The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1404: Broken Jade Ancient House

"Uncle Li, I remember that when I first entered your wing, there was a white waxberry in your bottle!" Gu Xiaowan smiled and pointed to the flower on the table and said with a smile: "It is now white. Magnolia!"

Li Fan rubbed his hands: "In my house, I will prepare a flower every day. Whenever the flower is in season, just plant it!"

"Uncle Li was unexpectedly such an elegant person!" Gu Xiaowan sipped the tea in her hand and said with a smile.

Li Fan didn't speak, but just looked at Gu Xiaowan and smiled.

Gu Xiaowan lowered her head to drink tea, but did not see the deep meaning in Li Fan's eyes.

"Time flies for so many years. At that time you looked thin and thin, and thought you were not as big as my daughter. Hey, after so many years, you have become a big girl in a blink of an eye." Li Fan heard what Gu Xiaowan said. , I also remembered that that year, that ancestor settled in Jinfu Tower. He didn't eat this one, and that was disgusted. Seeing that, he was swearing to be a **** in Jinfu Tower, but he was anxious to death.

Fortunately, Gu Xiaowan appeared in time to solve his urgent need.

It is true that there is a chance to meet for thousands of miles. It seems that what cause, cause and effect is already doomed at that time.

"The things destined to heaven can't be changed!" Li Fan glanced at Gu Xiaowan, thought of that ancestor, and said meaningfully.

Gu Xiaowan didn’t understand what he meant. She thought that Li Fan had been emotional for the past eight years, so she also said: “Yes, I mustered up the courage to step into the gate of Jinfu Tower, afraid that you would treat me as a beggar. Throw it out the same way, but fortunately, Xiao Shengzi's brother pity me, and Uncle Li, you gave me another chance. Otherwise, I really can't guarantee that our children will survive that winter!"

Gu Xiaowan said with emotion.

Li Fan knew that what she thought was different from what she said, but she didn't explain it. She just said: "You have craftsmanship. At that time, if Xiao Shengzi was the same as that of Miao Er, she was narrow-minded and looked down upon others. , Your good craftsmanship, I am afraid that it will be cheaper for others. In that case, where Jinfu Building and Fujin Building have the current scenery, I am afraid that they will be overwhelmed by opponents in Liujia Town!" Li Said in a realistic manner.

Xu Shi talked about the past, and the two of them had a lot of topics and emotions. Gu Xiaowan also said a few words afterwards, and then gave up.

"Uncle Li, should Fujinlou's business be okay? When I came up, I saw that there were so many diners before the meal!" Let's talk about the present and the future. Right!

"It just so happens, Xiaowan, you are here, you help me look at Fujinlou's account book during this period, Fujinlou now has a rival!" Li Fan sneered, and then pushed the account book to Gu Xiaowan's face.

"The enemy?" Gu Xiaowan frowned, and hurriedly put down the tea bowl in her hand. When she came up just now, the downstairs was obviously full of people. Isn't business bad?

Gu Xiaowan flipped through the account books of the past few years, and the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became, and she immediately discovered the problem.

After the opening of the Fujin Building, the business has been very good. In the past few years, it has made more than tens of thousands of dollars in profit every year.

But starting from this year, the whole year is almost over, but the profit on this account book is less than 70% of the previous year, thinking that there are only more than two months left, even if the hot pot restaurant business is good in winter, But it can't be 30% of the profits within two months!

Come to think of it, this year's profits are declining compared to previous years.

Moreover, every month, the profit is reduced by several percent compared to previous years.

"Uncle Li, since this year, the monthly profit has been reduced by at least 30% compared to previous years!" Gu Xiaowan looked at the account book, and said with some surprise.

I thought that when I came in just now, the young man graciously introduced that there were several discounted dishes in the restaurant.

"When I came in just now, the young man said that our restaurant had several dishes on sale. I remember that our restaurant never discounts before!" Gu Xiaowan asked suspiciously.

"The hot pot business has a lot to do with the weather. Although there are many people in the capital, compared with Ruixian, the business here is really not that easy!" Li Fan sighed.

"Beijing is full of high-ranking officials and nobles. Those who come to eat in restaurants are either rich or expensive. Although it is more expensive, it is not a problem for them. However, the senior officials crushed people to death. Since opening on Xianglin Street After going to a broken jade ancient house, many diners went there, and the business between Fujinlou and Jinfulou was much worse!"

"Suiyu Guzhai? What is this for? It sounds like a tea drinker!" The name is elegant, like a place to drink tea.

"You guessed it, it's a tea drinker, but it's different from a teahouse. There are three floors in the Broken Yu Gu Zhai. One floor drinks tea, and the other two floors, like us, eat hot pot!" Li Fan said angrily, thinking of this really a headache.

Drink tea after eating hot pot?

That's quite unique, and I can think of this method of opening a store, but it's also a powerful character.

They are all time-consuming things.

"I'm afraid it's the master of Suiyu Guzhai, at least a high-ranking official or above!" Gu Xiaowan sneered, thinking about the reasons.

"Yes, Grade 2 or above, today's King Ming!" Li Fan quietly said a name.

When Gu Xiaowan heard the name, her brows frowned, and she suddenly thought that in the early hours of that morning, when Jin Yougui sent a life-threatening swordsman to kill Qin Yizhi, she mentioned that Jin Yougui was a minister of the Ming Dynasty.

When Gu Xiaowan heard this name, she became clear immediately.

"The broken jade ancient house was opened by King Ming himself. On the day it opened, King Ming personally invited guests there. That was the prince. He stood at the entrance of the restaurant to welcome guests. What a face, some The guest, in order to express his sincere heart to King Ming, he went straight to Suiyu Guzhai and never came again!"

Li Fan sighed and said helplessly: "I also sent someone to Sui Yu Gu Zhai for a meal. The bottom of the pot is thick and thick. Where is half of the bottom of our pot, but the people who eat it are still so. many!"

"That's natural. Where do they go to eat? They are drunk and not drinking!" Gu Xiaowan smiled clearly.

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