The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1264: Learn from me

Gu Ningping also settled the accounts at this moment and gave them money separately. The guys saw that Gu Xiaowan had all gone, and the attitude was so resolute. They knew they were guilty, and they all left after taking the money.

Jinfu Tower, which was still lively just now, suddenly became quiet.

Gu Xiaowan came to Xiaoliangzi's room. Xiaoliangzi's medicine had just been changed, and she was resting half leaning against the bed.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming in, Xiao Liangzi immediately got up and was about to salute Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward to drag him down, put him back on the bed, and then sat on the small stool beside him, saying with concern: "You are still raising your body now, so don't move."

"Yeah!" Xiao Liangzi hummed softly and nodded, his face seemed a little guilty.

Gu Xiaowan immediately thought of the conversation outside just now. Fatty Li and Gaozi's voices were so loud, they mentioned Xiao Liangzi again, afraid that he had already listened to it.

"Did you hear the sound outside just now?" Gu Xiaowan asked. Just after the question, she saw Xiao Liangzi nod her head, and said: "Treasurer, I'm sorry!"

"Why do you apologize to me?" Gu Xiaowan was puzzled.

"I found these people, but" Xiao Liangzi didn't continue speaking halfway through what she said. She gave Gu Xiaowan anxiously, feeling very guilty.

Gu Xiaowan didn't say a word, and Zuo on the side saw this and said, "Xiao Liangzi, why should you feel guilty? Although you found them, they betrayed the shopkeeper. They chose this path themselves! They can only blame themselves!"

"I don't blame them!" Gu Xiaowan opened her mouth suddenly and quietly, and said: "They are right, they are raised by their parents, who wants to die? It's just to say something unnecessary to hurt themselves. Others, this kind of thing can't stand it!"

"The shopkeeper" Xiao Liangzi was even more embarrassed to see Gu Xiaowan like this: "The shopkeeper, you have done enough, although we are buddies, but look at the whole Liujiazhen, who has our style. , The monthly money is high, there are rewards for the holidays and festivals, as well as clothes. When we go out wearing the clothes of Jinfulou, we all feel that our faces are special. They don’t know how to cherish them. Now they have made such a mistake. Give them full money and give them extra money, the shopkeeper, I, Xiao Liangzi, swear here that I will be loyal to you all my life and will never have two hearts! If there are two hearts, the sky will thunder and you will not die! "Xiao Liangzi suddenly raised her hand and swore. Gu Xiaowan was very moved when he saw his serious face.

This Xiao Liangzi suffered a lot of injuries in the cell. No matter how severe the torture, he would not betray himself. Gu Xiaowan was deeply moved by this.

Seeing him swear now, Gu Xiaowan suddenly asked: "What's your name?"

I always call him Xiaoliangzi, but he doesn't know his name.

Xiao Liangzi was taken aback, when Gu Xiaowan suddenly asked herself such words, she hurriedly said, "The little one is called Liang Yucheng!"

"Yucheng?" Gu Xiaowan chewed the two characters, and then sighed: "Yu Ru Yucheng, it's also a good name, have you read a book?"

"I read it, but my family was poor, and my parents died early. Later, I didn't study if I had no money, and I always made money outside!" Xiao Liangzi said with some regret.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Then are you willing to learn to settle accounts?" "Settling the accounts?" Liang Yu was stunned, then nodded heavily, and said ecstatically, "Of course I would! If I can learn to settle accounts, there is still another skill to earn a living! Of course I would like to learn!"

"When your injury is healed, you can begin to take over the position of Mr. Accountant in Jinfulou!" Gu Xiaowan was so happy to see him so happy and studious, of course she was also very happy.

"But" Liang Yucheng flinched when he heard it: "I don't know anything yet, I'm afraid I'm wrong, so let Jin Fulou come to it."

"It's okay, I'll be there to guide you, besides, it's easy to settle the accounts, you will learn it after two more attempts!"

Seeing him shrink back, Gu Xiaowan said: "If you can do it these few days, I will ask someone to give you a few books first. You can take a good look!"

"You can do it, you can do it!" Liang Yucheng said hurriedly, with a firm face. Just now I was worried that I would make a mistake. Then it became clear. There is such a good shopkeeper to teach myself, and I must study hard , Must not let the shopkeeper disappointed!

After seeing Liang Yucheng, Gu Xiaowan went upstairs again to see Qin Yizhi.

This time when I entered, Zuo did not follow. He stood at the door and closed the door for Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan went in and saw nothing on the bed, wondering if Qin Yizhi was still awake.

In the past few days in jail, although Qin Yizhi had no injuries on his body, he had been hanging there all the time and it was physically exhausting. Gu Xiaowan tiptoed in for fear that she would wake Qin Yizhi.

When I was halfway there, I suddenly thought that coming in would disturb Qin Yizhi's rest, and immediately stood still, thought about it, turned gently, and walked outside.

I never thought that Qin Yizhi woke up when he first came in.

Qin Yi knew the sound of Gu Xiaowan's footsteps early, and when she saw her coming in, she was surprised at first, thinking that she would be amused by pretending to sleep.

When I was about to think about it, I heard the footsteps go away again. I was in a hurry. I just wanted to speak, but I heard the footsteps coming again.

Qin Mozhi hurriedly closed his eyes and lay motionless on the bed.

I heard the sound of Gu Xiaowan's footsteps getting closer and closer. Although it was very light, Qin Yizhi, who was on the tip of his ear, was listening to the footsteps, getting closer and closer.

After sleeping all afternoon, the quilt was warm, and curtains were hung, which made this small space warm.

Then, a slight wind blew in.

Qin Mozhi did not open his eyes.

Gu Xiaowan was going to leave, but after thinking about it, she came back and tiptoed to the bed, gently pulled the curtain a little bit, and looked in.

Gu Xiaowan seems to have never seen Qin Mozhi's sleep soundly.

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