The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1438: Improvisation

This Shu Min is a cruel person. If she annoys her, she might really isolate Gu Xiaowan from this circle in the future.

She just wanted to block Tan Yushu with such vicious words, but she couldn't refute it.

Because Shu Min really said it and did it!

Gu Xiaowan also guessed what Shu Min meant when the sword over there was tense.

I know that if I don’t perform a show today, I really don’t know how these aristocratic ladies will arrange themselves at the gate of the Ming Palace!

Arrogant, lofty?

Still ignorant?

Or are they excluded from these people?

No matter which one it is, she can not bear it!

Gu Xiaowan snorted in her heart, this Shu Min's torture method is really peculiar.

Fang Peiya stared with bated breath and looked at Gu Xiaowan nervously. Shu Min forced her not to refute, and Gu Xiaowan could only decide.

"Sister, let's go!" Tan Yushu saw that Gu Xiaowan hadn't spoken for a while, guessing that she definitely didn't want to perform, so he stepped over the short couple and went to pull Gu Xiaowan, with a look of distress.

"Hey" before Shu Min could speak, I heard Gu Xiaowan say with a smile and sweetly: "Yu Shu, if you don't, come and think of a few words for me, I will use your words to compose poems! Or, other You can also mention it!"


Come to write poems on the spot?

"Then Anping County Lord, for the first show, it's up to you to make a splash?" Fang Zhuyun looked smug.

With a face full of contempt, he snorted softly, and his eyes were full of sneers.

What kind of talent does a country girl from the countryside want to have and compose improvisational poetry?

Don't make a cat or dog verse, it's embarrassing!

Fang Zhuyun thought of Gu Xiaowan going to make a fool of herself later, she couldn't help but exulted, and smiled after covering her mouth.

The others had similar ideas to Fang Zhuyun, and they didn't put Gu Xiaowan's words in their eyes. They were all in their spare time, waiting for Gu Xiaowan to make some messy, unreconciled and untidy poem.

"Sister, I will have the bright moon!" When Tan Yushu first listened, he was a little surprised, but seeing that Gu Xiaowan's eyes were full of confidence, I knew that my sister must be confident, but still a little worried, so she came up with a slightly simpler !

Gu Xiaowan smiled, thought about it, and lifted her lips lightly: "The moon is shining in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground. Look up at the bright moon, bow your head to think about hometown!"

"Okay!" Fang Peiya shouted excitedly and clapped.

"Sister, I'll give another one, Bamboo!" Tan Yushu saw that Gu Xiaowan thought about it a little before he had already produced a poem, and was about to jump up with excitement.

She has never heard of this term, nor read it in a book, isn't that the sister made it herself!

In the astonishment of everyone, Tan Yushu made another word.

Gu Xiaowan smiled, and only slightly lowered her eyebrows. After thinking about it, she said, "One after another, there are thousands of branches and leaves. I don't bloom, so I don't want to pick up bees and butterflies."

"Okay, okay!" Tan Yushu clapped his hands and greeted him, laughing forward and closing together: "Oh, I won't bloom, I don't want to pick up bees and butterflies!" Tan Yushu pointedly looked at Shu Min, deliberately said the next half sentence Heavy.

When Shu Min's face heard these words, the whole face went black.

This Gu Xiaowan turned a corner to praise her and belittle herself!

Compare yourself to the noble bamboo, and compare yourself to the crazy bee wave butterfly.

Shu Min's face suddenly turned black, and her eyes stared at Gu Xiaowan, as if to stare her out of a hole.

"No, no, it doesn't count!" When Fang Zhuyun saw Tan Yushu's two words, Gu Xiaowan immediately made two rhyming and neat poems, and they were full of catchy poems, and she panicked.

They must have written it in advance!

"Why doesn't it count? Didn't you say that you want your sister to perform a talent casually?" Tan Yushu saw Fang Zhuyun say nothing, and his face went dark.

Fang Zhuyun shuddered when she saw Tan Yushu's face turned dark. She was a princess protector of the country, and she was no more than a concubine of a scholar, if she offended Tan Yushu, then she would definitely not have a good life.

Fang Zhuyun was a little afraid of Tan Yushu. After saying a few words, she didn't have the guts to continue speaking. She could only retreat in there, neither retreat nor retreat. She held her veil and looked everywhere.

When he saw Shu Min's body, Shu Min gave her a reassuring look. Fang Zhuyun was bold enough, and straightened up again, saying unceremoniously: "The county lord, you write a poem, the county lord writes a poem , It is very likely that you wrote it in advance!"

After hearing Fang Zhuyun's words, everyone recovered from the shock.

Yes, Huguo County Lord and Anping County Lord are good sisters, they must have colluded in advance!

Everyone twittered and pointed.

"Huh, I was scared to death. I thought that someone from the countryside would be so powerful, and I could make a poem by turning my head. It turned out that it was already done!"

"That's right, according to me, it's time for someone to change the question!" someone suggested.

Tan Yushu's face turned green when he heard those people's comments. Gu Xiaowan waved her hand at her and motioned to her to curse, and then continued along with the words of the person who arranged her: "No. Just ask this girl to write a question and see if I can do it! I don’t know the girl, so no one will say that you and I collude, right?"

"Just come out! Hmph! Don't be too late to say that this lady is bullying you!" The girl pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

Then his eyes swept around, trying to make a difficult word.

"That's it, let's use the sweet-scented osmanthus in this piece of cake as the topic." The lady picked up a piece of cake and smiled triumphantly, as if asking for credit. She looked at Shu Min and got Shu Min's approving look. The young lady seemed to be more proud, looking at Gu Xiaowan, she was about to lift her into the sky in excitement.

Gu Xiaowan knew what they were laughing at.

When she was in Ruixian County and Liujia Town, she had never seen anyone plant sweet-scented osmanthus trees. It was very rare and few people knew about it.

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