The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1436: Want her to make a fool

"Why, Yushu? Is the position I arranged for you not good?" Shu Min said with a strong anger.

A dignified county guardian actually sat down to the end, so how do other ladies sit?

All the positions are empty. Those young ladies are standing in their own positions at a loss. No one dares to sit down!

The lord Huguo is sitting behind him. If this is passed to the ears of the Queen Mother, the accusation of disrespecting the royal family is not a joke!

"Satisfied, of course satisfied!" Tan Yushu coldly hummed without showing any weakness: "It's just because I'm too satisfied, that's why I feel uneasy!"

"You are the dignified county guardian, what's upsetting about sitting there!" Shu Min asked rhetorically without hearing the meaning of Tan Yu's words.

When she used to hold parties, Tan Yushu always sat next to her!

"Of course I'm disturbed!" Tan Yushu looked at the puzzled Shu Min, and said with a smile: "I am the majestic princess protector. I am naturally the emperor's grace. Sitting in the top position is naturally looking at the face of the heavenly family. It’s just that, it seems that Princess Mingdu has forgotten that there is another person with the grace of the emperor!"

"What do you mean?" Shu Min still didn't figure it out. Seeing Tan Yushu selling Guanzi, his face became even more unbearable.

Is this Tan Yushu turning around and saying that he does not care about the face of the heavenly family?

"The county lord of Anping is the emperor's decree, and the county lord who personally canonized it, isn't it the imperial grace?" Tan Yushu asked rhetorically, "Although the county lord of Anping has a lower rank, he has actually made the imperial decree. The royal family got on the jade butterfly! Mingdu, I would like to ask you, this yard is full of girls, besides you and me, who else got on the jade butterfly in the royal family?"

"You" Shu Min understood completely now.

Tan Yushu was clearly embracing the injustice for Gu Xiaowan, but on the contrary, he said so nicely that he let himself deceive him as a disrespect for God's grace.

Shu Min's expression flickered, but his anger was endured at the end.

Although Tan Yushu's words are ugly, the rationale is good!

This young lady in the yard, apart from her and Tan Yushu, who really enjoys the grace of heaven, is really only Gu Xiaowan alone!

"Yu Shu said that I was negligent. Come, change the brand as soon as possible!"

Although the county lord of Anping is a fifth-rank, she is still a wild girl in the village, but she is a royal person. Of course, this position can't be left at the end. On the contrary, the madams who are the official of the first-rank, the second-rank and the third-rank still have to sit. Gu Xiaowan behind the five-pin county owner.

The positions were rearranged, and Gu Xiaowan naturally sat opposite Tan Yushu.

At this moment, all the ladies stepped back in the positions arranged just now.

After taking her seat, Gu Xiaowan could clearly feel the hostility from someone.

She was placed in the third position from the last one, and the other young ladies' positions were all moved backward. Can you not hate her?

But daring to be angry but not daring to speak, no one dared to say a word.

After everyone was seated, it was a singing and dancing performance.

These are some programs written and directed by the ladies. Playing the piano, dancing, and painting are all common programs. Gu Xiaowan is not interested, but she can only watch it as if she is appreciative. From time to time, he echoed everyone's applause or two.

Gu Xiaowan had a decent smile on her face from beginning to end. She laughed with everyone and watched with relish. She couldn't find any mistakes at all.

Gu Xiaowan just ate a little of the pastries and tea on the table, then put it down and watched the performance "intently".

Shu Min sat on her head and glanced over Gu Xiaowan's place from time to time. When she saw her performing, she wore an approving smile on her face. When she was eating, she wore a satisfied smile on her face. There was no overstepping or untimely.

Moreover, the manners of eating snacks and tea are extremely elegant, and you can't see the vulgarity of a village girl.

The gestures of etiquette were shown in every gesture, between a frown and a smile.

Gu Xiaowan smiled and accepted each of these people’s glances, and didn’t deliberately follow their gazes. She just lowered her head faintly, or watched performances or had food, and did not put others’ scrutiny at all. In my heart.

After the performances written and directed by the ladies were finished, there was about half an hour left, but Shu Min didn't mean to end at all.

"I didn't expect today's show to be so exciting. This princess doesn't seem to have fun yet!" Shu Min smiled and clapped her hands, her expression still incomplete.

Since Princess Mingdu had said that he hadn't watched it to the fullest, the other people also agreed to continue to enjoy the show, so that all the ladies who did not come on stage would perform one or two more shows.

This performance between the beauties in Beijing can be regarded as the last blind date in disguise!

Although there are no male relatives in this, there are still older brothers and younger brothers in these girls’ houses. If you look at who is good and who is versatile, you will naturally have to talk about the last one. This is also a disguised form of spreading beauty for yourself. Name.

When I first heard about the show, almost all the ladies who came to participate in the show were eager to sign up for a show, but the time was fixed, and some of the shows were brushed down. Those who were able to perform on stage were all with Princess Mingdu. Good relationship, or more powerful in the family.

Now, seeing the Princess Mingdu saying that he would continue to watch the show, all the ladies began to move around again, all gearing up to show one on stage.

Tan Yushu didn't make a fuss. She was the lord of the county protector. Except for Mingdu, no one had the courage to let her dance.

Gu Xiaowan was different. She had just picked up a cup of tea and was about to drink, when she heard a sharp, ill-intentioned voice: "This is the first time the county lord of Anping participated in a gathering of ladies in the capital today. Why don't you come to show it? It also opened everyone's eyes!"

The speaker was Fang Zhuyun. At this moment, she was next to Fang Lanxin, holding a piece of cake in her hand, and said with a smile.

"Zhu Yun, what are you talking about? The county lord of Anping comes from the country, where does she know those piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, you said this, don’t you embarrass the county lord of Anping?" Fang Lan looked sympathetic to Gu Xiaowan and laughed He tapped the tip of her delicate nose with a finger, and said with a smile.

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