The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1928: The focus before release

"Ning'an, don't worry, if we don't pass the exam this time, and next time, my brother is so smart and works so hard, he will definitely pass the exam! Sister believes you!" Gu Xiaowan will always be the gentle and kind elder sister When brothers and sisters encounter difficulties, they always comfort and encourage them.

Gu Ning'an only felt a warm current flowing in his heart. Faced with the anxiety and anxiety caused by the upcoming release of the rankings these few days, he was slightly relieved at this moment. He looked at Gu Xiaowan, whose eyebrows were now exquisite and sighing. , Said softly: "Sister, I am not nervous, I am not nervous!"

Gu Ning'an said something that was not nervous, but his eyebrows were tight, and it seemed that he could pick up a word of Sichuan.

In this way, Gu Xiaowan stretched out her hand to touch his brows, and said distressedly: "Okay, don't be nervous, then relax, don’t clamp your brows anymore, this didn’t get me back. When my younger siblings come, they are old, but I can't find a good-looking wife!

Gu Xiaowan’s joking made Gu Ning’an finally laugh: "Sister"

"You are fifteen this year, and sixteen after the new year. Although I think you are still young, others don't think so, and have you found Xiao Yi?" Gu Xiaowan suddenly lowered her voice and got to Gu Ning. Next to Ann, quietly said: "She has been walking very close to that Young Master Shen recently!"

"I reminded Xiao Yi!" Gu Ning'an said here and smiled: "I am afraid that the entire Qingyuan people can see what Young Master Shen meant, but Xiao Yi is still ignorant! I reminded her, But I also think she doesn't even notice it!"

"She's still young, so she's not in a hurry, so let Young Master Shen chase after her first!" Gu Xiaowan smiled.

"Chasing? Chasing what?" Gu Ningan asked curiously, blinking at Gu Xiaowan.

Only then did Gu Xiaowan realize that he had said the words that a man chased a woman in his previous life, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Just chasing, Xiao Yi and Shen Gongzi are running constantly. He wants to catch him Only after chasing, two people can hold hands and run together!"

Gu Ning'an lowered his head to meditate for a while, only then showed a smile and understood.

However, my sister's analogy is probably the most straightforward explanation for getting married!

"My sister's biggest wish in this life is to see that you can find someone who loves you in your heart and can be happy for a lifetime, so your sister will be content!" Gu Xiaowan sighed.

Sister, isn't your happiness the thing we care about most?

Gu Ning'an sighed in his heart, thinking that his sister would fight for this family and for them, relying on her hands little by little, and relying on her feet, step by step, step by step to where she is now!

If they are ordinary people, they should be satisfied after they have money and food and will not go hungry and cold!

However, my sister proved to them with practical actions that a woman can go further with her own efforts!

I don’t know why, it’s going to be released tomorrow. His heart has always been very nervous, but after talking to his sister at the moment, the tension has dissipated a lot. He watched Gu Xiaowan’s beautiful back disappear into the courtyard. Gu Ningan turned around and returned to the study.

Sister, you are wrong. I really want to be admitted. I can't wait for the next year. I also want to become stronger and protect you and my younger siblings so that you can be under my wings and fear nothing!

Gu Ning'an walked to the desk, and there was no sadness for a moment, and his expression returned to his usual.

On the second day, it’s the day to be released! Gu Ning'an did not go out, and Gu Xiaowan was afraid that Gu Ning'an would be sad when he did not pass the exam, so no one put the matter on the surface!

Early in the morning, Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi nervously followed Gu Xiaowan, excited and nervous, and didn't know what was going on!

Gu Xiaowan sent Kou Hai out to see him early, and he did not come back at the moment, nor did he hear the firecrackers outside.

It seems that this list has not been released yet!

Seeing Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Fangxi who were behind him like a stubborn, Gu Xiaowan sneered: "Aunt, Xiaoyi, don't be nervous, I believe that Ning An will be admitted this time!"

She wouldn't say this to Gu Ning'an. After all, if he didn't pass the exam, Gu Ning'an would be even more sad by then, and it would make him think that he didn't pass the exam and let him down!

But with these two people, I can talk about it!

Gu Fangxi nodded excitedly: "Well, I must be admitted, I must be admitted!"

Gu Xiaoyi also rubbed her hands nervously and said: "Sister, I'm still so nervous, even if I know that my brother can pass the exam, I'm still nervous!"

Yes, no one can relax until the list is released or the name is seen.

Why isn't Gu Xiaowan nervous?

She was persuading Gu Ning'an to say that it didn't matter if she didn't pass the exam, she could come again next year!

However, the exam does not mean that you will be able to pass the exam after two more exams. On the contrary, if some people with poor psychological quality see that they have not passed the general exam, their spirit will collapse. !

Gu Xiaowan took Gu Ning'an's nervousness and expression of nonchalance into her heart. Gu Ning'an was not such a person who could not bear the blow, but Gu Xiaowan still wanted to see that Ning'an was admitted once!

Even waiting so impatiently, Gu Xiaowan went to practice calligraphy.

Gu Xiaoyi took the things she wanted to embroider into Gu Xiaowan's room, embroidered the veil, and Gu Fangxi also sat down and began to wind up.

No one in the room spoke, everyone was extremely quiet, and even the sound of breathing could be heard.

The room is quiet and quiet, and Gu Ning'an's room is also quiet!

Gu Ning'an was holding the book at this moment, leaning in the armchair, and reading the book seriously, his expression calm, it seemed that the things put on the list today had nothing to do with him!

It's just that the squeezed books are a little deformed, and the finger bones are a little white, but it reveals his tension at the moment.

After Gu Xiaowan finished practicing two pages, she finally heard a little movement.

Ahmad shouted: "Girl, Kou Hai is back!"

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