The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1402: Go around

After Gu Xiaoyi pretended to understand, Gu Xiaowan didn't expect that she would even talk about it. Her face was a little red. Fortunately, there were no other people here. He just pushed and said with a smile: Big!"

Gu Xiaoyi still didn't let go, and continued: "Auntie, we will have a happy event after our family. I am so happy! The second brother is determined, and now the older brother is left."

"Well, my Xiaoyi is coming soon too." Gu Fangxi nodded, then looked at Gu Xiaoyi, and saw Gu Xiaoyi's face flushed suddenly: "Auntie, let me tell you about your brother, you Why are you bothering me!"

Gu Fangxi pretended to be very innocent and said, "After talking about Ning An and Ning Ping, wouldn't that come to you naturally?"

"Yeah, my Xiao Yi is also a big girl, and she will be married soon!" Thinking that Xiao Yi had teased herself just now, Gu Xiaowan also hit her back at this time.

Although Gu Xiaoyi was playful and lively, she was a very thin-skinned face. He immediately stomped her feet and said angrily, "Auntie, sister, you all made fun of me, I ignore you."

Then, he ran back to his yard quickly.

That shy look caused Gu Xiaowan and Gu Fangxi to laugh.

Gu Ningping's affairs have come to an end, I want to come, these few days can live a few days in peace.

Gu Xiaowan also took a long sigh of relief. She only felt that the anxiety in her mind had never stopped since she arrived in the capital, and she could relax now.

However, Qin Yizhi did not often come to Qingyuan to see Gu Xiaowan because of the many things about Jinfu Tower in the past few days. In addition to helping Gu Ningping pack his luggage, Gu Xiaowan wanted to go to Jinfu Tower and Jinfu Tower in Beijing. Take a look at Fujin Tower, and her own Lanyue Pavilion. After coming to the capital, she hadn't had the heart to see it, so she went to see it this time.

Because she was not very familiar with the capital here, and she didn't want to make a mistake when she came, so she asked Kou Dan and Kou Hai brothers and sisters to arrange the whole process, and asked them a few more questions. Kou Brother and sister Dan and Kou Hai both came up with an answer, thinking that there should be no problem, so they decided to check it out temporarily.

The carriage that Kou Hai prepared was very ordinary, just like the carriage used by ordinary people at home, but it was not shabby. Gu Xiaowan thought that it would be the best not to be too noticeable.

After leaving the gate of Qingyuan, Gu Xiaowan nodded in satisfaction when she saw the carriage prepared by Kou Hai. When she came, she had seen many such carriages walking on the streets of the capital city. I wanted to come, but nothing People cast their eyes on such a simple carriage.

After "Miss" Kou Hai put a square stool under the carriage, he stepped back a few steps, folded his hands on his chest, and stood aside respectfully.

As for Gu Xiaowan's side, Kou Dan stepped forward, helped Gu Xiaowan onto the square stool, and then got into the carriage.

After the female relatives got on the carriage, Kou Hai stepped forward, took the square stool, and put it aside, then got into the carriage, and smiled inwardly and whispered: "Miss, let's leave! "

Then I felt that the carriage was walking steadily, and the speed was neither fast nor slow along the way.

Gu Xiaowan was sitting in the carriage. When she first came in, she saw the carriage. Although it looked unpretentious on the outside, she was a little surprised when she got inside.

The carriage looks small from the outside, but after entering, the space inside can accommodate more than six or seven people. There is a thick carpet inside. There is no sound when stepping on it. It is placed in the middle of the carriage. I have a love coffee table. Looking at the material and the old color, I think it is made of high-quality mahogany. There are also tea cups and pots on the coffee table. The luster and transparency are not simple things.

Gu Xiaowan was sitting in the carriage, leaning on a soft pillow, drinking tea and eating snacks comfortably. Moreover, the curtains of this carriage also had peculiarities. When they were outside, the curtains of the carriage were tight. I can’t see what’s inside at all, but when he got inside, Codan carefully pulled up a layer of car curtain and said, “Miss, Miss Four, this car curtain is made of special materials. See outside, but you can’t see us outside, the two ladies, you can look at the scenery outside with confidence."

Gu Xiaowan was startled, and saw that Kou Dan pulled up half of the curtain. There was another curtain outside the curtain, but it was not as tight as the one just covered. All the scenery outside was clearly visible.

Busy cars outside, one after another luxurious shops, well-dressed and handsome shop assistants stand at the door, soliciting business, one by one, gorgeously dressed men and women, rushing in or out, a prosperous scene.

It was so convenient that Gu Xiaowan and Gu Xiaoyi didn't have to look secretly, and they sat on the side of the carriage and looked out through the transparent curtain.

On the way, Gu Xiaowan filled her eyes and wrote down many things.

Want to come, this capital is already prosperous.

Cloth shops, ready-to-wear shops, restaurants, inns, powder shops, bookstores, gold and jade shops, as long as the people need things, they can be sold on this street, and the prices are very high.

Jinfu Tower, Fujin Tower, and Lanyue Pavilion are all on Guanglong Street. Although they are a bit away from Gu Xiaowan's Qingyuan, they are all on the same street.

Due to the large number of people and the large number of carriages, the carriage went very slowly, which also gave Gu Xiaowan plenty of time to see the things here clearly.

The carriage quickly arrived at Jinfu Tower, because Li Fan didn't know that Gu Xiaowan was coming, and did not come out to greet him.

It was not time to eat at this moment, except for the people passing by, the entrance of Jinfu Tower was very deserted.

After getting off the carriage, Gu Xiaowan went in directly. Because she had come back and had seen the steward of Jinfulou. Seeing Gu Xiaowan was here, she hurried forward to meet Gu Xiaowan: "Miss Gu, are you here?"

Gu Xiaowan recognized him and knew that he was the accountant Mr. Li Fan invited over, so she respectfully said: "Mr. Cheng, hello, is the treasurer Li there?"

Mr. Cheng was in his fifties, his hair was a bit gray, and even his beard on his mouth was gray. Although his body was thin, he was straight and straight. He wore a gray robe on him. He had a scholarly temperament.

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