The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1919: The queen is pregnant

The princess Lihua let go of her and circled her twice, but she saw that she was no longer thinner and her stature seemed to be a little taller, so she was relieved: "Oh, you are so anxious to death me, but if you are safe, then I am relieved!"

Gu Xiaowan was grateful and hurriedly said, "Thank you, the princess for thinking about it!"

"Don't be so polite, come and see the empress empress!" After speaking, the eldest princess took Gu Xiaowan and walked towards the empress empress. The queen was half leaning on the collapse, looking at Gu Xiaowan with gratitude and smile. .

Gu Xiaowan was a little curious. The expression on Empress Leng's face was obviously full of gratitude, which made her a little bit confused. I wonder why Empress Leng looked at her like this!

When she got to the front, she was about to kneel down: "Xiaowan sees the queen empress"

When the queen heard it, she gave a hurried cry. On the side, Tingyan and Tingyin hurried forward to support Gu Xiaowan, but did not let her kneel down.

"The princess doesn't have to be so polite, please sit down!" The Queen Empress pointed to the armchair beside her and said with a smile.

Gu Xiaowan is a little strange, the empress is also

After sitting down on the side, someone had tea. Princess Lihua looked at Gu Xiaowan's faint expression and knew in her heart that she was afraid that she would have been puzzled for a long time.

The surrounding maid retreated, leaving only Tingyin, Tingyan, and Tingyan guarding at the gate.

"Xiaowan, do you know why the empress is lying there?" Princess Lihua winked at Gu Xiaowan and said.

Gu Xiaowan raised her eyes and took a quick look, but she saw the queen half lying on the couch. She looked a little lazy when she looked like that, but she looked ruddy and shiny, not as if she was sick.

Gu Xiaowan didn't understand, shook her head!

Princess Lihua clapped her hands and said: "Look at me, I asked you a girl who has not been out of the pavilion, you must not be able to guess it!"

Gu Xiaowan covered her mouth and smiled and looked at Princess Lihua with a smile: "The princess has never been out of the pavilion!"

The princess laughed: "But I know!"

Empress Leng saw her mysterious appearance, and said: "You have to talk to the Anping princess, my side, thank you princess too!"

Thank her?

When Gu Xiaowan was a little confused, she saw Princess Lihua approaching her ear and said a few words softly. After Gu Xiaowan heard it, she was overjoyed: "Really?"

"It's true!" Princess Lihua said confidently.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the empress empress, but saw empress Leng's face of kindness, one hand around her belly, and her face full of happiness.

"Anping, what Lihua said is true." Empress Leng looked at Gu Xiaowan and smiled: "This palace does have it!"

"Xiao Wan, you have to be tight-lipped about this. Now it's only me, the mother, the queen, and the emperor, and you know. This is just after the first three months, so be careful! This is me. The first prince of the Qing Dynasty!"

"Do you know that this is the prince? Is Xu a princess?" Empress Leng hurriedly covered her mouth and smiled when she saw that Princess Lihua was so sure.

However, his eyes are full of expectation. If it is really the prince, then he is the eldest son of the Qing Dynasty, the future prince! If not, don't worry, if there is a princess here, it is also the eldest princess of the Qing Dynasty, and the emperor is definitely looking forward to it!

When the princess Lihua heard this, she hurriedly said: "That must be the prince's. I will let you use it according to the prescription Xiaowan gave me! There is nothing wrong with Xiaowan's prescription!"

"My prescription?" Gu Xiaowan doesn't remember when she gave the princess Lihua the prescription for the baby boy. She is not a warlock of the rivers and lakes!

Seeing that she didn't remember, Princess Lihua hurriedly said, "You forgot? At that time, you said that Madam Lu can't give birth to boys. No wonder Madam Lu, do you remember?"

Gu Xiaowan just remembered now. Indeed, she said that at the time, and at that time she also suggested several methods, saying that if she wants to have a boy, she can use those recipes to ensure energy efficiency!

Moreover, I also said that if you want to get pregnant, what you need to do to increase the chance of conception!

Feelings, the princess Lihua actually gave it to the queen!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan remembering it, Queen Leng looked grateful: "Anping, thank you! I thought I was extremely difficult to conceive, but I didn't expect that the prescription Lihua gave me would be pregnant within a few months. Now, this child is very stable and healthy in my body, and I am very happy in my heart! I wanted to tell you this good news a long time ago, but for the first three months, the empress dowager refused to let the outside world know that she had to wait The fetus is stable! It's been more than three months now, and I feel relieved in my heart whether this child is good, and I think I must thank you face to face today!"

But seeing Queen Leng smiled and said: "Those antique calligraphy and paintings of gold, silver and jade, I am afraid that you have received a lot of these in the past few days. I will not give you those things, so I will give you thousands of gold, plus this."

After speaking, listening to the sound, he came forward and gave Gu Xiaowan something. Gu Xiaowan saw that it was a purse, and she was a little confused.

"This is" Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised.

"The emperor has given you three promises, and I will give you one too. If you have difficulties in the future, take this directly and come to me, or to my Leng family. As long as they see this thing, they will do their best to help you! "Queen Leng said firmly.

This is equivalent to the promise that the queen made to herself, if she has something to do in the future, maybe she can still use this to save her life!

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly knelt down and accepted: "Thank you, Empress Empress!"

Hearingly helped her in a hurry, Queen Leng shook her head and said: "Compared to this gift you gave me, I can't overstate what I give you!"

Indeed, if it is a man in one fell swoop, then the child in this belly is very likely to be the future emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

At this moment, a voice came from outside: "Niang, time is up, it's time to go to Huayin Hall!"

Then I heard another voice: "Niang Niang, the Lord Huguo is here!"

Princess Lihua smiled: "This person, feelings are reached by stepping on them!"

Tingyin and Tingyan hurriedly stepped forward to serve the queen and got up. Gu Xiaowan and the princess Lihua went to the outer room and waited. When they saw the Lord Huguo, the three of them got together again and kept talking.

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