The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1921: Wang Guifei's provocation

As the eunuchs began to sing at the banquet, the hall was filled with joy and joy, and the voices were full of people.

The hall is magnificent, with carved beams and embroidered columns, and the huge night pearl illuminates the hall, creating a magnificent scene of prosperity and prosperity.

Looking at this scene, Gu Xiaowan sighed to herself.

Unexpectedly, the scene that was only seen on TV in the previous life, now, at this moment, he is sitting high in front of the hall, becoming the person everyone is looking at.

She didn't know whether it was happiness or sorrow, but suddenly felt that she wanted to find Qin Yizhi.

He said that he was working as an errand in Huayin Temple tonight, and he didn't know if he went out to touch him, if he could meet him!

The cups were intertwined, and the crowd greeted the wine, making the whole hall lively.

Gu Xiaowan only sullenly eats vegetables, or helps the empress dowager to prepare dishes and pour wine, otherwise she is silent, but she has a light temper. The empress dowager looks unusually happy.

She only knows that she is out of the business, where she knows that she is silent, but the focus tonight is all her!

Concubine Wang raised the wine cup in front of him, and raised it towards the emperor and the queen: "The emperor, the empress empress, tonight, with this wine, the concubine will offer a drink to the emperor and the empress!"

Shu Tianci naturally raised the wine glass, and Empress Leng raised the tea cup in front of him. When Wang Guifei saw this, she was a little puzzled: "Does the empress look down on her concubines? Did she only drink tea?"

Empress Leng is pregnant now, so naturally she can only drink water, but Shu Tianci sympathizes with the fetus in her abdomen. She is afraid of other accidents, so she naturally did not inform the world, and it can be regarded as a kind of protection for Empress Leng.

Now that Concubine Wang is acting provocatively, Shu Tianci smiled and said: "The queen has been unwell recently and can only drink water!"

When Wang Guifei saw this, she could only give up, but she secretly raised her eyes while drinking, only to see that Empress Leng was so plain and elegant today, which formed a strong contrast with her appearance in costume.

She didn't apply powder on her face. She looked very pale under the shining of the huge Ye Mingzhu. She looked haggard. Concubine Wang was puzzled. Could it be that the empress is really sick?

Why didn't I get any news!

However, if the queen is sick, it will naturally be better for her!

Concubine Wang concealed her smile and looked at the Queen Mother and Gu Xiaowan beside her: "The courtier respects the Queen Mother."

The queen mother naturally picked up the wine glass in front of her and took a sip. Gu Xiaowan didn't know how to drink. A palace lady had already poured fruit wine, and Gu Xiaowan could only take a sip.

The queen mother didn’t drink, and Wang Guifei didn’t dare to say anything, but Gu Xiaowan wouldn’t drink it?

"Does Anping Princess dislike the wine in this palace? It's only a little bit, or dislike this palace?" Wang Guifei played with the drink in her hand, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and a pair of narrow eyes. The painting grows obliquely into the temple, giving birth to a sense of seduction.

Before Gu Xiaowan spoke, she heard Wang Guifei say to herself: "Now that the princess has a high position and is loved by the emperor and empress dowagers, the princess is not proud of my favor, and dislikes the wine made by my concubine. Do you dismiss it?"

This Wang Guifei now made it clear that it was Chi Guoguo's provocation!

When Tan Yushu saw this, he just wanted to go back: "The Concubine Empress" When Gu Xiaowan heard the movement, she hurriedly looked at Tan Yushu and motioned her not to speak. Tan Yushu stared at her, looking at Concubine Wang, her face full of anger, but she could only shut her mouth.

Concubine Wang also heard the movement and turned to Tan Yushu: "Why, does Huguo Princess also think this palace is right?"

Tan Yushu gritted his teeth bitterly and slandered to himself: To you a big-headed ghost!

Gu Xiaowan looked at Concubine Wang’s provocation with fruity, and saw the look cast by Empress Empress and Princess Lihua, she hurriedly smiled at them and said that she was fine.

"The imperial concubine was joking, the wine in this palace is naturally delicious!" Gu Xiaowan lightly opened her lips, she dressed up tonight, and she was so beautiful between Gu and Pan. The ingenious smile made Wang Guifei even I feel surprised.

I just feel that the woman in front of me is no worse than the Princess Mingdu, on the contrary

Such an appearance, I am afraid that if you stand with the Mingdu Princess, you will compare the Mingdu Princess!

She only remembered one word in her mind, she was beautiful and unparalleled in the world.

Wushuang, Wushuang

Princess Mingdu is in front of her

Concubine Wang Gui hurriedly looked down, and saw that the Su family family was sitting on their seats, and there was a blue-clothed person who cast her eyes from time to time, full of affection.

Su Ziyue, now looking at Gu Xiaowan, his eyes are affectionate, no one can tell!

And at this moment, Princess Mingdu is not here, if it is her

Concubine Wang suddenly understood in her heart that this Princess Mingdu admired Su Ziyue so much. Now if she looks at other people with such admiration, she is afraid.

Why didn't it succeed last time?

The princess Mingdu, who was still exhausted, was imprisoned for three months, and he didn't know when he would be exhausted!

Concubine Wang's heart turned a thousand times, but she didn't notice it at all. Shu Tianci looked at her directly!

Gu Xiaowan picked up the flask in front of him, poured a glass of wine for the empress dowager respectfully, and said with a smile: "Xiaowan doesn't have a good amount of alcohol. Now sitting next to the empress dowager, she feels even more frightened and horrified. The amount of alcohol will become worse! If it is too much! After drinking it, I am afraid I will get drunk, Xiao Wan still has to serve the empress dowager, so she naturally wants to remain sober!"

After she finished speaking, she used the queen mother’s chopsticks to hold a piece of dessert, handed it to the mouth of the queen mother, and said: “Queen mother, this lotus leaf tofu is refreshing, you can taste it”

Then in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the queen mother actually took the hand of the queen mother and ate it.

There was a loving smile on his face: "It's really good! It's really hard for you. If you don't want to drink, don't drink it. You are the favorite of the Aijia, so naturally you can say no to anyone!"

"What the Queen Mother said!"

She smiled sweetly, and the empress dowager on the side of the teasing also held her hand without letting go.

The people in the hall were all dumbfounded when they saw this.

When did Gu Xiaowan have such a good relationship with the empress dowager?

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