The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1267: Qin Yizhi is jealous

Gu Xiaowan didn’t argue too much. Anyway, it’s okay to buy two more maidservants at home. Unexpectedly, Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi disagree, saying that it’s enough for them to do things at home. If they buy maidservants, they will do it. What, do you want to die?

Seeing that they insisted, Gu Xiaowan had to give up!

About to turn around and go out, I heard Gu Fangxi quizzically say: "Is this hairstyle just changed? It looks pretty!"

When Aunt Zhang heard it, she poked her head out: "Well, yes, Zuo’s craftsmanship is getting better and better. Zuo, this simple hairstyle is really suitable for a girl, and you will comb this hair more in the future, which is refreshing and refreshing. Qingli, so beautiful!"

Gu Xiaowan's face turned redder when she heard it, and she left without looking back. Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi were a little confused, turning their heads to look at Ah Zuo.

Zuo spread his hands, intending to tell the truth: "I didn't comb it!"

Then, leaving Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang with their faces in circles, they quickly followed Gu Xiaowan.

Gu Fangxi and Aunt Zhang were left in the kitchen to bite their ears: "Isn't Xiao Wan good at combing her hair, this hair is not combed by Zuo, and who combed it? Why did she change two hairstyles in one day!"

Soon, dinner will start.

Everyone was on the table, even Liang Yucheng, who was already able to sit up, Gu Xiaowan asked the stone to carry him back and sit at the table.

When Liang Yucheng came over, he saw Gu Xiaowan sitting at the table, and refused to sit down, saying he wanted to go back to the room to eat.

"The shopkeeper, I'd better go back, I just go to the room to eat something!" Liang Yucheng's face was a little red.

Gu Xiaowan thought he was still uncomfortable, and hurriedly asked, "Why, where does it hurt? Then ask the doctor to come and see!"

When Liang Yucheng heard this, he hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head and said, "No, no, the shopkeeper, I am very good!"

"If it's okay, just sit down and eat dinner before going back to the room! If you are tired, go home early!" Gu Xiaowan said gently.

I don't know that Liang Yucheng still shook his head: "No, the shopkeeper, I'm a servant, and I can't sit at the table with the master for dinner!"

When I heard that this was the reason, Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Sit rest assured, you are not a servant, you are my assistant, and all the accounts of Jinfulou will depend on you in the future!"

After speaking, Qin Yizhi turned his head to the side and said, "Brother Yizhi, I plan to let him learn how to settle accounts with me. From now on, the accounts of Jinfulou will be managed by him. Do you think this is good?"

Qin Yu listened and nodded hurriedly. He just couldn't ask for it!

Gu Xiaowan is now the head of Aping County, and there is a letter coming from Beijing. Gu Xiaowan will not stay in Liujia Town for too long. He has this idea to ask Gu Xiaowan to hire a new accountant. Since Gu Xiaowan has identified this person, she is naturally Can't ask for it.

This Liang Yucheng is a personal character, loyal and loyal, and has no two minds with Gu Xiaowan, and Qin Mozhi is very relieved.

Qin Yizhi agreed, and Gu Fangxi and the others naturally agreed.

Gu Xiaowan is a girl's family. After all, she is getting older and older. She always shows her face like this. She has a bad reputation for her daughter's family. However, as the accountant, she has to go to the restaurant every two days to settle the accounts. Yes, they always show their faces. Gu Fangxi and the others naturally want Gu Xiaowan to quickly hand over the affairs of the accountant.

Everyone reminded Liang Yucheng to study well with Gu Xiaowan, especially Fatty Li and Gaozi. The relationship with Gu Xiaowan was naturally different. For so many years, since Li Fan went to Beijing, the Jinfu Tower was given to Gu Xiaowan. , She has always been in the fight.

Although she was a girl, she kept everything in Jinfulou in order, especially the accounts of the restaurant.

The scale of Jinfulou in Gu Xiaowan's hands was much larger than when it was in Li Fan's hands.

The restaurant is ready, naturally the welfare benefits of the group of people working in the restaurant have followed along the way.

Now, Gu Xiaowan wants to train another accountant. Fatty Li and Gaozi also know that it will happen sooner or later. Seeing that she has finalized Liang Yucheng, they all agreed with her.

This child has a flexible mind and is not bad-hearted. His hands and feet are diligent and clean. The most important thing is that he is still loyal. He has suffered so much and he is determined not to slander the shopkeeper. This heartfelt heart is commendable.

"Xiao Liangzi, this is a great thing, you have to learn from the shopkeeper!" Fatty Li and Gao Zi both have high hopes for Xiao Liangzi.

Seeing that no one opposed it, Gu Xiaowan naturally wanted to teach him how to settle accounts wholeheartedly.

This Liang Yucheng is smart. After lying in bed for a few days and reading the account books for a few days, he almost touched the doorway. After he got better, when he was studying with Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan did not have to work so hard to teach. .

Moreover, Liang Yucheng is willing to endure hardships, is diligent and studious, and makes great progress. Gu Xiaowan's ability to hand over the stalls as soon as possible is naturally a happy leisure.

"This Liang Yucheng is a talent. After only a few days of teaching, he can calculate the simple accounts smoothly. It's really good!" Sitting in Gu Yuan, Gu Xiaowan sipped the freshly brewed black tea to Qin Yi. Zhihe himself poured a cup each, and the aroma of black tea came out.

This is a newly renovated tea room. Qin Yi loves to drink tea, and Gu Xiaowan also likes to drink tea. Naturally, one of the rooms is installed, tea-making utensils are arranged, and various types of tea are added. This kind of tea, when I was free, I sat with Qin Yizhi in this tea room, drinking tea and talking.

Gu Xiaowan took a sip in contentment with a smile on her face. She handed over the errand of the accountant. It was really fine and light. If you go out for a long distance in the future, you don't have to worry.

Gu Xiaowan rarely praises people, and now she still praises a man. Qin Yizhi sips the tea: "It's a powerful character. Wan'er in my family rarely praises people, but she is really not stingy to praise people."

Gu Xiaowan drank another sip of tea. The taste of the black tea was soft, from the tip of the tongue to the heart. She listened to Qin Yizhi's words with her ears upright, but no matter how she listened, she felt that these words sounded a little weird.

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