The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1289: Persuade Yuner

One is resenting Gu Xiaowan, who told Gu Xiaowan not to agree to marry her son!

The other is even more resentful of Gu Xiaowan. It is because of Gu Xiaowan that Qin Yizhi ignores him!

The two of them listened to the movement there not far away, and their hearts were so happy.

Scold, scold, the harder the scold, the better!

However, this has just cursed twice, and there is no sound!

Then I saw that Sun was beaten into a pig's head, and several teeth were knocked out.

Look at Gu Xiaowan again, there is nothing at all!

In the end, Gu Xintao and Sun ran away in despair, and everyone just saw a good show!

Moreover, no one has ever said bad things about Gu Xiaowan, and they have been fighting against Gu Xiaowan and scolding Sun's mother and daughter!

Tsk tsk, it's terrible to be the head of Anping County, if you hit someone, there are still people protecting her like this!

Zhao Yun'er nodded: "I heard it all. The scolding is so ugly, and it's of no use to Gu Xiaowan. If I want to find a place to sew in and can't get out, she would be fine, so she just came out so blatantly not to say, but to fight. People, tusk, that's her aunt, thanks to her start!"

Zhao Yuner's look of disgust was even more ironic.

Looking at the magnificent Jin Fu Lou, it was even more jealous.

She used to be the daughter of Zhao Xun, but that was the eldest lady of the Zhao family.

What kind of family is the Zhao family?

That is in Liujiazhen, stomping his feet, the whole Liujiazhen will shake three times.

Although she is a young lady born outside the room, there are two sons in the Zhao family, and the young lady is the only one!

That is the most elegant lady in Liujiazhen, she is in Liujiazhen, not to mention rampant and domineering, but no one dared to say a word even if she walks sideways!

She is the most elegant lady in Liujiazhen!

However, after Gu Xiaowan became the head of Anping County, all this changed!

The most noble person in Liujiazhen is not her anymore, but the village girl Gu Xiaowan who she never looked up to before!

That shameless, rural village girl who came from the village turned into the fifth-rank Anping county head, who was conferred by the emperor himself.

There is honor and honor.

In addition, there is money.

Such a big Jinfu Building has robbed nearly 90% of the business of all restaurants in Liujia Town!

The Zhao family also has a restaurant, and the previous business was quite good!

Since the establishment of Jinfulou, all this has changed.

The business is in a downturn, and it is rare to survive the closing of the store.

The restaurant that was once prosperous just disappeared.

The Zhao family lost a lot of income. Every time Dad said about this, he sighed, and then he was angry.

He is one of the best in the Zhao family, but he can't play with a girl from the village!

Zhao Xun was holding his breath in his heart, but couldn't find any means to retaliate!

Gu Xiaowan is now the head of Anping County, and he has to salute her when he sees it.

I have no choice but to give up!

Thinking of her father's angry but helpless look, Zhao Yun'er felt a burst of anger in her heart, her frowned willow eyebrows erected, and she stared at the crowded Jinfu Tower, the veil in her hand was torn out of shape!

If this is Gu Xiaowan's words, I am afraid that she will be torn to pieces directly!

Zhao Yuner wanted to tear up Gu Xiaowan.

The Hong clan on the side did not see Zhao Yuner's strangeness. She retracted her gaze and said, "Silly boy, what's the use of Sun's remarks! Gu Xiaowan's current identity, those rumors are of little use to her? Not at all! She is walking sideways in Liujia Town now, and no one dares to say that she is half-wordless! Your sister looked at Lu Tao, but she was not taken as an official by her. Yun'er, don’t underestimate With this person, she is amazing!"

"Awesome?" Zhao Yun'er was a little disdainful: "If she had Brother Qin next to her, could she have the good fortune she is now? Hmph, a wild girl from the countryside, if there wasn't Brother Qin, she would still eat in the mud! "

Zhao Yuner believed that Qin Yizhi gave her everything Gu Xiaowan had!

Otherwise, she would not have what she is now.

Hong clan frowned, looked at Zhao Yun'er displeasedly, and said, "Do you still think about Qin Yizhi? Yun'er, mother told you how many times, then don't provoke Qin Yizhi. He is a very provocative character! Besides, he is still the beggar that Gu Xiaowan picked up, so how capable is he!"

Zhao Yuner curled his lips: "Mother, why are you so ugly? What kind of beggar! Didn't you see it? On the day of Gu Xiaowan and Jingli, how much did you see that he bought Gu Xiaowan and Jingli? I'm afraid it's the fifth grade. Wouldn’t the elder’s Beijing official marry a wife like this? It’s not as lavish as he did it, right? Look at the appearance of Brother Qin. Yushu is in the breeze, handsome and unrestrained, this whole body temperament, let alone Liu Jiazhen , Is there anyone in Ruixian who has his style? Big Brother Qin's house must be extraordinary!"

Zhao Yuner's expression of admiration and envy, and even more envy!

It would be great if she was the cusp of Qin's heart!

The scenery of Shili and Jingli are hers!

Brother Qin's handsome eyebrows were watching gently, and it should be himself!

Zhao Yuner became more angry the more he thought about it, and the more sad he was when he thought about it, there was an angry expression in his eyes that could not be concealed!

Seeing Zhao Yun'er's angry face and embracing the injustice for Qin Mozhi, Hong's heart was really broken.

Seeing that I had said this for so long, my own daughter still admired Qin Yizhi as before, and almost angered her.

The white fingers dyed with the red Dankou just rubbed Zhao Yun'er's forehead, and said with a hatred of iron and steel, "You die girl, how many times have you said your mother, why don't you understand! Qin Yi That person is just a little white face who eats soft rice. Gu Xiaowan is really amazing. Look at this Jinfu Building. Now the business is so hot. Think about it, how much money Gu Xiaowan made! She is rich, what about her Can't buy it! Besides, those Shili and Jingli, the ghost knows what's inside! Do you know? Have you seen it? Maybe Gu Xiaowan bought it!"

Mother seems to be right, but

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