The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1439: Shocking

The person who made things difficult for him now mistakenly thought that he didn't even know what sweet-scented osmanthus was.

However, she miscalculated.

Not only did Gu Xiaowan know about osmanthus, many of the Chinese classics of five thousand years mentioned osmanthus.

Gu Xiaowan narrowed a smile, frowned, and seemed to be stumped by the word.

When everyone saw her like this, it was even more certain that the county lord Huguo had colluded with her.

Gu Xiaowan pretended to think for a while, then looked up, the smile on her face bloomed again, and the young lady in front of her trembled.

"This lady listened well. The osmanthus flowers fall in the idle, and the spring sky is quiet in the night. The moon rises and the birds start to sing in the spring." Gu Xiaowan has attractive red lips, smiling at the corners of her mouth, and faintly singing Wang Wei's birds. Jian posed, no one knew that this was Wang Wei's verse, and no one knew where this poem came from.

In the eyes of these people, this is what Gu Xiaowan did.

Gu Xiaowan smiled lightly, but stunned everyone.

If I said that there were some doubts just now, now, the astonishment is greater than the doubt.

"Wine!" Someone didn't believe it, and spoke!

"Lanling wine tulip, the jade bowl is filled with amber light. But it can make the owner drunk, and I don't know where it is from abroad." Gu Xiaowan thought for a moment, and came at her fingertips.

Li Bai is a wine fairy and a poetry fairy.

Who can say that his poems are bad!

"Okay!" As soon as Gu Xiaowan finished her words, she heard Tan Yushu clapping her hands excitedly, and she looked at the dumbfounded people triumphantly: "Didn't you say that I colluded with my sister? Why? The words you made, my sister also What can be done, is it that you have all colluded with my sister?"

Shu Minqi's face was green for a while and black for a while, and his eyes looked at Gu Xiaowan like a poisonous snake.

Gu Xiaowan was fearless and looked at Shu Min indifferently.

The corners of his mouth are smiling.

This Shu Min was not good at coming, and she didn't want to make herself good at all, and Gu Xiaowan didn't bother to mediate with her.

Doesn't she want to make a fool of herself?

She is not as good as her wish!

"Anping county host has a great literary talent, so he can write so many poems so quickly, it is really brilliant!" Shu Min was angry, but at the moment, he must take the limelight back.

"Princess Xie praised it, it's just that there is a younger brother in the family who is studying, and he has studied with him for a few years." Gu Xiaowan explained with a smile, the limelight is too much, and it is not too good, just go to Gu Ning'an.

"Oh, that's the case!" Seeing Gu Xiaowan's humility, Shu Min said, "Zhu Yun, you just joked. This is a piece of cake. This is obviously a piece of gold. I am afraid that no lady will dare to follow. On stage."

The smile on Shu Min's face was graceful and luxurious, but everyone knew that she was about to vomit blood in her heart.

She wanted to make Gu Xiaowan embarrassed, but she didn't think about it, and gave her a chance to show off. If this spreads out, others will say that the county lord of Anping is humble and does not show up. It is really forced helplessness to show her talent.

When Fang Zhuyun saw Shu Min's words like this, she was shocked and sweaty: "Yeah, I was ignorant just now. I don't know if there are such talented people in this country!"

"I can't talk about talent, but I have read a few more books and got a good understanding!" Gu Xiaowan smiled modestly.

At this moment, everyone was shocked in a cold sweat.

After only a few years of reading, you know how to master?

Everyone was amazed, looking at Gu Xiaowan with surprise and admiration.

Shu Min no longer has the energy and mind to continue the banquet, and now Gu Xiaowan has performed as she intended.

However, it was like her good intentions or her evil intentions. Seeing Shu Min's black face, which was almost like the bottom of a pot, he almost guessed it seven or eight points.

At the end of the party, Gu Xiaowan and others also let out a long sigh of relief.

Shu Min stopped sending Tan Yushu on the excuse of physical fatigue.

Tan Yushu was anxious that she would not give it away, holding Gu Xiaowan's hand in his hand, and walked out of the garden with excitement. The young ladies behind them all looked at Gu Xiaowan and others with complicated eyes, and they didn't know what they meant.

When I reached the door, I saw Zuo standing outside the courtyard with a look of excitement.

She knew exactly what happened inside just now.

When I first heard the girl say that I was unhappy and avoid the bees and butterflies, Zuo wanted to clap his hands and applaud.

From the initial passiveness to the later initiative, the girl is not a person to slaughter.

Now, beating Shu Min fiercely and beating her was really happy. You must quickly report this to the master, so that the master will be happy.

Leaving the Ming Palace, before getting into the carriage, Fang Peiya took Tan Yushu's arm with some concern, and said softly: "Yushu, do you think Shu Min will do?"

Tan Yushu listened and snorted coldly: "Whether she will be shameless, she found it by herself! If she dares to treat my sister, don't blame me for being rude to her! She is the county lord, and I am also the county. Lord, it's a big deal to have a dead fish and a net to break, to see who fights against whom!"

Tan Yushu also had a deep grudge against Shu Min. Right now, knowing that Gu Xiaowan was in the limelight must have made Shu Min unhappy, but it would have been annoying.

At the banquet just now, with Shu Min's aggressive look, did Gu Xiaowan retreat?

After Tan Yushu finished speaking viciously, Fang Peiya also nodded: "Yushu, you are right. If she wants to frame her sister, let's not let her go!"

Tan Yushu nodded: "It's late, you should go back earlier, so that your mother is worried at home. Also, you should eat less. Eating fat is bad for your health!"

Fang Peiya nodded: "I know, but I just can't control it!"

Fang Peiya looked at her clothes embarrassingly.

The loose clothes are too tight to wear. If someone else makes clothes, she will spend two and a half feet of cloth.

"If you are hungry, eat some cakes and drink plenty of water!"

After Tan Yushu finished speaking, he looked at Fang Peiya, squeezed her face, and said distressedly: "You can't get fat anymore. You know?"

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