The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1287: Groundless accusation

In this way, Qin Yizhi's smile faded away, and a pair of Danfeng eyebrows were as flat as water, and after only a small glance, the narrow and long eyes were deep and cold, and the compelling momentum suddenly made those who whispered. The girls were silent, and retracted their necks in shock, no one dared to speak.

Even if he opened his mouth, he opened his mouth wide, and the second half of the sentence was swallowed abruptly.

The hustle and bustle of the scene, suddenly even the needle fell silently.

Qin Yizhi just stood there, and after a cold glance, the cold eyes, and the majesty and noble aura of the high-ranking high-ranking person who radiated from him for many years, no one dared to speak, a little cowardly, He had already retracted back, and never dared to look at Qin Yan again.

Sun's bruised face and swollen face, as well as the wounds on her face, made her feel painful.

However, no matter how painful the body hurts, it is no better than the glance Gu Xintao looked at her.

Full of disgust, thick of disgust.

It was a disgust that wanted her to die.

Sun clan fell to the ground in shock, just looking at the back of Gu Xinbeat's resolute departure, opened his eyes wide, and watched her leave, unable to move.

No one spoke, no one moved.

Gu Xiaowan squinted her eyes and didn't move.

Qin Mozhi did not move either.

Sun saw that Gu Xintao was gone and walked away.

Only then was struggling to get up, still murmured: "Xin Tao, wait, wait mother"

Sun wanted to get up, but his body was hurt everywhere.

Just now Aunt Zhang and Gu Fangxi saw Sun talking so unreservedly, they didn't show any mercy when they started.

Sun's face was bloodstained, his hair messed up, his hands were on the ground, and he struggled to get up, but after trying several times, he still didn't succeed. He just got up, but because of the pain, he slammed down and sat down.

Painful grinning!

Sun cried silently while whimpering, murmuring in his mouth, struggling all the time, his eyes were still looking at the direction Gu Xintao had left, full of longing.

She seemed to be expecting Gu Xintao to stop, turned around, and glanced at her.

Or, can come over, give her a hand, and help her up.

However, after waiting for a long time, she did not see Gu Xintao pause.

Gu Xintao also suffered injuries, and the whole body hurt from the fall just now. He didn't walk fast and was limping.

However, it quickly disappeared into the crowd, the crowd closed automatically, and Sun fell to the ground alone.

Gu Fangxi had been standing behind Gu Xiaowan, and he couldn't bear to see Sun's embarrassed look.

After all, this person is still his own sister-in-law, and he can't do things so marvelously. So many people are still watching!

So, I came to Sun’s face, helped her up, a little distressed but still angrily said: “Sister-in-law, if you came to the Jinfu Tower to make trouble today, it’s your fault. The eldest brother was imprisoned, you Ask so many folks, why the eldest brother was put in jail! You don't know, they all know it clearly!"

As soon as Gu Fangxi's words fell, those who were afraid to speak finally found their words and echoed Gu Fangxi's words. Uh-huh, they all said that Gu Chuanlu was responsible and deserved it!

Gu Chuanlu was self-inflicted and deserved the crime, so he thought of such a shameful trick to frame his niece!

But he didn't expect that someone would put one, and he would directly take a strong dose of medicine and ate the guests to death.

After all, the paper couldn't contain the fire. Besides, Gu Xiaowan, the head of Anping County, found Mr. Zhao from Ruixian County to try the case, didn't this matter all at once!

Those who do evil, after all, eat their own evil consequences.

Sun listened to Gu Fangxi's words, and then listened to the words of the people around him. At first, he was a little confused, as if he didn't believe Gu Fangxi's words.

But after listening to everyone, she had to believe it again.

But if it is really self-inflicted by the boss, why should he come to trouble Jinfulou himself, and even pick Gu Xiaowan at the door when others are newly opened.

The most important thing about a girl's family is reputation. She thought Gu Chuanlu was designed by Gu Xiaowan, and that's what the owner told her.

The Sun family is a womanly family. How did she know so much about these other things, the master caught it, and the whole family was almost destroyed.

Gu Ziwen throws things at home all day, yelling at him, cursing him about how he was born in such a home, either his mother is in jail, or his father is in jail, and there is a sister who hooks up with men indiscriminately, so that all his reputation is lost. Ruined.

Gu Chuanlu is the heaven of the family, and Gu Ziwen is the future of the family.

The sky fell, and Sun's backbone was gone.

This full of anger was naturally directed at Gu Xiaowan.

It just so happened that Gu Chuanlu sent her a message, and the Sun family naturally wanted to come and walk like this!

As a result, he opened his mouth and cursed Gu Xiaowan at the entrance of Jinfu Tower.

After Sun listened to the people around him, although he was a little silent, who was to blame?

To blame, I can only blame Gu Xiaowan!

Thinking of this, the Sun's eyes that were covered under the messy hair suddenly shone fiercely. Without knowing where she got her strength, she suddenly pushed Gu Fangxi out.

And he also staggered, shaking for a long time, then stood still.

Then, he glanced at Gu Fangxi sternly, and shouted hysterically: "Gu Fangxi, the man in the cell is your elder brother. You don't want to save your eldest brother. You are still talking about it. Are you still a person?"

Sun's eyes were open, staring round, and staring at Gu Fangxi fiercely. Because of the blood marks on his face, the terrifying face became more and more hideous!

Although the teeth were leaking, they couldn't resist the anger in my heart anyway, and they blew out word by word.

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