The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1265: I love you

Gu Xiaowan suddenly became curious just now, and then turned back to go out, tiptoe over, to have a look.

As soon as the probe came in, suddenly, the person on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, one hand, a long hand stretched out, wrapped Gu Xiaowan’s waist, and pulled straight down. Gu Xiaowan couldn’t control it, and fell directly on Qin Yi. Of the body.

Gu Xiaowan was afraid that the weight she put down would hurt Qin Yuzhi. She still kept her upper body up, but Qin Yuzhi's movements were too strong. After Gu Xiaowan pounced on Qin Yuzhi's body, her upper body was moved by inertia. , Pounce directly down

The soft touch of the lips was like a burst of electricity, and Gu Xiaowan shivered.

Just about to raise his head and leave, Qin Yizhi would miss such a good opportunity. He stretched out his hands directly, pressed Gu Xiaowan's forehead, and rolled under the soft bed. Gu Xiaowan was pressed by Qin Yizhi.

Originally, Qin Yizhi only wanted to tease Gu Xiaowan, but lost his measure when he touched her soft lips, and the scent of Ruoyouruowu seemed to be tempting him.

Qin Yizhi couldn't help being fascinated, and his long tongue pried Gu Xiaowan's shell teeth away, and she kept sucking sweetness in her mouth, entangled.

It wasn't until the two of them were suffocating that Qin Mozhi let go of Gu Xiaowan, still holding Gu Xiaowan's head with one hand, and supporting Gu Xiaowan with one hand, for fear that his weight would crush Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Xiaowan was already limp at the moment, lying on the bed, half-squinting, panting, her face was red and almost dripping blood, and her two small hands held Qin Yizhi's chest tightly.

Qin Yizhi was resting because he was only wearing a white shirt. Gu Xiaowan gently pulled off the clothes, but she tore off most of the clothes, revealing the spring light on his chest.

Qin Yizhi is a martial artist with a very good figure. He seems to have eight abdominal muscles on his chest, a tight waist, strong and powerful, and his chest muscles are firmer.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes moved from Qin Yizhi's face to the bottom, and she just saw the spring light. She only felt that her face was redder, and she shyly turned her head away and did not dare to look again.

Qin Yi was confused and infatuated, looking at the extremely shy woman under him with a bewildered look.

Gu Xiaowan's long face is not a dazzling country, but it is a face that makes people feel nostalgic after a glance.

The dark black eyes are like grapes in midsummer, and the dark light seems to be able to see into my heart at once.

The cheeks, which were as smooth as a peeled egg, were white with a healthy flush, and the rosy lips had become more rosy and slightly swollen because of the moment.

Those rosy lips were like a curse, and the sense of reason Qin Yizhi had just retrieved collapsed at this moment.

Gu Xiaowan's reason also recovered more than half, struggling to get up, how could she have thought that Qin Mozhi threw herself down again, and held Gu Xiaowan tightly in her arms.

Qin Yizhi held Gu Xiaowan's face with both hands, as if holding the most precious treasure in the world.

With a warm breath on her lips, the distracting kiss fell again, and she swallowed all Gu Xiaowan's voice.

The temperature in the curtain rose suddenly, and Qin Mozhi's body was pressed against her. Gu Xiaowan only felt a strange numb sensation running through her body, making her dizzy.

Gu Xiaowan was so exhausted by the kiss that she moaned.

And the person on his body seemed to be stretched into a line suddenly by the soft squeaking sound. The whole person seemed to be stiff, and his body suddenly tightened.

Kisses, sometimes fanatical, sometimes tight. Sometimes it feels like a dragonfly, sometimes it feels like a squally rain shower.

After a long time, the kiss finally ended.

Gu Xiaowan only felt that there was a drop of water on her forehead, and slowly opened her eyes, and saw Qin Yizhi sweating profusely, propped on top of her, and looked at herself dozingly.

Qin Mozhi's forehead was full of beads of sweat, his face flushed, Qin Mozhi opened one of his hands and wiped the sweat off his face.

Just looking at Gu Xiaowan indulgingly.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes only looked at Qin Mozhi.

There was a drop of sweat on Qin Yizhi's face, and Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stretched out her hand and placed it under the sweat bead.

Khan Zhuer fell down and fell on Gu Xiaowan's palm.

Gu Xiaowan held her hands, a soft smile appeared on her face.

Qin Yizhi roared and turned over, holding Gu Xiaowan tightly in his arms from behind.

There is a thick bedding between them.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know what was wrong with him. He sweated so much just now, it was not very hot either!

"Brother Yizhi, what's the matter with you!" Gu Xiaowan didn't know what was going on, struggling to turn around to look at Qin Yizhi.

Qin Yizhi hugged her tightly and held Gu Xiaowan tightly in his arms across the thick bedding, not allowing her to move, his voice hoarse: "Wan'er, don't move"

"Brother Yizhi" What's wrong with you Gu Xiaowan didn't keep asking.

In the drapery, in the small space, the warm and ambiguous breath slowly flowed, the intense kiss just now, the fine sweat on Qin Yizhi’s forehead, and the tight body, Gu Xiaowan thought of something, and at this moment she did not dare to move. , Lying obediently in Qin Yizhi's arms, feeling the people behind him, the warm breath blowing in his ears, the rapid breathing slowly became steady in a burst of breath adjustment.

Gu Xiaowan has not moved.

It wasn't until the breath of the person behind him became stable that Qin Yizhi's arms became softer. Gu Xiaowan tilted her head slightly and whispered to the person behind him: "Brother Yizhi"

The breathing behind him got closer, Qin Yizhi raised his upper body, kept his arms around Gu Xiaowan with his arms around him, his head came over, his cheeks lightly pressed against Gu Xiaowan’s face, gently rubbing: "Wan'er"

"Huh?" Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes, enjoying the softness on her face, humming softly.

"I love you"

From the earlobe, there was a warm breath and soft lips, licking gently.

Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes and muttered softly, warming the room.

And the whisper that Qin Mozhi held in his mouth.

"Brother Yizhi, I love you too"

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