The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1927: Congratulations

"Xiaowan sees the mother, sees the emperor brother, sees the emperor's wife!" Gu Xiaowan knelt and shouted again.

"Good, reward, rewarding!" The emperor Jinkou Yuya heard that he had rewarded countless things again.

Concubine Wang wanted to chew up the three words Gu Xiaowan on the spot, then drank and swallowed it!

Let her live forever and never exceed her life!

Many people sitting were stunned.

Su Qianyue didn't expect that Gu Xiaowan would suddenly become the righteous daughter of the empress dowager this time. She was shocked that her big teeth were about to fall off!

What is this woman's ability to turn from a peasant girl to a princess step by step?

This is incredible!

The upper part of the hall opened with joy, and the lower part was only a promise, how many people sat down at this banquet!

A shrill voice came from outside: "Returning to the emperor, the prince has just sent someone a message, saying congratulations to the empress dowager for having the righteous daughter, congratulations to the emperor to the righteous sister, and the prince has added another gift to the Princess Anping. Congratulations to Princess Anping on the rebirth of Nirvana!"

what? Add one more? How much is that increase?

I saw that the **** was holding the gift list in his hand and said on the spot: "Appreciate the 50 Nanhai Night Pearls of Princess Anping, two thousand taels of gold, five hundred pieces of cloth, and one hundred sets of jewelry!"

This prince Ming is really generous, but how do you think, how can you feel that there is something wrong with the mind of this prince Ming?

Thinking about this, I heard the **** say again: "The emperor, the regent also said that today there is an important matter, and I can't come to the banquet. I hope the emperor will forgive me!"


Is that the prince?

Is it the regent who never shows up, listens to politics behind the heavy curtain of beads, and assists the emperor?

Everyone became more surprised!

That's a very good appearance, the regent who has not even seen his true face, I heard that he is cold-hearted and cold-hearted, he is a cruel lord!

Is he here?

Came to the door, and went again?

Still giving Gu Xiaowan so many gifts?

The one who just said to find a murderer for Mrs. Wang is also the regent!

Hao Ying didn't expect this incident to shock the Prince Regent. After a brief astonishment, it was a kind of fear!

If the regent did find out about Lord Ming, would he break or continue?

If Prince Ming is offended because of this incident, what will he do with Wang Mansion and Hao Mansion?

What happened tonight will soon reach Lord Ming’s ears. What can we do? Hao Yingwuzhu even looked at Wang Yin with horrified eyes, and saw that Wang Yin's face was dark, staring at that inch of the ground, hanging his head, unable to see his appearance. However, when he felt someone staring at him, Wang Yin raised his head and looked at Hao Ying. The fierceness in his eyes made Hao Ying just feel like suddenly Fell into the ice cave.

Concubine Wang also understood at this moment that the Prince Regent wanted to find a murderer for Hao Ying?

That cruel, cold-hearted, but ingenious regent, who is going to find a murderer for her?

Concubine Wang was so scared that she couldn't even sit still. She only felt cold in her hands and feet, as if she had been frozen by ice!

The Prince Regent’s methods are brilliant, and it will definitely not take long to find the man behind the scenes!

Hao Ying

Concubine Wang's eyes fiercely looked at Hao Ying below the hall, wishing to crush her!

Gu Xiaowan was also a little curious when she heard that everything was sent by the regent!

The regent who is quite secret among the population, he almost appeared just now?

Everyone looked at the entrance of the temple curiously, wherever they could see it, only the palace lantern at the bottom of the cloister was left to illuminate the temple.

Gu Xiaowan drank two sips of fruit wine, and now her complexion was a little red.

She is very happy now, and now this news really wants to tell Qin Yizhi! He said that he can see himself, does it mean that he now knows that he has been adopted as a righteous daughter by the Queen Mother?

She looked outside, her eyes were blurred because she had drunk, but she didn't know that it made someone's heart sink again and again!

At the end of the banquet, it was so beautiful that Gu Xiaowan would be the only one.

When she left the palace gate, she saw her carriage followed by more than a dozen carriages. The boxes on the carriage were stacked one after another, including the queen mother, the queen, the princess Lihua, and the mysterious lord. Sent!

The mighty and mighty, so beautiful, those who want to go back, seeing Gu's carriage walking slowly, who dares to go ahead, can only follow obediently.

The story of Princess Anping being adopted as the adopted daughter by the Queen Mother spread throughout the Qing Dynasty the next day.

The empress dowager, the emperor, the queen, the regent, and the princess Lihua have all rewarded a lot of things. How dare those high-ranking officials not give it away?

Ever since, early in the morning of the second day, this gift-giver was endless again!

Straightforwardly compared the gift a few days ago.

Seeing the endless stream of carriages and boxes at the gate of Qingyuan, everyone sighed with emotion: This Princess Anping is probably the richest person in Beijing.

Watching that box after box of things move to the house, not to mention the contents of the box, just look at the boxes of yellow rosewood used for the things. There are hundreds of them. They are also very valuable. what!

In the past few days, Gu Xiaowan has received three or four warehouse items, and those items were sent to the Qingyuan as if they were free of money. Gu Xiaowan also refused to come!

Anyway, the emperor and queen dowager both spoke up and asked her to accept it!

Now that Gu Xiaowan has been named Princess Anping and adopted as a righteous daughter by the empress dowager, the entire Qingyuan seems to be lively!

Those family ladies who looked at her unpleasantly on weekdays also licked their faces to congratulate her. Gu Xiaowan also followed them. After three days of socializing, it was time to release the list!

The more Gu Ning'an got to the list, the more nervous he became. When he walked, his whole body was tightly stretched, like an arrow that might be shot at any time!

When Gu Xiaowan saw his nervous look, her heart felt very painful!

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