The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1403: Deja vu

Gu Xiaowan respected scholars, and this Mr. Cheng was old and respected her, so she also gave this Mr. Cheng a high look.

Mr. Cheng didn't know Gu Xiaowan's true identity. Li Fan claimed to the public that he was only one of his distant relatives. Both his parents had passed away and he came to Beijing to do business.

Mr. Cheng knew early on that Li Fan had a distant relative who was coming, but he only thought that he was very old, but when he first met Gu Xiaowan, he was surprised to find that what Li Fan said was coming to Beijing to do it. The relative of the business turned out to be this half-old girl. Mr. Cheng was surprised, but he couldn't say much. Just looking at Gu Xiaowan's eyes, there was a little more exploration.

Will such a small girl do business?

Although Mr. Cheng was full of doubts and curiosity, he didn't show the slightest expression on his face. He still smiled and said, "It's really unfortunate, Miss Gu, the shopkeeper will be in the Fujin Building all day long, not in the Jinfu Building, you If you want to find him, you can only go to the Fujin Building next door!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said okay. Seeing what Mr. Cheng was writing with his pen in hand, she stretched her head and glanced, then smiled and said, "Yesterday’s profit was really good!" Still talking about a string of numbers.

Mr. Cheng always had a smile on her face, and didn’t realize what Gu Xiaowan was talking about. She thought she was just looking at the account book in her hand, took a casual look, and then said something casually, without paying attention. on.

When he watched Gu Xiaowan leave, he lowered his head, looked at the account book in his hand, and fiddled with it with an abacus. Only then did he figure out a number. When he was about to fill in, Mr. Cheng suddenly raised his head, like Thinking of something in general, Gu Xiaowan's ears rang the string of numbers from the Times before she left, and then looked at the string of numbers she had written on the side.

He was shocked, thinking that he had made a mistake, so he fiddled with the abacus again, knowing that after calculating three times, the figure obtained was exactly the same as the figure reported to him by Gu Xiaowan, Mr. Cheng was shocked. Looking at the direction Gu Xiaowan had just left, her mouth opened wide, and she couldn't close her for a long time.

After leaving the Jinfu Tower, walk a few steps and you will be the Fu Jin Tower.

This Fujin Building eats hot pot. The easiest thing about hot pot is to kill time. Moreover, you can eat it at any time in the morning, noon, and evening, and you can eat it in advance.

Therefore, the business of Fujinlou has always been full of guests.

As soon as you enter the Fujin Building, the whole Fujin Building is filled with white waves, table after table of guests, full of guests sitting, cooking, meat, drinking, talking, and eating. , Yelling, the whole Fujin Building is so lively.

Gu Xiaowan didn't bring Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi with him, so he only brought Ah Zuo and Ah Mo with him. After they entered the Fujin Building, a uniformly dressed young man walked over with a smile on his face: " How many guests are there? We have three specials today. Would you like a girl to try? You are sure that you will eat it once and you want to eat it again!"

Gu Xiaowan didn’t come to eat hot pot, but seeing that young man’s courteous appearance was not easy to refute his kindness, so she asked: "Brother, sorry, I’m not here to eat, I want to ask. Are you, boss Li there?"

I heard that the little servant came to the shopkeeper, but seeing that although the girl was wearing ordinary clothes, she did not dare to underestimate the temperament of her body. He thought that the people in Jinfulou next door had told them that the shopkeeper had a distant room. When relatives came to the capital, they thought whether it was the little girl in front of them.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Gu Xiaowan with a calm expression, then she climbed her eyebrows and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, my shopkeeper is upstairs, the younger one will take you upstairs."

Under his guidance, Gu Xiaowan soon went outside Li Fan's wing.

The young man arrived outside Li Fan's wing, the smile on his face narrowed, and he knocked solemnly on the door. When there was a sound from inside, the young man asked softly: "The shopkeeper, there is a girl outside looking for you. !"

Li Fan was looking at the account books of the past few days. He heard that a girl came to him, thinking that it was Gu Xiaowan, so he got up and shouted: "Please come in!"

After speaking, walk to the door.

The little boy opened the door, and saw his shopkeeper, who actually greeted the door in person, and became even more curious about the strange girl.

Gu Xiaowan walked in, saw Li Fan, and yelled sweetly: "Uncle Li"

That little boy was only certain, and it seemed that this girl must be a distant relative of the shopkeeper.

Moreover, this girl, the treasurer of her own family, is very important!

The young man said to quit and left, thinking in his heart that if this girl comes again next time, she should be more enthusiastic.

Gu Xiaowan entered Li Fan's wing, looked around, feeling a little strange, she couldn't help but take a few more glances.

When Li Fan saw Gu Xiaowan's sight, he knew what she was curious about, so he said straightforwardly, "Xiaowan, do you think this place is familiar?"

When Gu Xiaowan came in, she felt very strange. The furnishings of this place seemed to have been seen somewhere. This time when I heard Li Fan talk about it, Gu Xiaowan suddenly realized: "This is the same furnishings in Liujiazhen!"

Li Fan smiled and nodded, poured a cup of tea for Gu Xiaowan, and said with a smile: "Yes, the furnishings here, the furnishings in Liujiazhen, the furnishings in Ruixian, all my wing rooms look the same!"

A painting, a screen, a table of Eight Immortals, the flowers and plants are all the same, and even the things you buy are exactly the same!

No wonder, when Gu Xiaowan came in, she seemed to have known each other somewhere.

"I'm confused. At that time, the furnishings in the wing of Uncle Li were exactly the same as this one!" But later, Jin Fulou opened a branch in Ruixian County and opened a branch in Beijing. The shops in Liujiazhen were all owned by Gu Xiaowan. Take care of it, because she has her own room, so she locked Li Fan’s room and never used it. I saw it now, and it seems that it’s the first time Gu Xiaowan visited Jinjin eight years ago. Scene of Fulou.

Hanging on the wall is an endless picture of proud cedar Berlin, in the middle of the room, a black ash round table, the table is spotless. There is a small-mouthed ceramic vase in the middle. The vase is painted with mountains and waters, and a budding magnolia with a slight fragrance is inserted in it. It is really beautiful!

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