The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1266: For you

When the two came out slowly in the room, Gu Xiaowan’s lips were already red and swollen by the kiss. Looking at the vague shadow in the bronze mirror and the swelling of her mouth, Gu Xiaowan sighed: "Swollen again. Up!"

Qin Yizhi, who was wearing clothes behind the curtains, pointed his ears when he heard Gu Xiaowan's lamenting sound. He chuckled and put on his clothes. He walked from behind and came behind Gu Xiaowan, with his hands gently placed on Gu Xiaowan's shoulders. , Pinching her shoulder.

The two stood and sat, looking at each other intently through the bronze mirror.

Gu Xiaowan's face blushed again at the thought of the intimate action of the two on the bed just now. However, fortunately, the bronze mirror is so blurry that it is invisible at all.

Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to move, letting Qin Yizhi pinch her shoulders, staring at herself from the bronze mirror.

The hair on her head is a little messy. Gu Xiaowan just pulled it off just now and was about to comb her hair again, but the hair is usually combed by the skillful A Zuo, combing and combing, can not make the ancient complicated Her hairstyle, helpless, with a jet-black hair behind her, making her look lazy and charming.

Gu Xiaowan is not amazing, but it gives people a sense of peace and quiet, and makes people calm down immediately in the hustle and bustle of this world.

The clear and refined temperament, as well as the decisive and intelligent handling of things, are deeply attractive to people.

Qin Yizhi just looked at him, and Gu Xiaowan also looked at him, still holding a grate in her hand.

Suddenly, Qin Mozhi leaned over and took the grate from Gu Xiaowan's hand. Gu Xiaowan didn't know what he was going to do, so Qin Mozhi helped her comb her head suddenly.

Time after time, softly, gently, Gu Xiaowan's hair is very good, soft, smooth and slippery, and it feels like a fine brocade. Qin Yizhi cherished it on his hand, and again I combed it.

In the bronze mirror, Qin Yizhi's hand flew over Gu Xiaowan's head, and he saw his hair slowly combing through Qin Yizhi's hand.

When Qin Yizhi put down the grate and inserted the plum hairpin on the dressing table between Gu Xiaowan's hair, Gu Xiaowan realized that Qin Yizhi had already combed her hair.

Although this hairstyle is not a day-to-day hairstyle, and it is much simpler than Zuo's comb, but a big man dealt with this hair and combed it better than himself. Gu Xiaowan was shocked and deeply frustrated.

She looked at the neatly combed hair in the mirror, pouting: "Brother Yuzhi, why do you even comb your hair!"

He can be both literary and military, and they are all first-class. I want to come, if such a person hadn't saved him at the time, and then he would lie on his side with a faceless face, he would be inferior to him!

Qin Mozhi looked at Gu Xiaowan's hair with satisfaction, and nodded, "Does it look good?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded heavily: "It looks good, but"

Qin Yizhi had pulled Qin Yizhi up and walked outside. Gu Xiaowan was held by Qin Yizhi and walked outside, but the two words were still in her mouth. When she opened the door and left the door, Gu Xiaowan This reacted: "This is different from the hair Zuo helped me comb today!"

When I enter the house, my hairstyle has changed. What should you say about yourself?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Ah Zuo flashing out from the side. It turned out that she had been upstairs all the time, helping Gu Xiaowan and the others look at the door, not allowing people to enter.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan coming out, she also flashed out immediately.

Sure enough, when he saw Gu Xiaowan's first face, Zuo's face flashed with surprise, and he glanced at Gu Xiaowan's hairstyle, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Gu Xiaowan blushed, and immediately lowered her head.

Qin Yizhi's eyes faintly swept away, and Azuo immediately lowered his head, without saying a word.

Gu Xiaowan wanted to go back to the room to change his hairstyle, but Qin Yizhi helped him comb it, so it seemed a bit bad. If he wants to comb his hair, he might be dissatisfied. Besides, You may not even know what hairstyle you have combed today!

After thinking for a while, forget it, glanced at Qin Mozhi gratefully, and let Zuo help him to the first floor.

Qin Yizhi stood behind, looking at Gu Xiaowan's beautiful back, with a warm smile on his face.

Then chased them in their footsteps and hurried towards them.

Gu Xiaowan's thoughts are still very good, but when she arrived in the lobby, she realized how much everyone cared for her.

She even knew she changed her hair style.

To celebrate the safe escape of Jinfulou, Fatty Li and Gaozi prepared a banquet tonight.

When I walked in, there was a large table full of bowls and chopsticks, the middle was full of dishes, and there was a big pot, something was being stewed, braving the heat, and there were some raw food around. There is also hot pot to eat.

Because Jin Fu Lou provoked a life lawsuit, the restaurant was no longer open. Therefore, except Fatty Li and Gaozi who were still in the restaurant, Gu Xiaowan asked them to go back first. In the kitchen, except for the chef’s Fatty Li and Gaozi, only Aunt Zhang and aunt.

After they were busy, they were in order, one washing vegetables, one cutting vegetables, and two cooking. After a while, one dish was steaming out of the pot.

When Gu Fangxi brought out a dish and came out of the kitchen, she saw Gu Xiaowan standing at the door, looking at them with a smile on her face.

The kitchen was filled with smoke and oily smoke. Gu Fang was overjoyed to see her and hurried her out: "There is a lot of oily smoke in the kitchen, Xiao Wan, go out! Don't choke!"

I don't know when it started. Gu Xiaowan could no longer enter this kitchen.

In the kitchen, it seems to have become the world of aunt and aunt Zhang. As long as they are cooking, they will not let Gu Xiaowan go in, saying that the kitchen is so smokey, so don't choke yourself.

He also said that these things in the kitchen are rough work, so Gu Xiaowan would be willing to start.

In the past, these things were things that Gu Xiaowan was used to doing. She chopped firewood, carried water, washed vegetables, cooked and washed dishes, which one she had never done.

Now that the day is better, Gu Xiaowan no longer needs to stretch out these things, and Gu Xiaowan's identity is different now. Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang will never let Gu Xiaowan do such things.

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