The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1918: Take a sedan chair into the palace

Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised. This is the celebrity next to the emperor. Why did she feel puzzled about herself, but she only gave a soft hand. After getting off the carriage, she helped herself and thanked: "Thank you, Father Qi! "

Qi Gonggong smiled and said, "The princess is polite!"

Gu Xiaowan got on the sedan chair, and Gong Gong Qi asked the sedan chair to pick up the sedan chair, leading the road in front of him and heading into the palace.

On the way, everyone watched curiously, who didn't know that Grandpa Qi was the celebrity beside the emperor, who only followed the emperor!

The emperor, who originally thought he was sitting in the sedan chair next to him, was about to kneel down to pray.

But looking closely at the sedan chair, it was a gorgeous sedan chair sitting in a girl's house, and some people who knew Gu Xiaowan and the maid who was following her almost screamed.

"Gu who is sitting there" someone exclaimed, but he was pinched when he was about to blurt out.

The man was in pain, so he yelled loudly, "Mother, why do you pinch me!"

"What are you Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu, Gu Qi is your name!" The woman in the gorgeous palace costume snorted softly.

The wealthy lady next to her stared at her mother who was staring at her in amazement, and then she understood.

Indeed, the Anping princess, whom they had never looked down upon, has now become a celebrity in front of the emperor. Who would dare to be disrespectful to her, and who would dare to call her directly?

The young lady immediately lowered her head, afraid to speak.

But there was still a little sneer between the eyebrows, but it was a princess, the emperor and the empress dowager were so kind to her, maybe there was another plan!

But she dare not say this!

The father-in-law Qi on the side heard the faint sound just now, his face was always cold, and he moved forward with the luxurious sedan chair beside him!

The sedan chair arrived at Kunning Palace very quickly. After Gu Xiaowan got off the sedan chair, she saw Kunning Palace, and she was a little strange: "Grandpa Qi, here it is."

Father Qi smiled and folded his hands and said: "The emperor is handling government affairs in the Hall of Yangxin, and the banquet in the Hall of Huayin will begin later. The emperor ordered a servant to bring you to Kunning Palace, saying that he is afraid that you will be alone in the Hall of Huayin. The hall is lonely, and the princess Lihua is also here with the queen. If the guardian princess comes, the minion will also bring her over. At that time, you and the queen will be seated at the same time!"

At the same time?

Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised. When did the emperor take himself so seriously? It was so heavy that she couldn't accept it!

It was hard to ask clearly, and smiled on his face: "Thank you, father-in-law! Xiaowan went in!"

After speaking, the two left again, and Gu Xiaowan turned and entered the palace gate!

Watching Gu Xiaowan leave, Father Qi instructed the little **** next to him: "Go to the gate of the palace and guard the princess Huguo. When you see the princess, bring the princess to the empress empress!"

The two little eunuchs responded and immediately went to the gate of the palace.

Father Qi is going back to the Hall of Nurturing the Heart. Now the emperor is still dealing with government affairs in the Hall of Nurturing the Heart. He finally found time to come out. The emperor will go back to serve him too! By the way, I have to report the matter to the emperor.

The maid of Kunning Palace led the way. Gu Xiaowan walked forward without squinting, passing through the corridors of the carved columns and painted buildings. When Gu Xiaowan finally arrived at the main hall, she heard happy talk and laughter from inside.

Hearing that voice, it was indeed Princess Lihua's!

Gu Xiaowan didn’t know the Queen Leng very well, and when she came in just now, she was a little worried. She didn’t know what to say to the most distinguished woman in the world. Now that the princess Lihua is in it, she won’t be embarrassed anymore. .

I only heard the maid telling me at the door: "Aunt Tingyin, Aunt Tingyan, Anping princess is here!"

There was a busy response from someone inside, and then someone opened the curtain and came out. When they saw the person in front of him, the person was so busy and respectful that he paid a respectful look: "The slave and the maidservant have heard the words to worship the Anping Princess!"

Listening to the court lady calling this aunt, she should be the next to the queen's court lady, or maybe brought out from her natal family, naturally she has a good relationship with the queen!

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped forward to help her: "Listen, Auntie is polite!"

Hearing that Gu Xiaowan also called her aunt, she couldn't help being a little surprised.

You must know that the title aunt is a kind of respect and respect for the little maids in the palace to the grand maids. She is the maidservant next to the queen. She has been with the queen since she was a child, and she has a relationship with the queen. In the palace, she and Tingyin also followed in.

Because they continued to serve the queen, the maids would naturally look up to them. Although they are not too old, with this prestige, things are much more convenient.

The one who heard the most is that some eunuchs and court ladies called her aunt. I have never heard any lady call her aunt. Now I watched Anping princess call her aunt respectfully, and I felt very good in my heart. Suddenly added a few more points.

This is a kind of respect for her!

Hearingly said, "The princess, you are too polite, so please call the servants to listen!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak, but just smiled. The first time I heard that I saw such an easy-going master. Although her background was not very good, the bad comments of this person even spread throughout the capital. She was always curious about that. What does this legendary princess look like?

Looking at it now, I am even more surprised!

Exquisite facial features, graceful figure, I heard that this person is already seventeen this year, he already has this level of appearance, I am afraid that no one in the capital can compare!

The curtain was opened again, and Tingyin walked out: "The slave servant Tingyin has seen the princess, please go in!"

Gu Xiaowan called Auntie Tingyin again, and followed the two of them in.

I saw a court lady playing the curtain beside him. After Gu Xiaowan entered, but saw that the inside was much cooler than the outside, I saw the princess Lihua heard that Gu Xiaowan was here, she rushed over here: "Xiaowan, you can coming!"

After speaking, Gu Xiaowan was hugged by the princess Lihua. With such enthusiasm, Gu Xiaowan was a little flattered, and she hugged the princess Lihua too busy: "Princess Lihua"

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