The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1920: Huayin Temple Banquet

The Queen Leng in the room, dressed and dressed under the service of listening and listening, did not know if it was because of her pregnancy, she always felt that she was a lot ugly.

Looking at the person in the mirror, Queen Leng said: "Listen, listen to the words, do you think this palace is a lot uglier?"

Compared with the previous words, the empress empress did not draw her eyebrows and lips, and applied grease and powder during this period. It is indeed a lot less clear than before, and it is not as refined as before!

However, I heard Tingyin smile and say: "Manny, you have never heard that pregnant women are foster mothers, and sons are ugly mothers? Your birth must be a prince!"

"Yes, the imperial doctor also said the pulse, you must be a little prince!" Hearing also agreed.

Queen Leng pursed her lips and smiled, and she couldn't help but stroke her belly again, where she was slightly bulging, giving birth to a small life.

Hearing that she was going to dress her, Queen Leng waved her hand: "Just draw an eyebrow, paint a lip color, other things are unnecessary, and those heavy headdresses are gone, let's clean it up today!"

The two knew that the empress was thinking about the prince in his belly, and they hurriedly responded, so they chose exquisite and luxurious but simple headdresses to wear for the empress!

Soon after I was dressed, I went out of the house and saw the three of them smiled and hugged them together. Looking at the smiles of the three of them, Queen Leng seemed to think back to her boudoir era and had close friends. After chasing joyously with myself and now becoming a queen, such days can only become memories!

However, on her shoulders, there is a position and important responsibilities that the world does not have. She will stand beside the emperor, and will govern the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains with him, and become what the people say as a virtuous queen!

Seeing the queen came out, the three of them stood up hurriedly: "Queen Empress"

Queen Leng's eyes were bent, as if she had returned to the girlhood at that moment: "Let's go!"

There was a sedan chair at the entrance of the palace. The empress came up to Fengjia in front, Princess Lihua, Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan went to the sedan chair at the back. Often the eunuchs of the palaces, and the court officials who came to the palace.

If they fight again, they will have a bad reputation.

Gu Xiaowan sat in the sedan chair and saw through the gap of the sedan curtain that the red brick wall kept retreating back in her eyes, thinking that she was about to be Huayin Temple, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and quietly picked the gap between the curtains. It's a bit bigger.

However, only the head of the court lady and the **** was seen outside, and seeing the Queen’s Fengjia approaching, they avoided early and knelt on the ground, only seeing a dark head, they could see nothing!

Outside the Huayin Hall, there were bursts of joyous singing and laughter.

The empress's sedan chair stopped, and Gu Xiaowan and the others also got off the sedan chair, but they did not directly enter the inner hall, but waited for the emperor and the empress mother first in the room behind the inner hall.

After a while, the emperor arrived, and the queen mother followed. After seeing it, it was a good time to kneel and worship, and she saw the queen mother holding Gu Xiaowan's hand and not letting go: "Good girl, good girl"

Gu Xiaowan couldn't guess why the empress dowager had a special banquet for herself.

The emperor has been on the throne for several years, but a true adult has only three years of effort, but even so, there should be heirs in the palace, but after so many years, there is still no egg. This time I’m fine, I finally saw an egg in the queen’s belly, and the imperial doctor was sure that the egg in the belly would definitely hatch a rooster. It’s not happy that the empress dowager was broken ?

The imperial heirs are thin, and this first child came from the belly of the empress's wife. Isn't this the world's most happy event?

Gu Xiaowan naturally understood that when the empress mother was pulling her hand, she heard the eunuch's shrill voice.

"The emperor drives to the empress dowager to drive to the queen and the empress"

The Huayin Temple, which was full of voices just now, was silent at this moment, and the colorful clothes and decorations were pierced by Dingdong. Now I can only see the black forehead, and all kinds of hairpins stuck in it: "Long live the emperor. Long live, thousand years old, thousand years old, thousand years old!"

The Empress Dowager took Gu Xiaowan's hand into the Huayin Hall. Seeing everyone kneeling down, she raised her hand and said, "Get up!"

It was a good thank you. After the emperor and others were seated, they heard the emperor say: "Today is just an ordinary family banquet. You don't have to be polite and have fun!"

Everyone then went to their seats and sat down.

When I looked up, I saw the empress dowager holding Gu Xiaowan's hand and let her sit down at the same table with her, and she was shocked again!

This Gu Xiaowan, the empress dowager is so in love with him, it’s simply

Everyone didn't dare to speak, and their expressions changed when they looked at Gu Xiaowan, but no one dared to show the least disrespect. They were all respectful.

Gu Xiaowan was looking at the palace secretly at the moment, and saw that she was sitting on the seat of the empress dowager, right above the entire hall, with two seats, the emperor and the empress, and she attacked the queen mother.

The left and right positions below were empty. Princess Lihua got together and occupied one seat below.

But, who owns those two positions?

At this moment, I heard the eunuch's shrill voice: "The concubine is here"

I saw a gorgeously dressed woman walked in from the entrance of the main hall. She walked in slowly surrounded by the maids, and bowed below: "The concubine visits the emperor, the empress dowager, and the queen empress"

"You are late. Sit down quickly. The banquet begins!" Shu Tianci said, pointing to the side with no joy and anger.

I saw that Concubine Wang slowly walked up the steps and took a seat toward the empty seat on the side of Gu Xiaowan. It turned out that this was the place where Concubine Wang was sitting. But, what seat?

Is it Lord Ming?

Now the only person who can take that seat is Ming Wang!

"Mother, shall the banquet begin?" The emperor asked the empress dowager on the side.

The empress dowager glanced at the place next to the emperor's upper body and nodded: "Then let's start!"

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