The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1288: Hong's mother and daughter appear

Gu Xiaowan really didn't want to argue with someone who had such a good psychology and felt that the whole world owed her to her.

Even if it is a dispute, it is useless.

She will not think that she has done something wrong, no matter what she does, there is a reason, and what others do is no reason!

All wrong!

For such a person, it is useless to explain, and no matter how to criticize it, it is futile.

Gu Xiaowan waved her hand and said, "Auntie, don't argue with her. Let's go in!"

Gu Xiaowan turned around and entered Jinfu Tower, Qin Yizhi stayed by her side.

The others met, and they all followed.

In a blink of an eye, all the people who should have gone were gone, and those who should have eaten in the Jinfu Building also went in. The streets that were extremely crowded just now were all empty.

Only the Sun family with a hideous face was still standing there, and some people watching the excitement, looking at the Sun family, pointing!

The people in Liujia Town basically already know what Gu's Dafang did, what Gu Chuanlu did, what Sun did.

When they didn't know Gu Xiaowan before, they knew Gu Chuanlu and Mrs. Gu.

Gu Chuanlu and his wife invaded Gu Xiaowan's field together. They all knew about it. For this reason, the Sun family was also imprisoned. In this drama, the troubled Gu Chuanlu was faceless in the town.

Later, Gu Xiaowan came to Liujiazhen. After everyone got to know each other slowly, they knew better about their affairs.

They all knew exactly who Gu's Dafang was and what his thoughts were.

Now that Sun comes to make trouble, it is natural that he is not willing to look at Gu Xiaowan.

Seeing that all the parties had gone in, there was nothing to look good. He ridiculed the Sun clan. By the way, he also said that Gu Chuanlu was worthless.

The Sun family alone was left alone, standing alone at the gate of Jinfu Tower.

Just now, I heard everyone's accusations against her and everyone's mockery of Gu Chuanlu, she heard everything.

Damn it!

She didn't want to listen, but she couldn't find a word to refute everyone!

That's right, what Gu's Dafang has done is too inhuman.

Even Sun thought of what she had done for so many years, she felt deeply ashamed.

What qualifications does she have to stand here, scold Gu Xiaowan, and blame Gu Xiaowan!

She went to jail and the head of the house, didn’t they all harm themselves!

Wanting to harm Gu Xiaowan, it didn't happen, but it hurt herself.

Not to mention hurting myself, even my own sons and daughters didn't understand and lost their feelings.

Thinking of Gu Xintao's resolute departure just now, and the deep dislike for herself, Sun's body was shaking like falling into an ice cave!

Brother Wen said that he really hopes that there is no such father and mother, that he will not be able to make money, and will not give him a good life. Not to mention, it will ruin his reputation.

Xintao even more, hoping to marry a rich family to live the life of the noble lady, but Huihui was in vain.

What does this make her do?

She can't learn Gu Xiaowan's shrewdness and can't make money!

If she is half as shrewd as Gu Xiaowan, she also wants to make money for her children!

Gu's second room is getting better and better. Such a magnificent restaurant, such a noble identity, woo woo

That was something she couldn't even think of!

It would be great if this restaurant belonged to her. As the proprietress, she counts her money every day and counts cramps.

With money, sons and daughters can do whatever they want, so that they can live a prosperous life like a son or a lady.

If the status of Anping county head is a peach, she can get her wish for anyone she wants to marry.

Sun cried silently, watching the lively Jinfu Tower inside, silently crying, thinking, it is destined to only think!

None of this can be true!

No matter how unwilling to be reconciled, all of this is in vain, it can't be realized!

However, she is really unwilling!

Sun's eyes opened suddenly, blood-red eyes full of hostility!

She is not reconciled, not reconciled!

Why, all this should be hers!

She is the eldest daughter-in-law of the long house, her father-in-law is the eldest son, her son is the grandson of the long house, and her daughter is the eldest daughter of the long house.

All the good things in Gu's family should belong to her!

It should be her father-in-law, her son and daughter!

Even if those good things were earned by Gu Xiaowan, it was useless.

She wants to get it, even if she can't get it

She would also destroy all of this by herself, and can't let these people climb onto her sons and daughters!


Absolutely not!

Sun's stern eyes cast a deep look at Jinfu Tower, with a hideousness that destroys everything!

She will not rest, she will not rest!

Everything was caused by Gu Xiaowan, and everything was forced by Gu Xiaowan!

If you give her a copy, she wouldn't do so much!

She wants to get back what she deserves!

After taking a sharp look, Sun struggled to get up and moved step by step in the direction that Gu Xintao was walking.

She didn't notice. Behind her, there was a pair of eyes looking at her all the time, with a playful smile.

There was also a young woman in a gorgeous dress.

The two are obviously mother and daughter.

Among them, the young woman craned her neck and murmured dissatisfiedly: "Mother, what the Sun family said is so terrible, and it doesn't seem to hurt Gu Xiaowan at all! It's the Sun family that was miserable enough to be beaten. If this is the case, I'm afraid that face will be ruined, and I don't know if it will leave scars!"

The woman on the side hummed, "Yun'er, did you hear all the words of Sun's curse just now?"

It turned out that the two people who spoke were Zhao Xun’s outside room, Hong, and her daughter Zhao Yuner.

The two were hanging out outside, and when they heard there was movement here, they ran here to take a look.

Unexpectedly, it was the Sun family who scolded Gu Xiaowan here!

Now they are refreshed, as long as they scold Gu Xiaowan, they are all interested!

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