The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1926: Princess Anping

Now, Gu Xiaowan is offended, and even the prince has complained against him, what can we do!

Hao Ying was also panicked for a while, only when it was Prince Ming who wanted to give her a message. Thinking of what his mother had said to her, she regretted that she shouldn't say it in this hall, but it was also a little strange. What she said , Without mentioning a word of Princess Mingdu, what would the prince bring her?

Hao Ying's voice trembled: "What words does the prince Wang want to bring to the courtier?"

"The prince said, after he listened to Madam Wang, he was grateful for Madam Wang’s loss of her son, and he also cared about Madam Wang’s affairs, and he was determined to find the murderer of the young son for Madam Wang and replace Madam Wang. Revenge!" said the minion.

Found the murderer of the little boy?

This is what the prince said?

Concubine Wang's face suddenly turned green!

What's wrong with Ming Wang?

Her fingernails painted with big red Danko almost pinched into the flesh. What does Prince Ming mean?

Hao Ying's face is extremely ugly, find the murderer? Princess Mingdu is the murderer!

However, Wang Yin had already squeezed her bright wrist at this moment, with a little force in her hand, she already felt the heart-wrenching pain!

Wang Yin was warning her that if she spoke again, she was afraid that her hand would pinch her neck.

Hao Ying's shock just disappeared in an instant, and she tried to squeeze a hint of surprise on her face: "Thank you, the minister!"

His daughter is a murderer, and he still says he will help her find a murderer. What does this mean!

And the little father-in-law said this, and bowed to Gu Xiaowan: "Princess Anping, the prince will also let the slave bring you a word!"

what? Still have to bring words to yourself?

Gu Xiaowan thought of the hostility of Princess Mingdu towards her, and that Prince Ming was afraid that he also hated her own hatred. Now what nice things can be said in this hall!

I heard the little **** say: "The prince said, Anping princess can truly say what he loves in his heart, regardless of whether it is rich or poor, always the same, it is really an example of my Qing Dynasty women competing in learning. Special gift to the South China Sea ten night pearls, Five hundred taels of gold, one hundred pieces of cloth, and twenty sets of jewelry!"

When everyone heard this, their mouths couldn't close in surprise!

Prince Ming gave Gu Xiaowan a gift? She also said that she is a model of the Qing women competing in learning? Is this complimenting Gu Xiaowan?

Then I heard the little **** say: "The prince said, the reward will be sent to the princess' carriage outside the palace!"

Send it to the carriage, that means they can see it?

It also means that those things are real things and must not be fake?

Everyone felt that this prince Ming was mad by Gu Xiaowan.

First, I came to a restaurant and was squeezed by Jinfu Lou. Then I heard that the princess had been banned by the emperor for three months and fined two years of salary. No, there was no banquet this time. I was invited to participate, as if I heard that it was related to Gu Xiaowan’s going to prison!

Everyone was feeling that the Ming prince was very angry, and they were all speculating that the Anping princess was afraid that the future would be difficult!

Then I heard the empress dowager speak majesticly: "Stop talking about it, what about Anping princess, you don't need to say anything to the Aijia!"

Is this going to give the final qualitative matter to the Anping princess?

Everyone craned their necks, pricked their ears and looked at the hall, excitedly waiting for the words of the Queen Mother!

The queen mother took Gu Xiaowan's hand, and her eyes were filled with joy: "Xiaowan, you are a good boy, and the Aijia has lived so many years, who is good and who is not good? The Aijia sees clearly! Good boy , These days, I have been wronged!"

Gu Xiaowan felt very touched in her heart: "The empress dowager, Xiaowan doesn't work hard, and Xiaowan feels grateful for being missed by the queen mother!"

The empress dowager was very satisfied, and patted Gu Xiaowan's hand: "The Aijia really likes you!"

The empress on the side wiped her mouth with her veil, and she was full just now: "Mother, since you are so happy, how about accepting a righteous daughter? She also has a companion with Princess Lihua. Up!"

When the empress mother heard it, her face was full of smiles! And everyone just looked up at the emperor. Just now, the emperor clearly meant

"Mother, the queen's suggestion is really good. I also watched Xiao Wan happily, so she would accept her as a righteous sister if she didn't get too crisp, how about that?"


Fancy it, but not as a concubine, but as a sister?

Does the emperor simply like Anping Princess?

When the empress dowager smiled, she let the next Yizhi: "Pass on the decree of the Ai's family and announce it to the world. The Ai's family accepted Anping Princess as a righteous daughter, and she was named Princess Anping!"

Everyone was shocked, this

Gu Xiaowan is too

Not only everyone, but even Gu Xiaowan was a little stunned. The empress mother actually accepted her as a righteous daughter?

She was a little dazed, so she forgot to pay her thanks. The queen on the side looked at her dazedly and smiled: "Princess Anping, don't you hurry up to see the empress dowager?"

Tan Yushu was happy from ear to ear at this moment. Princess Lihua also stepped up to her position, pulling Gu Xiaowan and saying, "Xiaowan, are you still coming to thank your mother?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the princess Lihua, looked at the empress mother, looked at the emperor, and then looked at the kind eyed empress mother, she felt like she

It really seems to be dreaming!

She did not stay at all, and immediately knelt down: "Xiao Wan thanks the empress dowager."

"This is a righteous woman. You will be called the Queen Mother in the future, but you will be behind me with me!" Princess Lihua blinked mischievously and said, "This is the emperor brother, this is the emperor's wife!"

Concubine Wang's surprised nails really got stuck in the flesh this time!

The sharply trimmed nails were inserted into the flesh, and then they were cut off. The painful Concubine Wang grinned. But I had to sit tightly, dare not be the slightest strange!

Everyone only saw Gu Xiaowan kneeling on the ground, grateful to the emperor's grace, but many people couldn't respond!

This means that in the future, Gu Xiaowan will be the queen mother's righteous girl and the emperor's righteous sister?

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