looked like he was going to go away.

When Wan clan came to the mansion and saw so many people, he was a little stunned at first. When he saw Lu Tao in the lobby and another adult who was smiling and glaring at himself, Wan clan reacted. Huarong suddenly faded.

Oops, I was deceived.

Without even thinking about it, Wan Shi turned around carrying the burden and was about to walk back.

However, I finally invited over, how could Gu Xiaowan let her go!

"Mrs. Wan, I've come here, why are you walking! Don't you tell me about the old days with Master Lu!" Gu Xiaowan chuckled lightly. In Gu Xiaowan's eyes, he had already guessed the relationship between the lady in front of him and Lu Tao.

"What nonsense, I don't know him!" Wan Shi was stopped by someone, his face flushed, and he retorted.

"I don't know? Then who just called Lu Lang so affectionately? I can hear you clearly!"

As soon as Gu Xiaowan's words fell, someone stopped Wan Shi and drove back to the lobby again.

This Wan clan clutched a bulging bag tightly in his hand, as if he was going to travel a long distance to move.

Lu Tao looked at Wan Shi who was kneeling down in horror. Didn't he send someone to let her leave Liujiazhen?

Why, she will come back, even in the palace.

He also heard the sound of Lu Lang just now clearly, and Wan Shi clearly didn't know the situation here!

what happened!

Gu Xiaowan had been sitting quietly on the chair, drinking the tea in front of him. The cup of tea in front of her, I don’t know how many refills have been made.

At this time, a maid who had never been behind Gu Xiaowan appeared behind Gu Xiaowan and whispered a few times in Gu Xiaowan's ear.

This maid is strange, isn't it

Lu Tao looked at Wan Shi and then at Gu Xiaowan, and saw that Gu Xiaowan was looking back at herself with interest, with a smug look on her face.

Is it

Does Gu Xiaowan know about herself and Wanshi?

As soon as Wan Shi came, everything became more and more out of Lu Tao's control.

He was sweating profusely, but there were people waiting to see his good show.

Master Zhao looked at Lu Tao pretentiously, and saw that he was already sweating when he was nervous. He knew that the half-aged **** who appeared behind must have an inexplicable relationship with him!

"Master Lu, is this lady very familiar with the adults?" Isn't that nonsense? If you are unfamiliar, you can call out the word Lu Lang affectionately!

"My lord, I'm not very familiar, no, no, no, it's also considered familiar!" Lu Tao was already incoherent and couldn't say a complete sentence.

Master Zhao seemed to like to see his embarrassed appearance, and continued to smile and said, "Is that familiar or unfamiliar?"

"Also familiar! This lady's husband was convicted on my hands back then! It is also familiar!"

"That's an old acquaintance." Master Zhao looked at Lu Tao and didn't smile. "No wonder this lady called you Lu Lang when she spoke. I thought Madam Guo was here!"

When Lu Tao heard these three words from Mrs. Guo, he was so scared that he would break away. His face was pale, and the whole person was as if he had been pulled away. He fell back in shock, or the table behind him. Blocking him, I'm afraid it's a step back, and I'm about to fall straight.

And Lu Tao's panicked look fell into Gu Xiaowan's eyes even more.

This Lu Tao panicked when he heard the three words of Mrs. Guo, could it be that Mrs. Guo

When Ah Zuo saw Gu Xiaowan's probing eyes, Ah Mo explained hurriedly: "Girl, this Lu Tao is the son-in-law of the Guo family, and Madam Guo is a Hedong lion, which is very powerful. Moreover, the Guo family is right in the family. The son-in-law has a rule that unless his wife is infertile, he can't take concubines. If there is a romantic debt outside, all the Guos should be shot out and deprived of everything!"

Deprived of everything?

Go out?

Is this Guo family so powerful?

Gu Xiaowan was very curious that the Guo family would actually make such a rule, but it was also for her daughter!

Seeing Lu Tao's pale paper face, where there is still the arrogance and self-satisfaction in the weekdays, the frightened look, the whole body is shaking: "My lord, I am not familiar with her. , I’m not familiar, I just pity their mother and child and take care of them a little. I really have nothing to do with this woman! I don’t know her!"

Lu Tao cried and tried to distinguish his relationship with Wan's. With an anxious cry, it seemed that Lu Tao was very afraid of exposing his affairs with Wan's.

Wan had been kneeling down in the hall.

Seeing so many people, she was also very curious.

Originally, she was staying well at home, but suddenly there came a handyman who sent Lu Tao to her on weekdays. She said that she was ordered by the adult to quickly clean up the gold and silver and leave Liujiazhen immediately.

Wan thought that there had been two homicide cases in Liujia Town recently. Lu Tao was always depressed and could not find the murderer. She thought that Lu Tao was going out to avoid the limelight by herself, so she packed her things and settled down with her two sons. run.

But who knows, as soon as she ran out of the house, a carriage stopped in front of the house, saying that it was an adult who came to pick her up to the house.

One said let me go, the other said let me go to the government office.

Wan clan didn’t know who to listen to, but the carriage that came from the man behind was the one that Suri Li Lu Tao had ridden in. Van clan saw this in the afternoon, and he didn’t think much about it, so he followed. .

As soon as he arrived outside the government office, one of the officials said that Master Lu was waiting for him inside. In order to prevent Master Lu from waiting for him for too long, he asked himself to call Lu Lang.

Wan clan wanted to please Lu Tao, this Lu Lang naturally yelled with deep affection and sweetness.

But when I walked in, I realized that I was fooled.

Wan Shi didn’t want to come to meet Lu Tao in this large court. Lu Tao had also told her that there was a jealous tigress in her family. If the relationship between the two of them was known by the tigress, both of them No good end.

Following Lu Tao, Wan Shi just wanted to find a place to settle down.

I used to follow Miao Er, not just to have a good life. ####Dear friends, help me vote for a monthly pass. Thank you.

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