The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1437: Want you to act

However, Fang Lanxin's eyebrows were towards Gu Xiaowan's side, and there was Ruoyouruuowu's ridicule in the corner of her eyes.

These two sisters are agitating themselves!

How could Gu Xiaowan fail to see such a trick!

Gu Xiaowan was silent while drinking the tea in her hand, with a faint smile on her mouth.

"Yeah, Zhu Yun, don't you remind me, I forgot it!" Shu Min was energetic now, and a pair of eyes looked at Gu Xiaowan expectantly: "Anping County Lord, your first time attending Beijing The young ladies party naturally needs some expression. Just now you saw that our young ladies from Beijing are all proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, and they also use their talents to welcome the Anping county host and take care of you! In response, will the Anping County Lord also perform a show, or give it to the ladies?"

This Shu Min's mouth is poisonous!

Obviously, the schedule of these programs had already been set, but it happened from her mouth, but it was as if she had specially collected the dust for Gu Xiaowan!

As soon as Tan Yushu heard this, she exploded: "Mingdu, the county lord of Anping came to the party for the first time and she didn't prepare anything. What would you let her perform?"

"Whatever, as long as it is the talent of the county lord of Anping, we can watch anything!" Shu Min said with a smile, as if you only need to be on stage, even if you just say a few words to us, recite a poem!

"The county lord of Mingdu, the county lord of Anping came here for the first time, he must be unprepared, so let's just next time!" Fang Peiya also spoke at this moment, helping Gu Xiaowan to relieve the siege.

Indeed, such a request came too suddenly. According to Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya's thinking, Gu Xiaowan came from the countryside. Even if she could play piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, compared with those aristocratic ladies just now, it must be in the sky and the underground.

This move by the two sisters of Shu Min and Fang's family meant that they wanted to watch Gu Xiaowan perform their talents, and obviously they wanted to watch Gu Xiaowan make a fool of himself.

Because, no matter what talent Gu Xiaowan performs, it is no better than those shows just now.

The programs performed by the ladies of the family are all carefully prepared, and there are even some programs that were performed for the queen mother and the emperor!

It can be said that those programs just now are of high quality and can no longer be high quality!

If Gu Xiaowan came to perform again, no matter what talent she has, in front of these aristocratic ladies, she would definitely be shabby and shabby!

How could Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya not know the twists and turns inside, and hurriedly said for Gu Xiaowan.

Shu Min's eyes were swept, and he saw Gu Xiaowan sitting in a tight position. The cup of tea in her hand was a dignified, noble, and calm face like water. It was that beautiful face, pale and elegant. Make people jealous.

The deity is not in a hurry, but these two people are on the pole to intercede for her.

I couldn’t help feeling a little displeased, but I didn’t dare to show it on the face, and said in a shabby tone: "You two are anxious, but when I see the Anping County Lord, I am quite calm! Maybe, the Anping County Lord has her own. Talent, but you don’t know it."

What else Tan Yushu had to say, Gu Xiaowan glanced at her and gave her a comforting look, comforting her not to worry, the smile on her face seemed to be contagious, and only one glance made Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya relieved: "If you return to the county lord of Mingdu, I have lived in the countryside since I was a child. Apart from chopping wood, carrying water, washing clothes, and cooking shells, I really don't know these talents."

"What? Chopping wood, carrying water, washing and cooking? Oh my god, her hands must be very rough!" After listening to Gu Xiaowan's words, the whole room seemed to be out of control, and he started to twitter again.

"Stay away from her later, her hands are so rough, what if we accidentally cut our skirt?" someone said again.

There was a smile on Shu Min's face, and she didn't say anything to stop those people.

A look that has nothing to do with me.

"Although the host of Anping County doesn't know how to play piano, chess, calligraphy and calligraphy, how about letting her write a poem?" Someone sneered and said, "This one does not need talent, as long as it has been read for one or two days. Have you studied any poems? You don’t even know the words!"


Some people were smiling unscrupulously, and Shu Min waited for them to laugh before waving his hand, and then the people calmed down, but they all looked at Gu Xiaowan sarcastically and waited for Gu Xiaowan to make a fool of himself.

"Anping County Lord, so many good sisters are waiting for you to perform their talents. Why don't you perform something that you are good at, otherwise, these sisters, really don't follow it!"

Shu Min, as if embarrassed, spoke for the ladies: "They just finished their performances. I think they are tired. We have watched the shows many times just now, and there is nothing new. The county lord of Anping participated for the first time. This kind of gathering is definitely strange to everyone. Why don't you just show it and let them know that you are a polite person who will return!"

Will you be courteous?

Tan Yushu stood up and said, "Mingdu, don't bully people!"

Seeing Gu Xiaowan being bullied by Shu Min and those so-called aristocratic ladies in turn, where Tan Yushu is still sitting, even if Gu Xiaowan winked at her just now, she had to take care of it.

"Lord Mingdu, why don't you let the county lord of Anping come back and perform?" Fang Peiya also stood up, with a somewhat unhappy attitude.

Shu Min's face suddenly changed. She turned to look at Tan Yushu, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth: "What is the word of the county lord Huguo? How did the county lord bully the county lord of Anping? Just now those sisters We performed a program to welcome the host of Anping County, and to exchange courtesy. The host of Anping County should also perform a program to thank you all? Otherwise, how can the host of Anping County gain a foothold in the circle of ladies in Beijing?"

Everyone will only say that the host of Anping County is a person who doesn’t know how to courteous, and he disappointed everyone at the first gathering. What about the next gatherings?

There was a thick threat in Shu Min's eyes, as if to say that if he didn't perform this time, then the Anping County Lord would not attend the gathering of the ladies in Beijing.

In Shu Min's words, the angry Tan Yushu couldn't say a word to refute her.

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