The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1286: Qin Yizhi's Power

They were shocked by a brand new Qin Yizhi who had never seen him before.

Especially the girls present, when they saw Qin Yizhi's smiling face and the tenderness in his eyes only facing the delicate shadow around him, they only felt like their hearts were broken.

Gu Xintao was pushed by Qin Yizhi with palm wind, and fell heavily on the ground. Her bones seemed to be broken, and she couldn't get up anymore.

Lying on the ground didn't dare to imitate those other people and yelled, he could only bit his lips tightly, with water-like eyes, staring at Qin Yizhi so shamely and angrily, silently accusing him Unkind.

But after Sun Xi'e was awake at first, she was sober now. She stood up immediately in shock. Seeing Gu Xintao still lying on the ground, she rushed over and shouted, "Xintao, Xintao, What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Sun Xi'e had several front teeth knocked out, her words leaked, and she whispered several times, and then looked at her movements so that she could hear what she just said.

Compared with Gu Xintao's hypocritical attitude, Sun Xi'e cares about Gu Xintao sincerely.

Seeing Gu Xintao lying on the ground and unable to get up, she thought she was badly injured, so she rushed forward and asked about Gu Xintao's current injury with concern!

"Touched tightly? Touched tightly?" Sun Xi'e was full of blood, lost her teeth, and couldn't speak clearly, so she knelt in front of Gu Xintao and didn't dare to touch her, she could only keep asking what's wrong!

Sun Xi'e is still half of the county lady at this moment. The good clothes that she wore in Liujiazhen, the delicate makeup on her face, and the meticulous hair she combed were completely missing at this moment.

It's worse than the begging beggar on the street.

Sun knelt in front of Gu Xintao distressedly, looking at Gu Xintao distressedly, because he didn't know where she was injured, and he didn't dare to move her, so he could only open a pair of eyes that were already red and swollen and almost invisible. Gently looked at Gu Xintao.

Gu Xintao saw Sun's ghost look now, his hair was messy like a chicken coop, and his face was full of blood stains from his nails, as if he had scratched his face several times. It was red with different shades.

And the clothes on the body, I’m afraid that as long as someone pulls it casually, the clothes on the body

No, now it can’t be said to be clothes, it can only be called a cloth strip, as long as you just pull it casually, the clothes that cover the body can’t be kept.

Gu Xintao is a arrogant person, Sun is like this, she can't wait to get in a hole to hide.

Someone around has already pointed at them maliciously.

"Look, this woman tsk tsk, this figure is also good!" Someone laughed lewdly.

"That's how this face is marked, tusk, it's really scary!" someone said in disgust.

"Dress like this, if you don't hide, and you're here, you won't be afraid of being embarrassed! I pooh, Sao Ho!" Seeing that Sun's dress was exposed, a woman curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Mozhi stood side by side, watching the interaction between Gu Xintao and Sun's family.

Gu Xiaowan saw the worry in Sun's eyes, and Gu Xintao saw the disgust in Gu Xintao's eyes more clearly.

Being so unpleasant to be heard, Sun still doesn't leave, so he has to help Gu Xintao up.

Where could Gu Xintao still be willing to have any ties with her, busy enduring the pain, avoiding far away, like looking at a stranger, ignoring the Sun family.

Finally got up and didn't even look at the Sun family.

He just glanced at Qin Mozhi sadly, the complaint and infatuation in his eyes were really real.

However, when he turned his eyes, when he looked at Gu Xiaowan, he was still delicate and soft just now, and now he became fierce, his eyes seemed to hide poison, as if she was about to break her body into pieces.

Then, regardless of the Sun family behind him, pinching his waist, he left Jinfulou step by step.

When she turned around, Gu Xiaowan could see the fierceness in her eyes clearly, but when she looked at Qin Yizhi, she was full of tenderness and sweetness.

Gu Xiaowan curled her lips, not convinced.

You weren't the one I pushed, so why look at me like this! I have so much affection for your enemies, and I really have a knife on his head, I am afraid that Qin Yizhi will smile at her, I am afraid that Gu Xintao can't tell the south, east and northwest!

Qin Yizhi felt the dissatisfaction of the people around him, and his eyebrows were bent, and his sleeve-length hand was stretched out. He placed Gu Xiaowan's small palm in his palm, squeezing it tightly, as if to relieve Gu Xiaowan, but it seemed to be Swearing his sovereignty!

Qin Yizhi’s smile immediately infected all the unmarried girls around him who came to see him. When he looked at the charming smile that seemed to be sweet to death, all the idiots suddenly stopped, no one knew that this person was actually a cold face. Yama.

All of them stared at Qin Mozhi like idiots, hoping that Qin Mozhi's charming eyes could fall on him, even if he just took a look, it was good!

Now that's all right, Gu Xintao has already made Gu Xiaowan jealous.

At this moment, the girls onlookers all cast a wink at Qin Mozhi, which was not bad. Gu Xiaowan was very angry, turned her head and stared at Qin Mo fiercely, with anger.

Qin Yizhi smiled softly, seeming to enjoy Gu Xiaowan's angry look very much. He lowered his head, not knowing what he said in Gu Xiaowan's ear, and Gu Xiaowan's expression was slightly better.

I saw Qin Yizhi raising his head, but, the moment he raised his head, the smile on his face disappeared cleanly. Where is the infatuated deity who is tender and infatuated, and he is clearly the cold and icy Yama King. !

Qin Yizhi's aura was already compelling. On weekdays, among such ordinary people, he deliberately hid almost half of his aura for fear of scaring these people.

You know, on the battlefield, the aura of Jade Face Shura, sometimes, without the need to make a move, can overwhelm the enemy in aura.

The innate breath of the king and his years of experience in the barracks made his temperament more and more cold.

If Gu Xiaowan hadn't known him, I would be scared by his aura.

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