The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1268: Zhang Luo married a wife

Gu Xiaowan raised her eyes and glanced at Qin Mozhi, she saw Qin Mo's grievances sitting there, a pair of long and narrow Danfeng eyes looked at her sadly as if she had suffered so much grievance, like an angry little wife .

Gu Xiaowan didn't know why she would think of the term irritated little daughter-in-law, but when she thought of this, she laughed out loud with a chuckle, pretending to ask: "Brother Yizhi, what's wrong with you? Who is bullying you?"

Who dares to bully him?

I am afraid that nine heads on the body are not enough to cut it by yourself!

Qin Yizhi held the empty cup, feeling aggrieved, frowning more severely, and biting his lip and glaring at Gu Xiaowan as if he was angry.

Gu Xiaowan was completely shocked by Qin Yizhi's aggrieved appearance. She only felt that her heart was severely pulled by someone. Without thinking, she put down the tea cup in her hand and got up.

The white robe was dragged on the low pile of clean bamboo.

A pair of snow-white and clean feet walked barefoot on the bamboo collapse and walked towards Qin Yi step by step.

Qin Yizhi raised his head and watched Gu Xiaowan walking towards him without blinking. The beautiful Danfeng eyes were reluctant to blink, as if he was afraid that Gu Xiaowan would disappear into his sight.

Qin Mozhi held his head high and looked at Gu Xiaowan without blinking.

Gu Xiaowan lowered her head and looked at Qin Mozhi without blinking.

Both of them couldn't bear to blink their eyes.

Gu Xiaowan came to Qin Mozhi's side and stood there, looking down at him.

Qin Yizhi also looked at her with his head held high, the stars in his eyes, with charming light!

Gu Xiaowan couldn't resist the enchanting charm, bent down, lowered her head, and approached Qin Yizhi.

The setting sun outside the house sprinkled through the wide open window in the newly decorated tea room. Gu Xiaowan's long black brocade-like hair fell in front of her as she leaned forward.

When it was only one nose tip away from Qin Yizhi's cheek, Gu Xiaowan stopped, looking at the charming pair of Danfeng eyes with a pair of dark eyes.

Qin Yizhi's eyes are as beautiful as a thick ink, using the best ink to draw the best eyebrows, which are almost suffocating.

Those with deep eyes seemed to be able to **** in all the human spirit, making people fascinated.

Without thinking, Gu Xiaowan proactively stretched her head towards Qin Mozhi.

A pair of soft lips actively cover his lips

The stone passed by the door with a basin of things in his hand, and when he turned his head, he saw the afterglow of the setting sun spreading on the two of them, as if they were plated with gold, and the two of them were on the opposite side, the only two of them in the world.

Shishi glanced at it, then turned his head away and walked quickly, thinking about the scene just now, and he could not calm down for a long time.

For a long time, a clear smile appeared on his face, as if he was saying something softly to the afterglow of the setting sun.

Xiaowan, you must always be happy.

Letters arrived from the capital soon, and it was really as Gu Xiaowan expected that for the 40th birthday of the empress dowager, all the civil and military officials and the female family members with 5th rank or above must enter the palace to pray for birthday.

The post was sent by Li Fan, and it was naturally mixed with notices from the palace.

The birthday of the empress dowager happens to be in the first month, and it is still August. Li Fan said in the letter that the house in the capital has already been cleaned, and they are also beginning to purchase the things they will use when they return to Beijing.

It takes almost half a month for the carriage to go to the capital. Gu Xiaowan thought about it, but still wanted to wait a while before going.

It wasn't because she was a little scared, but Aunt Zhang told her another thing.

Brother Shitou is already 18 this year, and other men have married wives at almost this age, but in the past few years, Brother Shitou has been doing things in Gu Yuan with boring head, and has never said about marrying a wife. .

Gu Xiaowan didn't think about it because of her young age.

Aunt Zhang didn't tell her directly, but when she was chatting with Gu Fangxi, Gu Xiaowan heard it by accident.

"Fangxi, what do you think about that big girl from Fan's family in town?" Aunt Zhang was washing vegetables, chatting with Gu Fangxi one by one.

"Is the eldest girl in Fan's house? The one with a younger brother down there?" Gu Fangxi thought about it, and immediately thought of an old man in the field of Dian Gu Xiaowan's home.

That old man is not too old, he is only in his forties, but because his wife died early, he was a father and a mother, and brought up the two children who were still nursing. , I have never remarried for so many years, it is very hard, so it looks much older than the actual age.

"Yeah, that girl is already seventeen this year. Look at that girl, she is diligent and filial. I look pretty good!" The more Aunt Zhang said, the more excited she was, as if she had already married the girl. The same.

Gu Xiaowan was listening, and she also thought of the girl Fan.

She has also seen the girl Fan, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a standard round face, a strong figure, and a little dark skin. At first glance, she often does farm work.

Girl Fan has a loud voice, but she has been in contact for one or two times and she is not bad-hearted.

"Sister-in-law, you mean to say"

Gu Fangxi heard what Aunt Zhang meant and asked excitedly: "Are you going to marry a wife for Shitou?"

"Isn’t it? In a blink of an eye, the stone is also eighteen. If this is a child from another family, he might already have the child in his arms. I am a stone, dumb and timid. Find him a daughter-in-law who has a loud voice, and can help him!" Aunt Zhang also seems to think that this marriage should be complementary.

Gu Xiaowan took the initiative to pair Shishi with that girl Fan, feeling that these two really have a husband and wife relationship!

Brother Shitou is a little heavy and often doesn't like to talk, and his voice is a little quiet. But the girl Fan has a natural loud voice, she speaks like firecrackers, crisp and loud.

That girl Fan has a strong opinion. Every time she comes back to Gu Yuan, the old man Fan carries food on the side. It is the girl Fan who comes to deal with. It can also be seen that this girl is not like ordinary ladies. There is no opinion.

If they can be the daughter-in-law of the stone, then the two will complement each other.

Gu Xiaowan thought for a while, and was very satisfied. She immediately said, "I also think Brother Shitou and Girl Fan are married!"

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